Chat [Part-1]

Fury has met many people in his life, which also includes many weird individuals.

Currently, Fury was talking, or at least trying to talk to yet another weird individual that he had the displeasure of getting to know.

That individual being Jason Andrews.

Even though Fury have met people like Jason before; He never felt this irritated in all his encounters with any of them.

Fury was most of the time a very calm and reasonable person, but right now he was losing his patience.

An hour. Almost an hour.

That's how long Fury has been trying to get Jason's attention and make the man listen to him but Jason didn't budge.

At first, Fury tried to talk to Jason while having lunch, but Jason was not listening to him at all during that time and was instead focusing on devouring all the meat inside his, as well as Fury's plate when he was not looking(which Fury did take notice but didn't comment).

After successfully failing in having a chat with Jason during lunch, Fury decided to wait for Jason to finish eating his meal which he did with gusto.

But Fury still failed to have his important chat even after that.

Why you ask?

Well, Because Jason fell asleep halfway during their conversation.

Fury was baffled after seeing that.

Fury knew he was not really the best person to have a conversation with, but he still felt pretty irritated after seeing that it only took Jason 2 minutes to fall asleep while talking to him.

Fury wanted to wake Jason up and continue, But in the end he decided against it.

Fury saw how tired Jason looked, and also noticed that Jason was sleeping when he came to have a chat with him so he decided to be considerate just this once.

Him being afraid of getting punched by Jason for waking him up twice was not the reason.

Not at all!


Jason finally woke up from his sleep after half an hour to notice that the baldie was still here, so he decided to do the right thing for once.

He went to his kitchen, grabbed two packets of Doritos and offered one to Fury which he politely declined even though he was surprised Jason asked.

Jason just shrugged his shoulders at that and decided to prepare a cup of tea for his guest instead. Of course, he prepared one for himself too.

That's how an entire hour passed, and now Jason was sitting in front of Fury in a laid back manner and was wondering why the hell is this dude still here but enjoyed the company nonetheless(living alone for 2 years kind of does that to you).

Fury on the other hand, decided to get this shit done and over with and go home by saying-

"So Mr. Andrews-"

"Jason is fine."

Jason cut Fury off mid-sentence but at least Fury got the memo that Jason Andrews was now at the very least a little bit interested in listening to him so he said

"Alright Jason...Now that you are done doing whatever you were doing...I want to know-"


"Whether the guy in this-"

*munch munch*

"-video is you or-*

*munch munch*


*munch munch*


*munch munch*

Fury:- *stares mother fuckingly*

*munch munch*

"...I know that I came here without a notice or anything but I really want you to co-operate Jas-...Mr. Andrews. So I kindly ask you to put that fucking packet away for a moment and listen to what I have to say damnit!"

After saying what was on his mind, Fury didn't stop to look whether Jason put the Doritos packet away or not and instead continued

"Two years ago...A giant green monster with fish ears, or 'Abomination' as we like to call it, went on a rampage in Harlem where he was defeated by Hulk. That incident resulted in many deaths, which could have been a lot worse....."

"If you didn't step in."

"You saved the life of a kid that day, whose name is Daniel rose if I am correct? But not only that, You also saved many more lives by distracting the Abomination for a while and keeping it's complete focus on yourself. A true heroic as well as foolish deed indeed."

Fury said all of this with a plain voice and also noticed that Jason stopped munching on his Doritos and was now instead listening to him with an unreadable expression on his face. He decided to ignore that and instead stood up and started walking from place to place while speaking

"Your heroic deed didn't go unnoticed by many important individuals, who were trying to take some blood samples from your body when you were admitted in the hospital."

Fury stopped for a while to look at Jason and noticed he was still sitting there with the same unreadable expression on his face.

Fury couldn't tell whether Jason was angry or not, but he was still having a weird sinking feeling in his gut...

A type of feeling which was telling him that he was poking a very dangerous subject for our resident Monster Hunter.

Fury for the first time in many years, decided to ignore that feeling and continued, knowing full well how touchy this whole blood test subject is to Jason; because of his past that Fury now knows about after his investigation on Jason.

