Start (2)

"Damn it..."

Those were my first words when I realized I had entered the game.

"Then now, what to do? I already went in and played this damn game."

There was only emptiness around me, but something was white as if it were a screen. But I'm not sure that's the entrance to that game world. I'm sure there's another way besides forcing myself to break through the screen. There must be; there is another way.

(Welcome to the world of EVO, Traveler!)

A female voice appeared around me, similar to a woman using autotune. The voice muttered non-stop. I was very sure it had reached the end of this void space.

After it disappeared—I'm sure it had reached the end of the void space—I opened my mouth.

"Huh? Who are you?"

(Traveler, I will guide you through creating your character. Please choose your world!)

"Huh? My world?"

I realized I'm not wearing clothes right now. I was naked without a single cloth on my body. I can even see my thing. Even so, somehow, it felt comfortable.

(Please choose your world!)

It seems to be the sound of the game system. She repeated the exact words. What if I ignore it? That is interesting.

I completely ignored it and chose to pay attention to every detail of my naked body.

"Um… my body is perfect. Well, that's probably because I often went to the gym with them."

My body has muscle but not too much. The muscles in my right arm are well trained because I was part of an esports team. My stomach is quite strong. I often punch myself in the stomach to try that endurance. My calves are pretty well maintained, maybe because I often go up and down the stairs of my office when the elevator breaks down. But sadly, my face is not muscular. That's very unfortunate.

(Oy, idiot, hurry up and choose your world! You've been inhabiting me for 30 minutes! Are you crazy? Even if I'm just Ai, I don't like it!)

Geez, someone's angry. She was angry that I was silent. Should I be silent again? Well, I can still be quiet for an hour here. Wait a moment! Doesn't that mean I'm wasting my time?

Realizing that, wasting time, I immediately chose the world.

(Choice accepted. Traveler, are you sure you choose Fantasy world?)

I chose Fantasy World because I wanted to experience something new. All this time, I've been wondering, what does an otaku feel when they watch fantasy-themed anime, what is the pleasure of living in that world... and what is magic? These questions are always in my mind when I see an otaku.

Well, it doesn't matter if I choose the Modern world. I'm also curious about that world. What will develop from now on? Will it be an advantage, or will it even annihilate the world? So far, like robots that work to replace humans, increasingly advanced technology, and transportation that is more practical and easy to reach, does it exist in the future? I look forward to them when I'm still alive. But at least the Modern world on this game can show them to me. At least it can. Therefore, I can choose the Modern world for that reason.

Well, still, I chose Fantasy world. After all, I was more curious about what was in that world. I'd instead meet an elf than a sex robot.

(Please choose your job!)

There are four options, and one says "Will be available" on the big screen in front of me. It seems there are jobs available in the Fantasy world. I thought if I chose the Modern world, the jobs displayed on the big screen would be different. In a different world, then the available jobs will also be different, I think so.

The four choices are Warrior, Mage, Archer, and Assassin. The Warrior job attaches importance to a strong body. That is the role of the Tank. The Mage job emphasizes explosive power, but there is an option to become a Healer. The Archer job used a bow. It was a ranger type who was selfish for fighting at a distance. And the Assassin job, I think it's a job that shouldn't exist. The Assassin job is unimportant because it has great attack power but poor defense. So, that job shouldn't be there.

Honestly, I want to choose the job of Archer. That's good because I'm a former professional player on an FPS-type game. The shooting was easy for me, even though I was a lousy aimer and always depended on my teammates and my ace. So... But maybe because I said something terrible to that job, Assassin, I'll choose that as my apology to the creator of that job.

Sorry, I won't repeat that. That's my bad. I will choose the job as an apology from me. Damn it.

In addition, in the information displayed on the big screen, all jobs are free to choose the weapon to be used. That means, if I'm right, it depends on the skills you'll have. Also, I'm not sure your job skills will likely be acquired through various things. There must be some skills that the developer has assigned to the job you choose. Standard skills are present in your character, whether active or passive.

At least, I've read the description. So, I already understand the job I chose. I'll have to confirm that again when I get into the game world. Moreover, if it means being allowed to use any weapon, then I should be able to utilize that with the skills I have later. But what about the Archer job? I don't think it has weapons other than a bow and arrow.

Considering it's the Fantasy world, I don't have high hopes for the Archer job. After all, I'm not sure there were pistols, assault rifles... or sniper rifles.

(Option accepted. Are you sure you chose this?)


(Alright. I'll guide you and explain how the job is used. First of all...)

She explained the basics of the Assassin job. What is very important from her explanation is the Assassin is not very strong when fighting head-to-head. The Assassin job had good damage, but sadly, it had lower HP than Warrior and Archer. So, you can't fight head-to-head, even if you are a strong human. The only option you have is that you fight in silence. It fits perfectly with that job, "Assassin".

(Happy to adventures, Traveler. Help your world to victory!)

After she said, the whole room turned white. I felt as if the big screen was sucking me in. When I still close my eyes because my eyes are not robust when seeing a too bright light, I can hear all kinds of sounds around me.


I opened my eyes and saw many people around me. They walk around and interact, and I'm not happy with that.

I have a good idea because this is "just a game".

I took a deep breath, held all the air in my mouth, then...

"FU*K YOU!!!!!!!!!!"

All eyes were on me. They looked at me because I was screaming. They were surprised by my screams.

"What the hell is that!? What the hell..."

"What's with the new player?"

"Has he gone mad?"

"Why did he scream?"

"He must be a toxic player. Why is there always that type of player anyway?"

Okay, I'm too flashy to start the game. At least they are aware of my appearance here. They finally realized there was a new player who had been waiting for this game for two weeks, at least like that.

So now, what should I do? I'm confused about what to do and where to start.