Huh is that Sasuke.

"Hey Sasuke wait up buddy"

I yell as Sasuke notices me, I ran to him but I never expected he would do something like that. First he goes to school with out calling but what he says next shocked me the most.

"You damn traitor"

He says as he looks at me angrily, He removes my hand from his shoulder and walks away. School passed by normally and I was still sad cause of what Sasuke thinks has happened. It was like I was being hunted by my sins that I couldn't seem to stop thinking about it for a second.

"Hey are you're looking pale"

Oh Hibana, that's right I'm sitting next to her now.

"You've missed school for two days now are you sure you're ok?"

"Yes, I'm fine..just a little lightheaded that's all"

I said as I rest my head on the desk, I guess the reason I'm feeling light headed now is cause of the boys sitting behind me with those piercing eyes of theirs. But still though I feel bad about Sasuke he just has the wrong idea, I will go apologize to him during break period. Speaking of which isn't that Deity Ranked tennis leader coming today, I guess I will go there after I apologize.

And so class went as usual all the boys stare at me for taking an act and talking to Hibana, even looking at her brings the stares. It makes me think that the only reason they look forward isn't cause of the teacher it's cause Hibana.


Wow its already break so soon, I guess today is going to end quickly I should probably go find Sasuke before he runs home so I can get this weight of my chest.

"Hey I heard the Mysterious Queen just resumed today"

"Really..oh boy I need to go get a few pics and looksy on her, you know what I'm saying"

"But don't you already have a girlfriend"

"Yeah but this isn't exactly cheating with her so you know, but don't you also have a girlfriend?"

"No...she's just my neighbor, thats all"

"Wow really..if you hadn't told me I would have thought both of you were dating"

"Yeah, and I'm sure your buddy down there is gonna be busy for sometime"

"OH shut up like you're any better"

Mysterious queen..she must be a new student, and for guys to make a fuss about her like this she must be some one of high standard since they can't approach her. I mean almost all the boys were proposing to Hibana but she is one scary lady cause she..knows how to turn boys down easily. Any way why am I thinking this long I should go apologize.

|Some moments later|

I've spent most of my lunch time looking for him..just where could he possibly be, or maybe he's just hiding from me purposely.

"Huh..what are those guys?"

I said as I looked at some guys climbing to look through a back window. Wait those guys...aren't they the ones who always chase me around asking to set them up for a date with Hibana, crap I better run.

"Please take it off, you've already been there for sometime now".

Take it off what are they talking about. Wait.. looking through a window, begging to take it off... that can only mean, They are peeping. Wow as a fellow guy I should join them to get some views, No if I do that these guys won't respect me any more...maybe I should just stop them.

"Oh hey guys.. What's up?"

"Hmmm...Hey boss there's something you should come see"

Maybe it wasn't peeping Afterall I guess they are honest guys with good moral quality.

"Ok so what is it?"

I said as I walked closer to them while one of them stepped down from the crate so I could climb and see what it was.

"Aaaaaahhhhh!!!, AKASUKI YOU PERVERT!!!!"


"OWW, wait it's not what you think...come on guys help me out...guys?"

Crap I'm dead those guys left me behind...those traitors, I swear the next time I see them their gonna get a lesson of a lifetime but first of all other should i get out of this situation.

"Hey Naomi what's up?"

The girls who were inside ran out to know why Naomi shouted.

"He was peeping on you guys while you were still in there"

" that so*CRACK*"

She said Cracking her hands meanly as they all glare at me.

"Wait please I can explain"

"SHUT UP!!... We ain't got time for useless preambles"


"Look if you struggle any longer were gonna cut it off"

"Woah,, cut what of?"

I said as I shivered at their statement cause she shaped her fingers like a scissors.

The beating went on for three whole minutes, if it was a normal guy. He would have been pretty close to death doors that's if he still has the will to live on. But I'm a Deviant so my durability is very high..but still why does it still hurt though. I rested to eat my lunch and the break went by, While classes were going on I was in the sick bay. Trying to recover from the ache all over my body. And so sport time came and I was feeling much better and this time I found him and Daitan walking towards the volleyball club room. I didn't shout his name so I just tailed him slowly.

"Sasuke I'm sorry"

I said as I tapped him on his shoulder.

"You goddamn traitor... You've been with her this whole time, that's why you haven't hangout with me,huh"

"I know but please can i just explain everything that happened".

Sasuke wouldn't listen to me at first but he later decided to listen to my story. I know at first that he didn't listen to anything I had to say but he started to come around. But I could tell he got very angry when I told him about the part of me waking up with her in the same bed as me but he just sighed.

"So she followed you home and you got in a fight with her, she won and you were unconscious for two days, and you don't even know anything about her except she is a Deviant and she comes to this school"

"I'm gonna need some new costume and also is he even allowed to hear all this?"


it seems Sasuke forgot he was here with us the whole time well I can't blame him it was like he wasn't even here.

"Don't worry you can place your life in my hands"

Sometimes I literally just don't get this guy, I mean he's perfect in everything except he thinks like he's in a RPG and behaves like a noble.

"Look Daitan this is a very critical secret you can't tell anyone about, OK not even another soul except the two of us do you understand?"

"Yes I do, So who exactly is this 'fire deviant'?"

Crap the whole room got silent as soon as he said those words it echoed everywhere and everyone looked at us.

*SHUUUSH*not another soul"

"Ok so who is it?"

Wait don't tell me he wasn't listening the whole time we were talking, hah he just made us sorry for nothing.


"It's not someone we know,'s just we were worried about his costume that was burning, that's what it was about"

I interrupted Sasuke before he could leak out the secret.

"Oh costume, Sure I can help with that"

"Wait you can make clothes?".

"Yeah...Since it got burned we should use a material with high resistance to fire and I've got you covered"

That's great who would have thought that Daitan had such an amazing skill backing him up.

"Ok I'll come up with the design for it, What do you say?" Sasuke asks.

"Fine...but you must show me before you give the design to Daitan, ok"

"Don't worry I won't disappoint you"

OH you better not, And that was how I ended my dispute with Sasuke. We got bored of watching volleyball practice so we left to walk around school for a while. As usual those guys chased after us. I was very angry so I told them that I would set up a date with who ever stays longer the most in this exercise, I don't know if I was just seeing things due to the beating I received from the girls cause as soon as I said those words their clothes just ripped of and it seemed to have been caused by their giant muscles so I had to go wash my eyes and guess what I was just seeing things they all had dry chest and boney muscles that the slimmest of them was shaking to pull him self up and the one who did the highest push couldn't pass 7 pushes. The girls in the football team were all having disgusted looks that I still wonder why I stay around them. I had to think of an excuse to run away so I made Daitan in charge while Sasuke and I went to check the tennis club. I told Sasuke to follow me to the tennis club room. He said sure so we went there. We were just on our way out of the stairs when we met her.