
"Its nice to finally meet you Mr. Andrews. My name is Nick Fury and I would like to have a chat with you."

These were the words that were able to bring Jason back from whatever he was thinking; and his focus was now back on his current situation.

Which in this case; was seeing the sight of a suspicious looking man wearing an eye patch in front of his house.

That man appeared like a battle hardened warrior with his whole one-eye look and scars, which was complimented by the frown the man had on his face.

He also had that kind of vibe going around him which was saying- 'I don't trust you, so you shouldn't trust me either' which if you were to combine with his stoic expression; was not really helping in making a first good impression.

All in all, he looked really suspicious and scary guy to have a chat with.

If it would have been someone else in Jason's situation; then they would have at least tried to listen(because of fear of angering the scary man) or outright refuse to talk to this man.

But Jason did something which was very Jason like.

He closed the door of his house in front of the man's face without missing a beat!

The man named Nick Fury, after seeing such a reaction was surprisingly not affected by this, as it looked like he already anticipated as well as experienced it before, and was now on his way to pressing the doorbell again.

Before he could ring the doorbell though, Jason's voice reached his ear

"I have already got a subscription to the newspaper. So you may leave kind sir." said Jason with a polite tone, which was completely contradicting his earlier action.

Nick Fury simply rose an eyebrow at that and decided to not waste any more time and said with a louder than normal voice

"I am sorry to disappoint you Mr. Jason, but I am not here to ask you to sign up for a newspaper. I will really appreciate it if you will just listen to what I have to say, it won't take much of your time." Fury said in an overly polite tone which didn't suit him at all but he needed Jason to open the door at all cost.

And from what he had gathered about Jason from his sources; He was sure if he were to sound or act forceful with the guy, he was just asking to get punched.

Fury was in no mood to get punched by a guy who kills monsters with his bare hands.

So he thought that a polite approach would be better when he is dealing with a small sized but stronger version of Hulk; thinking that maybe Jason also had a short temperament and angering him would do him no good.

But his words had an opposing effect.

Because after hearing his words, Jason decided to not open the door at all!

The reason for that was simple.....

Nobody other than the salesmen who frequently visits Jason's house, ever used this kind of tone with him so Fury's words creeped him out.

Jason thought that Fury must be after something(which he was), so he decided to not let the man inside his house no matter what!

Fury:- "Oh..I forgot. I actually bought some meat on my way here, thought we can talk while having lunch. It's almost noon as well."

But Jason changed his mind after hearing Fury's words and let the man inside with a smile on his face.

Fury after getting the permission to get inside Jason's home, smirked inside his head because his plan worked!

He knew the love Jason have for meat; which he heard about from the hospital Jason was getting healed up at, and decided to use the meat as a last resort if Jason were to refuse to talk to him.

He was glad he heeded Coulson's advice about bringing something as a sign of good intention, and decided to raise the man's salary after his mission....

As Jason let Fury inside his home, he led Fury towards his couch and took the offered bag(which held meat)from Fury's hand and ran straight towards the kitchen to prepare lunch for two.

Fury after getting over the shock he got by seeing Jason run inhumanely fast towards his kitchen, decided to wait till lunch to discuss his reason for coming here and just made himself comfortable on the couch.


Fury wanted to discuss something important.

He wanted to know something important.

Something which will either be the best thing that ever happened to humankind, or it will be the worst thing!


Fury came here to discuss something.

That something being the mystery named Jason Andrews.