killing time.

First comes the head of the elfs, as the head of the elfs is in his wooden home sleeping, his throat is slit.

The three humans who didn't even try for there country of course we must torture them.

"huh! Blake wha- arghh ahh" Said Luke as his mouth was stuffed with a batch of leaves his hands were quickly cuffed as for his feets, soon he was skinned alive. "huh.. what are you doing! get away!" said Lexi as she saw Luke being skinned alive cuffed by a dark figure as she got closer and tackled the suspect she was in shock "Blake?" but soon more screams were heard.

Of course Nate took the chance and escaped as the prison cell door was open, not hesitating to leave his allys behind. Blake had done a secret reaserch on his "teamates" to find that they were pure scum wether it be the past they still done what they did, that just gave Blake, the more reason to enjoy the torture.

(Nate was too slow)

"four down" said Blake as he looked at the message from the system.

[misson- kill 4 people in the new world- completed

Rewards- 10 stat points 8,000c]


Title- none


Limit scale- SSSS+



knowledge- 231



stat points- 20]

A whole baby orc would have better stats thought Blake a bit disappointed that all his hardwork was gone as he returned to earth.

Blake had no more use staying here, But he did find a map inside of the head elfs home which he quickly used and started his journey towards Minotaur Territory. Something Blake had noticed about the map was that there were more species Phoenix territory, dragon territory, Werewolf territory, Griffon territory and more, there were also areas with [???].

[Basic punch [martial arts]- 5000c, The ablilty to punch with 10x the power the more used the stronger it is.]

Of course Blake Bought it as he was eager to use it on these "Minotaurs".