New Job (2)

This takes time, even up to 30 minutes. I had to be interviewed before I got hired as a coach for the old man's son, and it was done in this living room.

The old man, whose name was Mr. Herman, interviewed me and asked me why I was working here. Of course, I answered honestly. But somehow, Mr. Herman thought I was a former lightweight boxer. I've never been that way, I've never even fought in the ring. It's weird.

But in the end, I found out why he considered my previous profession to be a lightweight boxer. That's because my curriculum vitae is written very clearly that I am a Boxer.

Honestly, it wasn't me who made it. I never gave or told that I was a boxer. That is a lie. I am a former professional player of the Mobile Heroes game, not a former boxer. Sinta still has ruined my life history. She sucks, just like her dad.

That was a problem for me. Because after all, I am neither a boxer nor a former boxer. But now, I have a bigger problem than that.