She was coming out of the tennis club room.

"Hey've you"

WHAT!..I had totally forgot about her.

"How the hell do you even know my name in the first place"

"Well I've been in your home for two days now, I got bored so I decided to know more about my keeper, ey"

Shit with the glaring look Sasuke. Any way enough about that.

"Are you also a member of the tennis club?"

"Member I'm the leader here"

That's right there were no female members when I came last time. They said the only female was the Deity Ranked.

"He's got the Mysterious Queen too"

"Akasuki you bastard"

"Let's wait for them to come out.. then we should play with him Gin"

"Yes it does sound plausible"

I heard a little murmur behind but I didn't mind it much though.

"That's weird.. Where are the rest of the members?" Sasuke asks

"We were done with club activities for the day so they all left and I was about to before I ran into you guys"

"How did you become the leader anyway"

"Well...I got bored one day so I was just passing by around here when I heard there was a tennis club, then I remembered when I played it as a kid so I decided to test it out, that was how I beat everyone and they begged me to be the leader even though I barely do anything as the leader"

No I think the reason they did so was to show the other clubs that they have one of the best girls in school and I think there was a rumor about what you do to them during practice.

"Hayami senpai..I challenge YOU!!"

" Sure, The rules wil be loser serves and it will be against 10 rounds, do you get"

"Yes but can we wager something"

"Oh..ok sure what will you be wagering"

"If I win you will stop having contact with Akasuki and be my friend instead" Sasuke says

"Wait were still teenagers so we can't do such a thing, Don't you agree—

"I ACCEPT!, and if I win you're to not disturb what ever goes on between Kasu and I"

"Wait did you just call me Kasu?"

"It's more easier to say than your real name or don't you like it?"

"N-No, I don't mind"

"Wow you really are cute when you act shy"

"No im—


Why is sasuke getting flustered, oh it seems the first serve belongs to Sasuke, Well as usual Sasuke speed is very good and senpai doesn't have any problems keeping up. The winner of the first round belongs to Sasuke that's great but she doesn't seemed bothered by it.

"Hah, you better start saying what ever you have to say to senpai now Kaasuu"

Something seriously wrong with Sasuke, he never seemed to be the kind of person who'd do something like this and still by now he can't tell who is superior. I mean the winner should be pretty obvious by now, First of all senpai has good grasp of her speed cause she was able to block a speed after I used 'Tora Hishigi'. I can see her plan now, she first want to lose the first four points on purpose cause Sasuke will get his hopes up after winning since five wins automatically means love and he would be the winner by default. Victory before failure the opposite of how I want my life to be.


"Yes it is exactly like you said, you should get it"


No way that service just now, my eyes couldn't even follow talk less about Sasuke. Sasuke was just staring at her shocked by the serve as the wind which followed the ball injured Sasuke's cheek.

"My, my...don't tell me you're already giving up after all those barks before..but it is alright to give up after all, the winner should be obvious by now and when I win you won't bother with us when we're together, ey"

She purposely taunting Sasuke, it seems she has fully gotten a grasp on the kind of person Sasuke is. But will he fall for it or not.


Sasuke screams out and senpai smirks at his action cause he has obviously fallen for her plan.

|5 minutes later|



Sasuke sobs as he kneels down hitting his hands on the floor, He already knew that senpai would win but why did he still take that risk..the Sasuke I know isn't that prideful.

"Hey Sasuke stop..if you do that any longer you're going to hurt yourself"

"That's easy for you to say"

"What do you mean?"

"Take a look at your self.. SuperPower, Cool, no body orders you around and now you've got the best girl in school as your roomy..and me I'm Nerdy, a Weirdo, average looks and the only reason you still talk to me is cause we've been friends since primary school"

"That's not true man"

"I'm just afraid she's gonna take you away from ME!!"


A large number of footsteps running Shaked the ground as it interrupted our conversation. We ran outside to check what was going on and everyone just kept running outside.

"What caused it—

The student began to murmur as they got outside.


The scream could be heard from a lady who was about to fall off the 12th floor of the skyscraper, And if no one saves her she's gonna die. But what exactly can I do now..sure it is close to school and we still have like an hour for sports, and I'm not in any sports yet. Which raises the question..Should I go...but if I should I have nothing to hide my identity.

"Hey Akasuki come here"

Sasuke yells out my name from the tennis club room. I ran there and to my surprise it was a black complete hood just like the last on but this felt different.

"Hey where did you get it from?"

"Senpai made it"

Sasuke says as he rushes the clothes on me to wear it.

"But I thought your abilities was to create weapons"

"You should really get going"

So she doesn't want to tell me huh..Other than that she has a pretty good memory. Sasuke was still Saddened by what happened earlier but it seems his behavior has been lightened by the occurrence. He gave me the mask she made before and the transmitter.

"Don't fail me this time Sasuke"

I said that so he won't ditch me this time no matter what happens, so I left through the back of the school cause everyone was at front where the incidence could be seen.

"Oh no that woman is gonna fall I better hurry"


Huh is it just me or did my flying speed increase. I guess it must have happened due to my fight with Hayami senpai.


Crap she's already falling I've got to go faster.


I caught her but she was very close to the floor and if I had came any slower she would have died.

"Are you ok miss?"

"Y-Yes I'm alright... Please save them"

Wow it's really bizarre to see a woman middle aged cry..but this confirms my suspicion it's a Deviant cause if it wasn't well I guess I still would have helped but, I hope my enemy is prepared cause I'm gonna go all out from the beginning.


I flew to the floor which the woman came from but is it just me or is the top of the building kind of slanty.

"Alright who ever is my enemy today is gonna get i— huh?"


As soon as I got to the floor where she fell from I saw a male who I couldn't really grasp much from running towards me with a large rod or maybe an iron having about the same width is I do. He uses it to hit me away like a baseball bat.. I flew due to the hit from that building and crashed into another skyscraper about 120° from the spot. I broke through the window as I crashed in. I was in the fifteenth floor of that building and it was an office work place the secretary had a lot of documents around her I got sorry for her cause the dude who turned me into a baseball Is flying right here so her document could likely get burned. I landed at the edge of the room cause there was another room behind...its a good thing the room behind me was made of brick so I didn't do much damage Even though while flying here I still tried to use my flame to slow my self.


There he is my enemy, this time he lands the Same floor as I am right now. It seems his powers

is SuperStrenght cause before he came he focused all his strength to his feet and he got super jump. But I might be thinking to hard he's a black male around the age of 30 to 35 he looks like a wrestler or maybe he's a retired soldier man cause his body is hard boiled and did I also mention his height is about 190cm.

"Umm..Good day.... Sir"

"So you're that fire deviant who thinks he's a hero"

"I don't think I'm a hero"

"If you've come all this way to stop me I'll play with you nice and hard"

Umm can someone remind me why I took this job.


He aimed his punch at me but my body has been feeling light also my reflexes has increased no biggie. I Passed in between his legs and I guess my suspicion was right the draw back for super strength is speed. But luckily for me I know how this works out.