About Me, You, She, and Them (4)

Three days before the playoffs of the Indonesian N1 tournament.

I'm here, on the veranda of Mr. Herman's house, enjoying the night breeze with cigarette smoke coming out of my mouth, and I'm not extinct—because I'm not a dinosaur.

Ever since the day, Livia said that she has been constantly dwelling on me. She looks like she deliberately silenced me, even looks like she doesn't know me. She also played the game and was there when I coached Andre, but she didn't hear anything I said to her, just took everything I said.

With her like that, I don't focus on teaching Andre about various strategies in the Mobile Heroes game.

She is childish.

I understand that she doesn't want that to me, but I have no idea why she cares about me. I was just a stranger to her, a coach assigned to teach her brother, not her closest friend or relative. So she shouldn't have to respond like that, shut me up, and act childish.