Minotaur territory.

Soon after hours of walking towards the direction the map had shown, Blake finally spotted a Minotaur a monster with the body of a man and the head and tail of a bull it was muscular and atleast 7ft tall. It was Holding a huge axe as it striked down on what seems to be another Minotaur which was now headless as blood squirted all over the floor.

Quickly Blake ran towards the Monster "Basic Punch!!"

As the 6ft muscular man jumped up using his human legs.. clenched his fist and punched the Minotaur directly towards the head with powerful force making the huge bull like monster drop onto the bloody floor as his throat was slit.

[misson: Kill 1 Minotaur- completed- Rewards, 5 stat points, 1,000c.]

Blake had a total of 25 stat points and 11,000 coins. As he stared down on the creature a bit disappointed he couldn't torture the thing alive and improve on his torture skills...

As Blake walked a bit futher into the territory he is met with tons of Minotaurs walking around some carrying tree logs while some holding hammers buildings something, in the distance was a cave opening where Minotaurs with stone pickaxes entered and exited.

Blake had tooken the huge axe and made it his own since it was heavy, he invested five stat points into strength making it feel lighter holding the huge axe.

Of course Blake knew it was suicide charging in so he made camp a bit far as he waited for night to arrive to set up his plan.

As night arrived, Blake quickly went back towards the Minotaurs as they were laying on the dirt floor asleep.

Blake took out a container filled with gasoline as he soon surrounded the gasoline all around the Minotaurs. Soon he got his lighter he brought from earth and lited it up as the fire quickly spreaded around the Minotaurs as Blake threw six stun grenades from the shop for 6,000c and

threw Two strong ass grenades that costed 2,500c coins per, as soon the Minotaurs Caught in the explosion died while some ran through the fire only to die a slow death, But Blake was kind enough to kill them.

[Misson- kill 30 Minotaurs- 1/30 2/30 5/30 28/30 29/30 30/30- completed- Rewards, 10 stat points, 10,000c.]

Soon throughout the chaos one tall muscular Minotaur stood watching his kind died as he griped his axe and looked directly at Blake.