
As the three humans fired at the elfs they were to focused on the front then the back as more hidden elfs shot there arrows from the back that ended up hiting Luke in the leg while Nate got hit in the arm.

After the three humans surrender they were chained up by strong wooden like cuffs and stone chains that attached from the neck to the feet making it difficult for the three humans to walk properly.

Soon they entered into the "elfs base" which was wooden tree houses attached to tall trees while a small wooden houses were on the ground as elf guards with spears gaurded the front while behind were kids, adluts walking around.

The three humans were taken to a stone prison as the cells were made out of stone. "great we got kidnapped by elfs and now our guns and bags are taken" said Lexi as she took the arrows out of the two mans who screamed out in pain.

"damn.. how did we lose in a bow fight... even if they had numbers that's just pathetic" said nate as he clenched his fist as lexi pulled out the arrow.

"i wonder how Blake is doing.." Said luke.

The weapons were brought towards the head of the elfs as the ones who got shot explained that it was a very powerful force that periced through his magic barrier.

The head of the elfs tested the weapon out on a fellow elf who had a magic barrier up, only for the magic barrier to almost shatter from one shot.

The elfs soon came to the prison, and demanded the information on how they got the "mythical" weapons, As the three humans had no intentions of saying anything.

For two minutes the three humans were tortured as Lexi gave in after a whole one minute while the two mans lasted for two minutes.

All three humans explained everything as the head of the elfs listened, thus letting the elfs gain tons of information for "other world" and "the portal" ect..

Those idiots, to give away such vauleable information and betray your country, good thing i didn't help thought blake as he was hidden up on the tree branch looking down on the three humans.