The True Reason for being Invincible

Hello Dear Readers!

Author here.

This chapter is actually the most important chapter of this story till now, because this chapter is going to show you what Jason was like before turning into a complete Saitama, and the reason as to why I keep on mentioning his mother whenever I get the chance.

The thing is, his mother's role is very important in this story and will affect the MCU story line a lot because Jason might lose his shit when her name comes in.

This chapter is the continuation of previous chapter, but the first part of this chapter is Jason's past so I hope you guys like it.

Jason is a hero. So of course he deserves to have a backstory right? Well this is what it is.



[11 years ago]

The sound of vegetables getting chopped and smell of meat getting cooked was spreading throughout the kitchen inside a run-down apartment.

A woman in her early forties; but still fairly beautiful, was preparing food for herself and her son, who was currently studying for his exams that were to begin next month.

This is Samantha Andrews, the owner of this apartment as well as a single mother who is really proud of her son.

Her hobbies include cooking as well as singing; but she seems to be terrible at both. The only thing that she can actually cook is meat.

But she cooks it really well!

Currently, she was preparing that same dish for her son who seemed to be really fond of it; considering that's the only dish she can cook well. She was humming a tune to herself while preparing the food and seemed to be enjoying herself.

Her humming and cooking was interrupted, when a boy of age 14 entered the kitchen with a determined look on his face.

That determination all but vanished from his face, after seeing what dish his mother was preparing for dinner.

Samantha, being the intelligent woman she was, knew what her son actually came here for but wanted him to say it himself, so she decided to act oblivious and looked at her son curiously while asking in a sweet voice

"What's wrong honey? Tired from studying already?"

The boy after hearing his mother's words, looked at her with a nervous expression on his face and said

"Uhm-, well about that....I want to talk to you about something. It's kind of important so I guess we can talk about it after dinner!" The boy said while averting his eyes and started leaving the kitchen.

Samantha after hearing her son's excuse to avert the topic which could possibly result in him having to skip meat as his dinner, couldn't help but smile at him with a mischievous glint in her eye.

Just as the boy was about to leave the kitchen with a relieved smile on his face, a hand grabbed his shoulder prompting him to stop in his tracks.

"Where are you going Jace? Let's talk right now why don't we? I might get busy with housework later so I think it's best if you tell me what you want to discuss right now~"

Hearing those words coming out of his mother's mouth, Jace, commonly known as Jason, started sweating bullets. He was sure if he were to tell her what he wanted to say right now, he wouldn't get any meat for his dinner tonight!

Jason couldn't risk it, he didn't want to risk it. So being the smart boy he was(lol), he decided to give out another excuse by saying

"Sorry mom, but it's really important. I don't want to hinder you while cooking. Please continue to do what you were doing, don't mind me. We can talk over dinner as I need to s-study right now so I am also kind of busy."

Samantha almost snorted after hearing the last sentence of her son's words.

'Him? Studying? Yeah right. That's not something he is going to do. At least, not anymore, I hope.'

Despite knowing that her son was just making excuses to delay the inevitable, Samantha decided to play along with him for the time being and said in an understanding tone of voice

"Alright, I think you have a point. Study hard and don't slack off." She said the last part with a playful tone of voice but her words made Jason flinch which didn't go unnoticed by her.

At first, she only had a hunch. But now she was hundred percent sure that what her son wanted to discuss with her is related to his studies.

'Finally.' She thought with a relieved smile on her face.

Jason after hearing his mother's words started feeling nervous. He tried to ignore that feeling and started leaving the kitchen as fast as he could.

After getting a good distance away from his mother, Jason looked down at the ground with a guilty look on his face.

Today, he was going to disappoint his mother. Again.

As far as Jason could remember, his mother was the only family he had. His father died when Jason was only a little baby and according to his mother, he died while protecting him and her from a gunshot.

Since then, it's only his mother who has been looking out for him.

His mom was an orphan and according to her, his dad's family disowned him when they found out he wanted to marry a girl like her. Which made it much worse for his mom as she had no one in the world to turn for help after his father's death.

Despite all the odds against her, she was still able to raise Jason into what he was today with all the love and care in the world. She never complained, cried or showed any signs of weakness, at least not in front of him.

She was a strong person in Jason's eyes. The strongest in fact. But that thought went away four years ago, when his mother fell really ill and blabbered every problem she had in her life.

She cried over the loss of her husband, she complained about her coworkers making fun of her, she shared her fears regarding what her son's reaction would be like if she couldn't afford to bring food to his plate.

Despite all the negative feelings she had buried deep inside her heart, in the end of it all, she smiled.

She smiled and told Jason how glad she was to have him in her life to brighten her mood every day by his slightly silly and mostly cute actions. She thanked him for being with her when she had no one. She thanked him for being her son.

She expressed herself that day because she was in a daze and had no idea what she was talking about. As a result, she forgot what she said after regaining her senses as the medicines did their work.

But Jason didn't forget a thing.

That day, Jason decided to do everything he could in his power to support his mother and to do that, he started studying relentlessly.

