The Man in a blue Tracksuit

[Nick Fury's POV]

For the past two years, there have been many attacks happening around the streets of Hell's kitchen.

Which should not be that big of a deal; considering the type of a place Hell's kitchen is.

Illegal activities such as robbery, Murder, Gang wars, smuggling and so many more were a common thing for this neighborhood.

But these attacks that this neighborhood started experiencing, were not as simple as some gang wars or robbery anymore...

Because this time, real monsters were attacking!

Two years ago; there was a sighting of an individual robbing a Record shop, which should not be that big of an issue considering it was happening in a place like Hell's kitchen; right?

Wrong, it was actually a pretty big deal.

Because the 'Individual' had the characteristics of a Frog.

A Blue Frog if I may add.

It doesn't only have a Frog's characteristics, but also abilities that came with it.

It had a tongue that could enlarge upto 10 metres and was hard enough to withstand bullets.

It was able to stick to the walls without any issues and was able to throw acid from its mouth that was even able to melt steel.

It was Fast enough to out-run the police cars that were following it without breaking a sweat.

It was also strong enough to tear apart a motorcycle with its bare hands.

At that time, nobody thought it was possible to stop that thing.

Residents of Hell's kitchen were used to seeing robbery; Yes.

But the robbers were supposedly normal; in the sense that they were actually human.

But this time the robber was not normal,

It was stronger, faster and much more durable than any robber that Hell's kitchen have faced till now.

It was a Monster!

The world has seen beings such as The Abomination and The Hulk, but they still couldn't believe their eyes when they saw it.

At first glance, it looked like that thing was not doing anything dangerous; considering it was only stealing a bunch of DVDs from a Record shop right?


Stealing some DVD's from a Record shop does seem like the work of some harmless thief, Yes.

But killing anyone that gets in its way to make its escape?

No way in Mother fucking hell was that thing harmless!

That thing killed about 23 people that day. That's why it was dangerous.

Way more dangerous than fucking gang wars happening between some gangster wannabees.

When that thing attacked, residents of Hell's kitchen as well as police, who were supposed to subdue it, felt helpless.

Bullets weren't working on it, neither was there any vehicle available at the time to catch it.

It was too strong for anyone to fight it, too fast for anyone to catch it, and too durable for anyone to hurt it.

The people with the powers to actually stop that thing were currently not available due to being busy with their own problems(which includes us).

So there was no hope inside the hearts of the residents of Hell's kitchen that they would be able to stop that monster.

How can they stop that thing which was probably the most dangerous individual that they have seen in their lives?

Even the most dangerous people in Hell's kitchen were too afraid to indulge in their 'Usual Business' that day; Afraid of getting in the way of that thing.

It was wreaking havoc and causing fear to crept up into the hearts of the general population of the area.

That Monster was able to flee without any problems and nobody was able to tell where it went after it out-ran the police that were trying to chase it.

They thought that it escaped and wished that they wouldn't have to see it again.

Well, they thought wrong.

Because the police got informed about the whereabouts of the said monster and they quickly went over there to try and restraint or possibly kill it....

When they were on their way to catch the said monster, they were expecting to find it in all its glory ready to engage them in a game of tag again, but what they found stunned them.

The monster that recently seemed to be someone Invincible,

Was now nothing more than a pile of flesh.

Someone or something had stopped that thing and annihilated it!

That someone being a normal man.

A man in a blue Tracksuit.

That was the only description the police were able to get from the people who saw this man in action.

The people(or witnesses) told the police that the man just came out of nowhere and delivered a nasty punch towards the Frog's face while shouting words close to 'why always sea creatures' or something like that....

It ended up being a really bad Idea though.

Punching that thing didn't bode well for him as he got his ass handed to him by the 'now furious' monster in a really brutal manner.

The people were of course exaggerating the one-sided beat down that the crazy man received, but police were still able to guess what must have happened from their over-exaggerated but very much true story-

The Frog used its tongue; which had a steel crushing grip, to wrap around the man's leg and thrashed the said man around the place(The imprints of a human's face on many cars was proof enough for that).

Any normal human would have died from the gentle treatment the man was recieving from the monster but not him.

Because that man was not normal.

Which the police understood why soon enough.

