
It's been 7 months since I got transmigrated here, and finally....I have a wooden sword!!. Although I had one but some bullish beast had to break it, so that doesn't count. That aside, gripping it feels so good~.

I swung it, the sharp sound when it slice through the air bought a grin across my face. I can't wait to battle! My whole being ignited with battle intent, Truly, my whole existence was forged to be in battle, I can feel it! The sensation! The sensation that makes me feel like I've been through countless wars.

I gripped the sword with every ounce of my strength and swung it.











Stupid sensation...Now I can't lift a finger, Forged for war, What bullshit was I speaking? Did I imagine I was Kratos or something? I jerked my head dismissing the thoughts, Taking a deep breath I gazed at my palm...Pathetic.


Releasing a small laugh, I looked at the clouds....Huh? I rubbed my eyes and gaped again, What in the substantial zombie is that!?. In the sky, I saw some vivid circles, and there were also 2 ant-sized figures. One appeared purple and the other black...Are those what I think they are? If so, then why the fuck are they directly above my house!?

I didn't have even time to blink before an explosion took place, My eyes widened seeing as the explosion was directly above my house! Filthy magicians!...Huff~ Calm down...Okay, time to flee. Ignoring the burning sensation coming from my limbs, I ran with all my strength, I didn't overlook my wooden sword.

Shit Shit!!! come on! Move!! Dragging my body like a corpse, I didn't even peek back, the explosion still continued. Gritting my teeth, I put more strength to move my body, I don't wanna have a brick coming at light speed to whack my head.

After about 1 hour of relentless walking, I finally reached inside the village. Passing into an alleyway with the last of my strength, I instantly collapsed to the ground.


A small grunt broke out from my lips, I looked down and saw my feet bleeding. Inspecting it, I caught a small yet sharp branch thrust inside under my feet. After plucking it out I flung It away. Ripping a small portion of my pant, I coated the area. It stings like a bee!


I couldn't help but release a sigh, why did those guys have to fight it out right on top of my house? ugly bastards. I couldn't curse any further as darkness concealed my vision.


'Now it'll take atleast a full week for me to recover', I was dishearten looking at the wounded area which was wrapped with a cloth. I attempted to stand up but as soon as my wounded foot was made contact with the stone concrete a jolting pain made me squeak.

I had to hop on my only left leg. Hopping while taking a break here and there, I finally reached infront of the lake on the outskirts of the village. taking off the wrapping, I dipped my dominant leg inside the lake.

"Urgh...That hurts like a bitch"

I bend my head upward, looking at the moon I couldn't help but release another grunt. After drying the wound, I took out a cotton cloth I got from a basket from god knows who's backyard. Wrapping the clean white cloth around the wound, I lay on the ground with my arms supporting my head.

'I hope no wild animals comes forth'

I was slightly disturbed by the fact that I wouldn't be able to train properly for atleast a week. I insert my hand inside my pants pocket and took out some copper coins...'Only 78 left'.

Smiling bitterly, I stored my earnings inside my pocket. '2 copper coins for 1 slice of bread...that's a bit expensive. I'll just steal, afterall I need to reserve some savings for the future'. I concluded, that I'd have to save up some money if I want to get a real blade.

'5 months to go...without a place to call home'. I stood up despite wanting to sleep then and right there, can't let myself be dinner for some carnivorous. Hopping like a bunny on one foot, I reached inside an alleyway. The smell was dangerously awful.

Ignoring it, I laid my back on a wall. Shutting down my eyes from pure exhaustion, my consciousness drifted away like a breeze in the desert.




"Ow!...urgh, shouldn't have slept here, now my bones are gonna crack every time I move...and my back hurts'. Complaining like a 12-year-old, I stood up. Every step I took, a cracking sound followed...that's when I noticed, I wasn't feeling any pain while walking.


Fuck! why did I remember it, now I have to endure the pain. I sometimes wonder how bizarre human bodies are. For example: If I forgot the major fact that I have a hole inside my abdomen, I won't even notice the pain coming from it.

Although I haven't yet experienced such a ridiculous thing, I hypothesized it would be like that...Atleast something close to it. Exiting the alleyway, the daylight burned my eyes! refraining me from seeing my surroundings.

My vision slowly adjusted, and after a couple of minutes, I was able to observe my surroundings. The first thing that piqued my interest was a Merchant. He was selling a pair of leather gloves for 15 copper. It costs like 30-40 in the market.

As I neared the merchant's stall, I was able to observe the glove more careful...It was quite worn out, I didn't mind that. picking up my pace, Hoping like some rabbit that was let loose. I quickly reached infront of the stall.

"Hmm...what are you up to, little boy", The Merchant asked. I shook my head refraining from uttering a word, I pointed my finger at the pair of gloves. The Merchant had an amusing expression as he gazed at where I pointed.

"You want the gloves...sorry kid but it's not free", Shaking my head at his response, I juggled my pocket with ny hand. The copper coins inside my pocket collided with each other making the merchant smile.

"That'll be 18 copper you have that much?"

The Merchant spoke, I narrowed my eyes and pointed toward the sale tag saying it was for 15 copper coins. The Merchant had a surprised expression and looked at me.

"You...can read?", I put my thumb finger up, he scratched his beard and lifted the tag into his hand, he grabbed a marker or....Some sort of stick from the table and started scribbling on it.

"Ok! Now it's 20, are you happy?", My blood boiled, he cross-marked the 15 and re-wrote 20 beside it.

"Take it or shoo away orphan lot", Snickering, he spat on the side while sternly gazing at me. I suppressed my displeasure and handed him the 20 copper coins. But instead of giving me the leather gloves on the table, he took out a pair of gloves which was made out of...Jute?

Tossing the pair of gloves on my face, he shoo-ed me away. Expelling a frustrated sigh, I bit my lips and moved away from the stall. Entering the same alleyway I came from, I took out the gloves from my pocket. The stinging pain under my feet limited me to only hop...that must be why that guy acted so boldly, having reasoned that I couldn't steal anything from his shop and get away.

But to increase the price by 5 copper coins, and still not give me the item I asked, I clenched my fists. Taking a glance at the Jute gloves...which surprisingly seemed new, I laid my back on the wall.