In the end, he failed.

All the efforts he put into studying still didn't give him the desired results. He was not even in the top 10 of his class, hell, he was in the bottom 10!

Jason would be lying if he said he liked to study at the beginning of it all as he didn't care about his studies since he was a kid. But after studying with everything he has got and still not getting any results, Jason started to hate studying.

He hated every single subject. There was no favourite subject for him. It was just a matter of which subject he hated the least.

His mother was always worried about him. She would always tell him to stop pushing himself too hard and take a break which made him feel disappointed in himself, because he was relieved to be able to get away from studying and that feeling felt to him like a betrayal to his mother.

After three years of relentless efforts and still not getting any results, Jason could safely say he hated every part of studying. Studying or anything related to it just felt wrong to him. It felt as if he was just not made for it!

Finally deciding on giving up that dream of helping his mother by studying, Jason was going to tell her about him not going to the college he promised her he would get into for her sake.

He was giving up on studying. That feeling made him disappointed in himself.

The thing was, despite giving up on studying, there was still that burning desire in Jason's heart to make his mother the happiest person in the world.

And he was going to do that no matter what. He was going to make her happy.

The fire burning inside his eyes was the proof of his determination for this goal.


"Jace, dinner is ready! Come and eat it before it gets cold!" Samantha called out to Jason while putting plates and cutlery on the table.

Just as she was about to call out to him again, Jason stepped out of his room and started helping her out.

After arranging the plates and cutlery in order, both of them sat down on their seats and started eating their meal. Well, Samantha did but Jason just stared at the untouched meat on his plate with a blank look on his face.

Samantha noticed this, and decided to ask him about it in a concerned tone of voice

"What is it honey? Are you alright? You haven't touched your food at all." She asked while looking at Jason with worry filled eyes.

Getting no response from her son, she was about to reach out to touch his face but stopped when she heard his words

"I give up. I give up on studying." Jason said with gritted teeth as he pushed the plate of food away from him and looked at the ground with shame.

Samantha didn't say a word and just looked at her son with wide eyes.

That was not something she was expecting Jason to say. She thought he would just tell her that he doesn't like studying, and would like to do something else.

But Jason saying that he gave up, that was not something she ever expected him to say.

Just as she was about to say something to lift her son's mood, Jason interrupted her by saying

"I hate it! I hate every second of it! No matter how hard I try, I can't get the results I want. I don't like to cheat, so I don't do that. I always take notes from our class topper and learn from her, but I still can't do it! It's boring. It's hella boring. I can't concentrate on my studies properly as my mind always wanders off to what you might have made for dinner tonight or some other stupid things. I just.... don't want to do this anymore."

After saying these things, Jason started crying a little and looked at his mother with tear filled eyes and said

"I am sorry to disappoint you mom. I am a failur-" Just as he was about to finish his sentence, his mother stopped him by shoving a spoonful of meat inside his mouth.

Despite the tears in his eyes, Jason started chewing his food with a slightly calm expression on his face.

Gulping down his food, he looked at his mother with a confused expression and was about to ask why she did that but before he could, his mother started speaking

"You. Are. Not. A. Failure. Don't you dare say that to me again you hear me." Samantha said with a stern tone of voice and stood up from her seat to give him a hug.

Jason after being hugged by his mother, started crying again and said with a frustrated tone of voice

"B-But I f-failed you! I couldn't get enough marks to brag to your co-workers about! My handwriting is shit, and I am even bad at remembering the names of people I just recently met!"

"Well, it's fine isn't it? I don't want you to get the highest marks in your grade or anything like that, I can still brag to my co-workers about you by saying how awesome my son is. Your handwriting is shit, there's no doubt about that but it doesn't matter when you can just type on your phone or a computer. About you forgetting the names of the people you just recently met? Well, You are still able to remember the names of the people you actually care about, which is the only thing that actually matters."

Samantha said while patting Jason's head with a loving smile on her face. Jason after getting patted by her started calming down and said in a whisper

"But I still can't study...."

"And I don't care. The only thing I want from you in your studies is that you graduate without any issues and that's it. What you do after graduating, is all up to your wishes. What's up with you and your obsession for studies anyway?!" Samantha finally asked the question that has been bugging her for the past 3 years.

What's up with Jason and his obsession over studies?

As far as she knows, Jason has always been a laid back student who had no interest in studies. But it all changed 3 years ago, when he started going crazy over studying.

He pulled many all nighters just to study and it didn't matter whether his exams were still 4-5 months away, he would still study like his exams were to be held the next day. This worried her to no end, because despite Jason's hard work he was still pretty bad at studying.

He was just born with a low iq and she was fine with that.

After hearing the question his mother asked him, Jason looked up at her with a confused expression on his face and said

"Well, didn't you say that if I want to be successful I need to study? Not only that, you even bribed me with meat to make me study every night when I was little." Jason said while wiping his eyes and nose on his mother's apron; she noticed it and hit him on his head lightly for doing that.

