What a violent...

The day has come. Today is the day when the assessment takes place. A few notices are on the wall, the direction is written on them to reach the place where the assessment is being held. I tied a cloth tightly around my waist for me to carry my wooden sword.

Having purchased the ration bars, I wrapped them inside a clean white cloth. My bamboo bottle on another end of my waist. I started my journey towards the east of Rust Wood village.

'This town is...pretty small, huh?', In 20 minutes, I reached the outskirts of the village and spotted a lone broken house. Closing the distance, I sighted a few kids around my age resting against the wall.

Walking through a broken entrance, I was met with 4 kids. A Light-Blonde-haired kid stared at me like I was some sort of jester.

"Najin...why are you carrying a sword", His question caused my brain to shift gears...have I met this kid before? That question repeatedly rose inside my head.

"Umm...do I know you?", I asked straightforwardly without beating around the bush. His expression turned to what seemed like surprise. Still unable to remember this individual, I stood there waiting for his response.

"Y-you don't remember me!? I'm Tyr! The guy that sold you the sword!"

"Ah, I remember. Nice to make your acquaintance Tyr"

I gave him a nod, he didn't outright burst out...although he looked like a guy who would judge someone by just seeing the surface, Tyr was a fine decent kid. His only downside is that he's extremely arrogant...which is quite understandable since he came from a pretty...No, an average family.

"You know him, Ty?

"Stop calling me 'Ty'! and yeah, I know him alright, he's the guy who bought my wooden sword...see that wooden sword on his wait, yeah that is mine"

A girl, with creamy-dark hair and azure-blue eyes, intensely stared at Tyr after hearing his response. And of course, everyone here has pale skin. The blonde flinched but quickly regained his posture. He coughed a bit before responding back.

"Luzian...you don't need to get angry, alright?"

"Don't get angry?!, What do you mean don't get angry! you borrowed my wooden sword and sold it to someone!?"

Ah poor Tyr...caught red handed.

The green-haired kid, Luzian angrily shouted at him. Tyr closed his mouth and looked down, probably because he fears she would...beat him? She didn't stop her complaints. After calming down, she turned her gaze at me.

"You there, yellow-hairy...I don't care if you paid for that sword, give it back cuz it's mine"

I didn't respond to her, it's completely useless fighting a kid in an argument, ignoring her words, I laid back on a wall.

"Hey! I told you it's mine! so give it back!"

What a violent woman. She ran towards me at full speed, Clenching her right fist, she launched a straight punch to my face. Having already anticipated such a silly move, I tilted my head.


Her fist hit the wall behind me, she held her fist and hopped here and there. Her expression was of misery. Screaming from time to time experiencing such pain, she fell to the ground and curled herself. Holding the small fist, she sobbed.


Tyr ran toward her. I wonder in which realm he was in while she was crying out in pain. Ignoring those two, I shifted my attention toward the other two kids. One had raven hair that covered most of his forehead with Emerald green eyes. And the other, spikey short brown hair with hazel Brown eyes.

The black-haired one had a worried expression looking at Luzian, the other one, Brown-hairy was quite composed. I was about to relax when the brown-haired kid approached me.

"Najin? your name is Najin...Am I correct?"

He asked, I nodded my head in response.

"Name's Luce...How about it, Friends?"

He held his arm out with a smile....that wasn't quite a smile.

"No need"

I politely rejected his proposal, his smile vanished away like a worm that was snatched by an eagle. He retreated his hand and walked away. Luce, huh? What a weird kid.

The black-haired one didn't move an inch nor murmured a word. He stood there, like a statue. After a while, signs of moving showed on his figure.

He slowly took steps toward me.

"It's pointless"

Luce announced. The black-haired kid slowly but surely reached infront of me.

"L-L-Lazun, nic...to..ma..ur...tence"

his voice was barely audible, I got the gist of what he was saying and replied back.

"Najin, nice to meet you aswell"

Hearing my reply, he nodded while being hesitant. He took a seat near me. Although I could tell he mustered all his confidence to take a seat beside me, I wasn't interested in paying much attention. Closing my eyes, I decided to ease until the assessment begins.