About Me, You, She, and Them (5)

Two days before the playoffs of the N2 Indonesia tournament!

Even I can predict what will happen next, but why am I still hesitating like this? If they weren't there, I wouldn't be like this, hesitating to decide whether to accept the offer or reject it.

My passion is still to play that game as a professional player, but my thoughts are on where Livia is preventing me from going there. It feels like I'm in the middle of a bridge under which there are hundreds of crocodiles, going forward or backward is both the best choice than having to fall.

Sometimes I get very frustrated and disillusioned by the rules that other people seem to set for me. I'm kind of trapped in those rules, and keep trying to get out of there. This frustration, which other people seem to impose on me because they make their own rules, I suffer.