A job is...necessary

Another month passed by, I haven't made any exceptional progress in comparison to the prior 2 months. Hunting down a deer, I was presently grilling it. starting a fire was quite the challenge.

Speaking of that, I forgot to mention that I have zero sources of light in my house, at night, it's like staring into the abyss. Since moonlight can't bypass the roof. I wonder who built this house, according to 'my' memory, I just stumbled on this last year, when I was 6 years old.

Ah Whatever, not like it matters anyway, I'm getting a place to stay for free, It's more than acceptable. Munching on the grilled meat which didn't have any seasonings, I released a sigh. What do the youths in this world do at my age? I thought, taking another bite. I assume they would be tutored by their family members? or they might be just living like any other kid.

Based on my current set of information, there are no Academies here. I'm not so startled since not many youngsters want to become Knights or Wizards...Since it involves the risk of one's own life. And being an orphan is rarer...atleast in Rust Wood, since the war ended like 10 years ago. and our village was constructed after that, only families with an average amount of wealth moved in here, mostly couples, as a matter of fact.

Leading to the current setting where only a handful of orphans exist. that too because their parents abandoned them, not that they perished. My situation was a little...unique, since people said I popped in the middle of the village out of nowhere. That's kinda unrealistic tho, mine should also have abandoned me. It's better this way, since I would never be able to recognize another mother beside my original.

Ah yes, about the war. I don't know much, only heard rumors when drunk people spoke of the tales of the Knights, they said that It was between the Wizards and Knights, it started from contest, then to war. That's basically all I know. Maybe they thought magic was dominant? Or the Knights thought close combat was more thrilling? No way for me to know now.

Speaking of which, Do I even know the way of the Knights? Sure, they would even acknowledge me, an orphan, If shown enough potential. Hypothetically, there might not even be more than 30 participants, considering the fact that Rust Wood is low in population, and families willing to let their child go on a dangerous path is quite low aswell.

'I need some income if I need to buy a wooden sword. I should look if there's any job for me in the village'. Deciding on what to do, I stood up after gulping a mouthful of water from my bamboo bottle. I made my way toward the village after filling up the bottle with water.





After entering the village, I tried to plead several people asking for a job. Finally, after an hour of pleading, A person agreed. Offering me 2 copper coins if I carry and deliver 10 sacks of rice...roughly 100 Meters distance from the current location to the destination. 2 copper didn't seem enough, but I had to sallow my bitterness. Since no one else was willing to give me a job. there were nearly 40 sacks of rice.

I'm surprised that there is this much food supply in this small village.

Logically speaking there was no way that these commoners would have the sufficient amount of wealth to gather this much food. There might be a backing of someone in the shadows, A noble maybe? He could've established a deal with the people. For example, Like 'Ignore every dreadful deed I do and in exchange I will supply food'...but that's too absurd. No noble would care for people like us.

I wasn't able to mull over more as the roaring voice of a black-haired man clasped me back to reality. "Hey! You lot! Are ya' gonna jus' sit all day or what!?... If you don't move I might as well find someone else", I hastily nodded at him before moving forwards as I carry the sack of rice. This sure is heavy. I wonder if they're escorting gold or some other shit. But I wasn't going to take a gamble...It would ruin my reputation in this stupid town if everything went wrong. Hypothetically, narrowing, if not, diminishing my chance to partake in the assessment.

Like that one wise man said 'every action will have an equal and corresponding reaction', Hat's off to that guy tho. I still wonder what his view of our world was, even if he spat it out to the public, I doubt he told the truth. Humans are, after all, born to lie. They can't live without it.

The sound of a branch snapping bought me out of my trance, I realized I'd already reached my destination while I got lost in my thoughts. Placing the Sack of rice inside the barn, Where there was shit all over the...A very unusual place...I headed back, It wasn't my problem with what these people do to their 'Sack of rice'.

Sighing, I bought my bamboo bottle out and drank some water, my legs were already feeling a little bit sore, but even so, I simply can't back out from this. For the sake of my new wooden sword, It's inevitable to face some hardships...Huff, this is gonna be one nightmare of a day!


A/N: I'm very sorry that I haven't upload any chapter in my other fic, It's cuz my exams are currently going on. And I was able to post the chap in the this was cuz that I've already written half of it, making it somewhat easy.

After my exams are over, I'll be sure to upload. ^_^