"Don't worry Mr. Andrews. It was just as I said...They tried to take your blood samples. Keyword being...'tried'. They were not able to take any blood because of your body. Your body became so durable at that time that no needle was able to pierce your skin so you can even say that your body didn't allow them to do so."

After hearing those words, Fury noticed Jason raising an eyebrow at that as if asking to be explained further so Fury decided to do just that.

By showing a video footage of Jason's fight with his most dangerous foe till now...

A 28 feet tall octopus monster that looks a lot like Cthulhu.

"Have a look Mr. Andrews. This is a footage of you fighting the most dangerous monster that this world has seen till now. A 28 feet tall octopus monster with fish ears. Ring any bells?"

Fury said those words while handing Jason his tablet which was showing the footage of the fight that shook the entire world; quite literally.

Jason after seeing that footage raised his eyebrows and seemed to have remembered that fight unlike his other ones.

How can he forget that fight?

That fight almost killed him and still gives him nightmares as well as anticipation for a better opponent.

The fight, where Jason Andrews learnt he was not the strongest. Atleast not yet.

That fight only had a single footage in the entire world, which only Fury possessed as far as he knows.

The footage that shows how dangerous this world really is.

In that footage,

It showed a being that came out of a freaking Kaijuu movie.

It was a goddamn Cthulhu look alike!

It was destroying buildings with just it's scream and was walking with the help of its large tentacles; which also held a lot of people hostage.

It was doing it's usual business of destroying buildings but this time, it felt as if it was waiting for something; or rather someone.

It didn't have to wait for long though, as he appeared in front of it.

A man in a blue Tracksuit, that we all know as Jason, came in front of that thing and took a fighting stance.

That thing looked at Jason, who had a frightful as well as determined expression on his face, and just squatted him away with one of its tentacles.

But the expected result of hearing a squatting sound of blood and gore didn't come.

Because Jason held its tentacle with both of his arms with all the strength he had.

That thing stopped after seeing Jason stopping its tentacle, and gave of an expression of recognition in its eyes(it had 8 eyes) and seemed to be smirking.

It was really a terrifying sight to behold; Definitely not something a kid should ever see.

After what looked like that thing recognising it's prey and finding what it was looking for, it lifted Jason up while using another of its tentacle to create a clapping gesture and then-


It clapped.

The resulting action created a shockwave so large that it destroyed the nearby houses; thankfully, people inside those houses had already evacuated by then.

Jason was still alive after that clapping attack though.

But was definitely not in a good condition.

Hell, he was in such a bad condition that the beating he recieved from Abomination looked like a child's play in comparison!

His clothes were shattered and he was covered in blood with definitely more than a few broken bones.

He was barely holding onto that Being's tentacle with all his might and was trying his hardest to not lose consciousness.

That being after seeing the state it's attack put Jason in, seemed to smile while putting all its teeth in full display for the entire world to see(definitely not a sight you will ever want to see).

Then it started doing what it thought was fun-


It started clapping non-stop.

10 minutes. For whole 10 minutes.

That's how long that thing kept on clapping.

Or more like kept on attacking Jason non stop.

Anyone seeing that sight would have thought it to be the end of our resident Monster Slayer.

But was it though?

The answer to that question would be no.

Because Jason was still holding onto that thing's tentacle with the same fire burning in his eyes.

That being after seeing that determined expression on Jason's face instead of fear, started getting pissed off.

So it tried to show Jason how powerless he really was.

By deciding to crush the hostages it held on its palm.

That was its mistake.

Because just as it tried to crush the people held between two of its tentacles, something inside Jason snapped.

It was like a switch inside his head was flipped.

Jason after understanding what that thing was going to do, did what his first instinct told him.

He moved.

And the next thing we know, was Jason standing in front of the tentacle monster with smoke coming out of his fist with an angry expression on his face.

It all happened, as well as ended in an instant....

Jason moved so fast that the footage wasn't able to capture him at all.

He wasn't a blur. It would be an understatement to call him a blur.

It was more like he teleported there.

That's how fast he moved.

And about the tentacle monster....

It was dead.

Dead because it now had a huge hole on the place where it was supposed to have a face.

Jason killed that Cthulhu look-alike-

With a single punch.

And that's how the footage ended.