"Well, it's because you were failing in every subject when you were little. I don't care if you persue a career through studying or not, but I still want you to at least be able to pass all your classes and graduate without getting held back. It will ruin your reputation in the future if you fail." She said while stroking Jason's hair lovingly.

Jason after hearing that, couldn't help but look at his mother with a bewildered expression on his face.

What the heck?

Then was he working his ass off for the past 3 years for nothing?!

He should be feeling frustrated right now right? Then why the hell was he feeling relieved?

Just as Jason was thinking about these thoughts, his mother brought him back to reality by saying

"You can become anything you want Jason. You have a gift you know? That if you put your mind into achieving something, there's nothing in this world, hell, in this entire omega verse that can stop you. You can excel at anything if you put your mind into it." She said in a kind tone of voice

"Except studying..." Jason whispered with a small smile on his face.

"Except studying." Samantha agreed which made both of them giggle.

After seeing that Jason has calmed down now, Samantha started speaking again

"You can become a singer if you have interest in singing, same could be said about dancing and acting. Hell, you can become a boxer if you want, just like you wanted when you were a little kid." Samantha said with a teasing smile on her face.

"Mommmmm!!" Jason said with an embarrased look on his face when he heard her last statement.

Boxing? Him? He couldn't punch a fly if he wanted to!

Seeing the embarrased look on Jason's face, Samantha smiled and was about to return to her seat when Jason started speaking again

"B-But, I-I don't know what I want to do. The only thing I had on my mind till now was only studying. But that's out of question now..." Jason said with a dejected expression on his face.

Samantha after hearing Jason's words, closed her eyes to think of what to say. After finding the right words, she looked at Jason with a confident smile on her face and said

"If that's the case then how about this? Think of it this way...You have finally found the first step to be happy. You have found the thing that you don't want to do, which is definitely studying in your case. Now the only thing you gotta do is, find something that 'you want to do'. If you are able to find the thing that you genuinely want to do, and focus on doing just that, then that moment will be where you can be truly happy." Samantha said with a proud expression on her face and praised herself for saying something like this in her mind.

"That's way too long. Shorten it to 20 words or less." Jason said with a joking tone of voice after seeing his mother's proud expression which earned him another smack on his head.

Despite his words, he was genuinely touched and he was sure his mother knew that too.

Because he was smiling from ear to ear.

Samantha after hitting Jason's head, looked at him and said in a loving tone of voice

"Remember Jason, I believe that whatever you do in the future, you are going to excel in it. There's going to be no one better at you in your field, because you will be just that far ahead. I know you won't accept anything less than that. I believe that whatever you do in the future, in your field..."

"You will be Invincible, quite literally."

She said in the hopes of making her son feel better but the funny thing was, she actually believed in all of this.

She knows how hard working her son is, and she knows his personality very well. He wouldn't settle for anything other than being the best. That's what Jason Andrews is all about.

"Well, now that this discussion is done and over with, let's finish our dinner shall we? See, it's cold already. Eat it before I eat your portion of meat myself." Samantha said in a playful tone of voice before she sat back on her seat and started eating her food.

Jason didn't say a word and sat down on his seat and started eating his food too.

This day, Jason made one thing clear in his mind.

That whatever he do in the future, for the sake of his mother's beliefs....

He is going to become Invincible in it; quite literally.


[Present Time]

"What are you thinking about?"

Those were the words that were able to bring Jason back to reality from whatever he was thinking.

Getting out of his thoughts, Jason noticed that he was standing outside of his work place with 'Coline' in front of him, who was actually the one that brought Jason out of his thoughts.

Just a few minutes ago, Jason finally got the permission from Izzy to take his leave for today after cleaning up the mess that blondie made. She wanted Jason to meet his co-workers, but Coulson being the reliable partner he was, told Jason to wait outside of the diner and let him talk with Izzy for a while.

Jason saw no problem in that as he himself was not that interested in meeting new people, nor was he opposed to the idea but right now, following this 'Coulgate' dude seemed more interesting to Jason.

While waiting for Coulson, Jason got lost in his thoughts and started remembering things from his first cartoon to, whatever he was thinking. He was brought back to reality when Coulson called him out.

Seeing that Coulson was currently staring at him in the hopes of getting a response, Jason decided to answer him with a nonchalant tone of voice

"Don't know. It was all messed up in my mind."

Hearing the words Jason said, Coulson decided to drop it thinking it to be nothing important and said in a professional tone of voice

"It's fine if that's the case. I got Izzy's permission to leave so we should go now, we have got work to do."

"Ok." Jason said simply as he followed Coulson to wherever he was going.

Upon reaching a certain distance away from the diner, Jason decided to ask a question that was going through his mind

"So, where are we going? The headquarters?"

"No. Right now, we have a job to do." Coulson replied to Jason as they continued walking.

"Hm? Then what are we going to do?" Jason asked curiously while scratching his nose with his pinky finger.

Instead of answering Jason's question, Coulson decided to ask him a question of his own in a mysterious tone of voice

"Tell me Jason. Have you ever stolen a van before?"
