Who Let The Zombies Out 14

888 groaned as he opened his eyes. He had a pounding headache but he ignored the ache as he adjusted his glasses on his face and looked around. He was still in the empty room in the abandoned building but... Where was his host?

"He Yuan?" There was no answer and the building was silent. Eerily silent which was strange because there were zombies wandering about when his host came into the building.

"He Yuan?" 888 called out again and when no one answered, dread began to pool on his stomach. He tried to dematerialize but it didn't work, his soul body was still firm.

888 placed a hand on his chest as he stumbled out of the room. Du Ling's soul thread had been directly attached to him so at least something went right. Now where was He Yuan?

"He Yuan?!" He called out as he walked around the abandoned building, banging open every door he encountered. No sign of his host.