They asked the people about what actually transpired here, or more accurately, How the hell was the fucking road painted with that Froggy's blood.

The answer they received was completely unexpected, as it was so stupid that it was impossible to believe.

According to the people or witnesses, the man in the blue Tracksuit, got pissed after getting thrown around for whole 10 minutes, which resulted in him punching that frog so hard that it exploded into tiny pieces.

More accurately- The painter of this beautiful art was none other than that man in a blue Tracksuit.

Police didn't believe it at the time; but as more monsters started attacking, they finally understood that it was not a stupid story that those people from Froggy incident made up, rather, It was very much true.

Because they finally saw him with their own eyes.

He was not fighting against a frog this time though. It was actually an octopus with female legs.

The man in a blue Tracksuit, as the police calls him, was fighting against that 15 feet abomination with an excited grin on his face.

He was still wearing that same Tracksuit (God knows what kind of material it was made of), but it was not blue in colour anymore.

Because it was painted in blood.

Blood of his enemies that he has killed till now.

After seeing a spectacle of a 5ft 9 inches guy punching a 15 feet tall monster into oblivion, the police could only look on in disbelief.

Stories about Bloody saviour(public calls him that) were proven true in front of their eyes but they could only shake their heads after seeing something like this which can only be described as humanely impossible.

They tried to contact that man during those Monster attacks, but they failed to do so every single time.

Because.....I stopped them.

And they were not the only one's who I stopped.

Many people already know who This man in a blue Tracksuit is; which also includes a Genius Arrogant fella that I kind of had the displeasure of meeting a few weeks ago.

Among them were many greedy individuals who just wanted to use this man for their own gains.

Fucking Idiots, All of them.

They think they can use him, control him.

But they have no Idea....

That when it comes down to someone with absolute power, You can't control them that easily.

What can they offer him to control him?


If he wanted money, he could just rob a bank and nobody would be able to do shit about that.


They want to give political power to a guy who can just simply destroy the entire political structure with just one punch? Bad idea.


It could have worked on some perverted bastard, but this guy is not one. He has this 'no-fucks to give' attitude towards opposite gender(our female secret agents working in the hospital as nurses confirmed that), So it ain't going to work on him.

There is nothing in this world that they can offer to get this man on their side(maybe meat, I am not sure about that one); That much I can already tell after just meeting him today.

There is nothing they can offer to cure his boredom.

I guess you already guessed who this man in a blue Tracksuit is by now?

Yes, He is Jason Andrews. The man who is currently fighting me for the last piece of meat left from today's lunch.

He is really different from what I imagined him to be like.....

He is not an explosive time-bomb that I constantly have to be vigilant against, neither is he an Arrogant prick that I thought these type of guys usually are like. Guess Mr. Stark is the only one.

He is just your average neighborhood petty guy; who is willing to fight you to death for the last piece of meat during lunch, even though he himself ate more than 90 percent of that food.

He is no danger to humanity though....

For which I am glad. Like really glad.

I actually have something to confess.....

I did not only come here to see whether he is a threat or not.

I came here hoping that he was not a threat.

Not because I am afraid, No.

It's because I really want him to be a good guy.

Because I know that we are not alone.

In this Infinitely huge Universe....There are a lot of beings who are stronger than us.

We need someone to stand against them.

We need HIM to stand against them.

*Image of Jason growling at fury like a dog while protecting the last piece of meat inside the plate*


I know depending on a single person, especially a person like him is a bad idea....

But I know something about this man.

And that is, that He is a Hero by heart.

When Abomination attacked, I saw him fight that thing with my own eye.

There was no way for him to beat Abomination at the time but I still remember that feeling like it was yesterday.....

Those eyes of his at that time....

They had a fire in them.

I have seen many people with strong will in my career, but he was on a completely different level.

His eyes showed that no matter what happens to him....That kid he was protecting at that time is not going to get hurt.

And that's when I decided.....

That I wanted a man like him to protect our planet.

Or more like...

I wanted a Hero like him to protect us.

And guess what? I found one.

Because his words right now sealed the deal....

"You don't have to worry about it. Even if I am never going to be working for u, I will still assure you-

"That earth is under my protection!"

I dare any motherfucker to try and fuck with us now!