
I managed to find it, after I circled on this 2nd floor, trapped because the house was so big, and it was quite time-consuming. This house is too big, so naturally, I got lost for some time. Yeah, that's only natural, right?

Leaving that aside, I had managed to knock on his room door 2 times. He responded and opened the door quickly, very different from his father opening the gate for me. He looked at me, though still a little shy; maybe because I was a stranger to him.

"Hello. I'm Daylon Kenzo, your new coach. Nice to meet you."

"H-Hello… Mr. Kenzo."

"Don't be so formal, just call me Daylon."

"Okay. My name is Andre Sarasvati, you can also call me Andre."

"Thank you, Andre."

"Please come in, Mr. Daylon."

It seems he is still shy even though I said not to be too formal with me.

I went into his room, and I was surprised to know that his room was bigger than my family's house.
