Who Let The Zombies Out 15

"...Some of them went after him but he still managed to escape," Lu Ming was saying as he walked down the stairs behind Du Jian.

Du Jian only hummed. He was quite disappointed that Du Ling had escaped but he wasn't worried. That brother of his was on his way to becoming a full fledged zombie and would still end up dead sooner or later.

"There's nothing to worry about. His consciousness would be wiped out in three days." Du Jian said to Lu Ming. "He-" He suddenly stopped speaking when he reached the third to the last step and locked eyes with what was probably the most beautiful pair of eyes he'd ever seen.

The narrow hallway had low lighting but that did nothing to diminish the glimmer in those cerulean blue orbs. Du Jian took a proper look and realized the owner of the amazing eyes was a man.