The Mysterious

2 months passed by in the blink of an eye. Presently, I was taking a bath. My stamina has remarkably improved in the past days, there isn't any muscle definition tho. And I don't wanna get bulky either, I prefer compressed muscles with high explosive power.

After freshening, I dried myself with a cloth and put on my clothes, Which were just a Brown T-shirt and black pants. I grabbed my wooden sword from the earth and headed toward my house. After arriving at my destination, I began to swing my sword in all sorts of directions.

I used to go to a Dojo since combat was the sole element I found joy from. Ah, well fuck that. I need to focus. I'm glad that I used to go to the gym, or I would've not even known what exercises I needed for specific muscles.





"...O-one...hun..dered", My body crashed to the ground. Performing a plank for 100 seconds was no joke. My breathing was heavy, But I didn't drink an ounce of water from the bamboo bottle beside me. I once heard that you're only supposed to drink after your breathing stabilizes...Hope it's genuine, or I'm basically making a fool out of myself.

*Gulp* [x3]

"Ha~...Nothing tastes better than water after working out", I raised my palm infront of my face, gazing at it, I chortled at the callus all over my ghostly pale skin. Speaking of that, everyone here has pale skin...I wonder why? And the most absurd thing is that Black-coloured hair was like water in a desert here, some get it, and some don't.

While colours like Pink, Green, Blond...etc were like rcoks, It's everywhere...I don't know if that's only in Rust wood or if the whole kingdom is like that. Sighing, I got up and resumed my hellish know what, It's not that hellish since it delivers results. It's just High fatigue-High reward.

'Hmm?', I halted in my tracks. A figure, equivalent to a human, stood faraway. I could only see a shadow, and before I could bring a step forward, The figure faded...Like it was never there in the first place. I shook my head and continued. It's just assumably some Pedo that has eyes on me.

They would only have more interest in me if I provide a reaction to them. While vice versa could also be a risk, It wasn't as high as the former...if the guy wasn't some sadist that is. I can only hope that he would just ignore me...Why am I so certain it's a 'he' tho? Whatever, I jerked my head, dispelling those thoughts.

I still wonder what happened to that woman. She just disappeared after giving me a sword...What were her motives? drawing some kind of fondness towards her? Sigh, I really need to chill out my mind. As I was about to continue, my body stiffened after hearing a howl.

"Oh c'mon! Wolfs? In the morning? Are you freaking kidding me?", I rolled my eyes. First, it was the hostile deers, now Wolfs howling at sunrise...did the chickens leave their responsibility to them? Sighing in frustration, I entered my house and locked the door. Forcing me to train in this room which barely had any space, and it felt like 45° inside.

'10 more months...Wish I had atleast another year to prepare, I still need to get used to this body', I knew how to fight, since I learned Karate along with various other types of combat, how could I not tho? It was my passion as I said earlier. There was something about close combat that absolutely ignited my whole being. I could feel my blood pumping visualizing the numerous scenarios where I would annihilate those Knights.

I snapped back to reality. Feeling extremely weak, I lay down on the carpet with a pillow made out of cotton supporting my head. 'Who was that?', I pondered, remembering the shadowy figure, 'Definitely not a Knight, since they don't even have time for themselves. Let alone watch a kid who resides in the middle of a forest'.

I wanted to stay conscious, but darkness took over my vision.