As an Adventurer

After I read about how to use active skills, I understood it. First, I am required to practice what triggers the skills I will use. If it's true, it will be able to use, but if I can't correctly trigger the skill, it can't be used.

I've tried it, and it turned out to be easy. I need to remember what triggers it, such as movement, stance gesture, and the exact position I stand or other positions.

I tried the skills available in the job given by the developer on this job. For other skills, I have to acquire them in various ways, and it includes with what weapon I use. It can't be used if it's different from the weapon I'm using. So, the skill I might get must match the weapon I use. That way, I can use it.

The basic skills, which already exist in the Assassin job, can be used with various weapons. Also, even if I'm without weapons, with only my hands, they can still be used on my character.

I've also read how passive skills are used. It is straightforward and will automatically be used when there is a trigger. I just an example of the Inner Eye skill. My Inner Eye skill would activate if I were in a dark room without the slightest bit of light. It will automatically activate and end when I am in an area where my eyes can see well.

There are only two types of skills, namely active skills and passive skills. You have to acquire the two types of skills through various things. The easiest, according to the description described in the Skill Menu, it's obtained through Quests, be it daily quests or quests from an NPC (Non-Player Character), and if you're lucky, you can get it through the loot. If you kill a monster, it will drop some items and gold. As I said before, if you're lucky, one of your loot will get a skill. Even if it's not 100%, only 1%, you can still get it. Well, that's if you're "lucky".

I already understand the system of skill in the game, at least like that. What I need right now is... Honestly, I need armor that is strong but doesn't burden my character's body, weapons light to hold, accessories to increase my character's status—of course, they must also be light—and playmates.

The game is too real, to be honest. What I saw was the real thing. It could even touch. Every street, face, outfit, and NPC, it's all felt natural to me. I think this isn't a game, but it's real life. At first, I thought this was real life, but when I realized I had powers, I didn't think like that anymore and assumed all this is what the EVO game gives players.

The game is very different from the games I've played before. It's an MMORPG—no, it's a VRMMORPG—so it feels different to me. It feels like I discovered something new that was way more than my expectations.

The NPCs in this world could even interact like players. They didn't even look like an NPC. I even chatted with one of the NPCs and thought she was a player. It's very similar, and they can interact with us like players.

OK, I'll give you an example. I will approach one of the NPCs there. Observe!

"Good afternoon."

"Good morning, Traveler."

See? She responded to me when I spoke to her. She even corrected my incorrect greeting. She knew it was morning, so I couldn't lie to her by saying, "good afternoon".

"Can I help you?"

She asked because I was silent.

Okay, retake a good look!

I left her without a single word. When I was far away, I turned to her and saw she had a different face, looking gloomy and annoyed.

"What the hell with that person? Come to me and leave me just like that."

She was annoyed I left her without responding to her words. It shows that she has emotions. She was an NPC but could play her emotions well like a real-life human.

I'll give another example to one of the NPCs who are hoeing.

I stood before him, and he responded by looking at me. After that, I raised one finger to my chest level. I pointed my middle finger at him.

"F*ck you!"

He responded by finishing his job. Then, he threw his shoe at me.

"F*ck… Aren't you while I can work here? You want to duel with me, man!?"

He already hated me, so I ran away before he killed me.

Yeah, that's the NPC details given by the game. So detailed, so I had time to assume this is real life.


I felt tired, and I realized my character was using stamina.

When I open the Main Menu to check how to increase my character's stamina, I get a message.

I opened it and found I got an Achievement. It was a strange Achievement, as I managed to anger 10 NPCs.

"Good grief..."

It looks like I shouldn't be doing it anymore for now. My relationship with some of the game's NPCs would end if I angered them. It could be fatal if I angered them again. That can't happen.

"Let's see."

Stamina is needed in this game. Without stamina, my character wouldn't be able to move, and I could feel exhausted. To increase stamina, there are several things I can do, such as exercising, often fighting, lifting heavy weights... and others. Fortunately, the way to get stamina is straightforward. I must increase my character's stamina, so I don't get tired quickly.

"Oh, I have an idea."

I saw something sticking out there. It looks rock, but to me, it does not rock. I know what it is.

I walked up to it because I had an idea to increase my character's stamina. After picking up one short stick, I hit it lightly when I got there. After that, it chased after me. I ran very fast to get away from it who was angry.

The one I hit with the short stick was a farmer who had a bald head. He's an NPC, and I'm pretty sure. Since I believe he is an NPC, I think he should chase me, so I can run fast to get away from him. Of course, it's all to increase my stamina.

"Wait a moment! In that case, I've angered 11 NPCs. Wait a moment! Umm..."

Even so, I managed to increase my character's stamina. It was all thanks to me being chased by him. It's a way of jogging, so you never stop running. Besides being able to be used on humans, you can also use it on dogs to make them chase you. Of course, your jog won't stop until you've managed to escape or hide from them.

This is what is called an "excellent game".

After knowing them, I returned to the starting city, where I first respawned. The city was two villages away from where I was now. I had unconsciously been here, a place surrounded by many rice fields. In this place, I learned much, including how to play with the feelings of an NPC. Fortunately, this place is very rarely visited by players. There are only five players who appear to be here, and that includes me. I could notice the four of them were players, and it was because they were different from the NPCs here. For that, I can confirm that there are only five players in this place, including me.

To know if the person is a player or not it isn't very easy. I've read the description about how to know if it's a player or not. The way to know if he is a player or not is that you have to befriend him. After that, you can see his name on the top of his head. His name will appear at the top of his head, and it will be white. But if you're not friends with him yet, his name isn't at the top of his head.

You might think he's an NPC, but he's a player, and so on. That's why to tell if he's an NPC or a player, you have to befriend him. Well, if you're good at guessing, it can help you.

The second way is that if you're at the same party, you'll know he's a player. His name will appear above his head, and it's blue. The third way is you join his guild. You can see his name above his head, and it's dark green. The fourth way is that you killed him. You can see his name above his head, he can also see your name above your head, and it's red.

So far, this game... I'm pretty satisfied with the details provided. For that, I will not stop playing for a while. So when I arrive in the city, I'll probably try enrolling in the Adventurer's Guild and take one easy quest. At least I have compiled what I have to do for today.

There is still time. I have time four hours before I go to bed, so I'll try to pick up and complete one quest first. Also, this outfit is too bad. I hate having to wear light brown clothes. It looks like tiramisu.