Stealing a Van

Hello Dear Readers!

Author here.

This is the chapter I promised you guys. Well, I am proud to say that I kept my word.


It has a scenario written which actually happened in this story but I forgot to include it, so I wrote it in an omake like fashion that I would like you guys to read too because it's actually canon.

You guys will have to read that part to understand some talks that might happen in the future between MC and other characters.

Now about this chapter, What Coulson is going to do in this chapter is for a reason, that you guys are going to find out in the next chapter. So don't go complaining over the fact why he was being so stupid here. He did it for a reason and it's a reasonable reason too.

This chapter is slow paced and the next chapter will be similar to it too, but after that, this story will get slightly fast paced and I will try to end this arc in four more chapters after this.

Now the first part of this chapter, is a short chapter which shows what happened after Thor broke the cup in Isabela's Diner.

Here's the chapter-


"How'd you get inside that cloud? Also, how could you eat an entire box of Pop-Tarts and still be this hungry?" Darcy asked Thor with an amused expression on her face.

Instead of answering her, Thor deemed his food to be his first priority and continued giving it his full attention.

Seeing Thor eating his food without showing any signs of stopping, Erik looked at him with a complicated expression on his face whereas Jane stared at him with curiosity in her eyes.

Thor being oblivious to the looks he was getting, simply gulped down the drink he was given from the bald waiter as compensation for his late service.(Jason did it so that Izzy won't lose her goodwill because of him)

Finishing his cup, he looked rather satisfied and said with an appreciative tone of voice

"This drink, I like it." He said with a slight smirk on his face.

"Well, I am glad you d-"

"Another!" Thor exclaimed while throwing the empty cup towards the ground with full force....


....Breaking it in the process.

This action of his, surprised every one present inside the diner at the time. One guy sitting at the far corner got so scared that he even fell off his chair.

'He needs help!' Everyone thought at the same time.

Coming out of her momentary shock, Jane got up from her seat and helped the bald waiter who came out of nowhere, to pick up the broken parts of the cup. Handing the broken shards she collected to the bald man, Jane glared at Thor and asked in a reprimanding tone of voice

"What was that!?"

"It was delicious. I want another." Thor said simply.

"Well, you could have just said so."

"I just did."

"No, I mean, ask nicely."

"I meant no disrespect." Thor said sincerely.

Hearing the sincere tone in his voice, Jane decided to drop the subject and said

"All right, well, no more smashing. Deal?" She said while looking into Thor's eyes.

Staring into her eyes, Thor found himself unable to refuse her and said

"You have my word."

"And I have this bill."

A voice that belonged to none other than Jason, interrupted their talk while showing a paper in front of Thor with a plain expression on his face.

"When did he get here?" Darcy whispered to Erik with a shocked expression on her face.

"No idea." Erik whispered back with no energy in his voice.

Taking Jason's approach as a challenge, Thor smirked. He looked at Jason in a mocking manner as if saying- 'come at me baldie' while moving his hand through his hair.

Jason got ticked off after seeing Thor's action and was about to say something but stopped when Jane interrupted him by saying

"We are really sorry about that. Don't worry, we will pay for it." Jane said in an apologetic tone of voice after seeing the tension building up between the two.

"Why is he even carrying a bill for a cup?" Darcy once again whispered to Erik who was looking at Jason and Thor with interest.

"No idea." He answered helpfully.

When this exchange was going on, Coulson was standing close to the exit while observing the situation.

Coulson actually knew who these people were, considering he was supposed to give them a visit with Jason in a few minutes.

Jane Foster, the woman whose research he was going to stea-, b-borrow for his mission.

Coulson after seeing these people inside the diner, was staring at Thor with interest. As he was not a part of the 'Golden Trio' and his action of breaking a cup while shouting 'Another' combined with his godly appearance, made him stand out among everyone else.

Coulson decided to look into that man when he got back to the headquarters because he found him suspicious.

Getting out of his thoughts, Coulson noticed Izzy has put the situation under control and his partner was apologizing to her for making a scene, with Jane doing the same in Thor's stead.

"He is going to be a handful." Coulson said to himself with a smile on his face.


That was the end of the first part of this chapter. Now, onto the main story:-



A concerned voice, that belonged to Erik Selvig, called out to the woman walking in front of him with a worried look on his face.

Despite being called out by Erik, Jane didn't look at him and continued walking without saying a word.

Today after a very long time, Jane was angry at Erik. She was angry at Erik for a reason she herself knew she couldn't blame him for.

That reason being, Erik rejected her request to help Thor on his mission. The mission 'to get back what belongs to him', which in this case, was a satellite.

If Jane were to be completely honest with herself, then she could safely say that whatever Erik said about Thor being a dangerous man was true. In her mind, she could feel her brain screaming at her to not believe in anything Thor was telling her considering he was calling himself a God and stuff but despite that, her heart was telling her a different story all together.

In her heart, Jane felt like whatever Thor told her about being a God was coming from the bottom of his heart. She felt like he was completely honest without a shred of lie in his words.

He didn't tell them much, but the innocence in his eyes when he was telling them the little but completely nonsensical stories, she was actually starting to believe him. She wanted to believe him.

So upon getting a deal by Thor to help him out in his mission of retrieving 'Mjolnir' in exchange for getting all the answers to her questions, Jane wanted to accept it.

She was not able to do that however, as Erik stopped her from doing something so stupid again.

When Jane was busy in her thoughts, Erik was walking behind her with a complicated expression on his face. After a while of getting no response from her, he sighed and fastened his pace to catch up to her.

Erik was really worried about this girl. Despite what he does or say, Erik considered Jane to be the closest thing to a daughter he has and he would never be able to forgive himself if he were to let her be in any sort of danger.

That man Thor, to Erik, was screaming danger.

Upon seeing the look on Jane's face while looking at Thor, Erik was sure Jane was falling for that man's charm. Not feeling like letting his friend's daughter fall for a supposed dangerous individual, Erik did what he thought was right and told her to leave Thor to his lone some.

Despite all of that, Jane being angry at him was still not something Erik wanted, so he decided to reason with her by saying in a stern but kind tone of voice

"Jane, you know why I did that right? That man was dangerous. I couldn't let you go with him. God knows what kind of problem you would have found yourself in if you were to associate with him."

Jane after hearing Erik's words, finally looked at him and said in a frustrated tone of voice

"I know why you did that Erik, really, I do. It's just that...I really think that he had all the answers to all my questions, and I feel like I have missed out on a once in a lifetime opportunity."

"Yeah you did. He was hot." Darcy interrupted their conversation by her odd remark which made both of her companions glare at her which shut her up instantly.

"I know. You thought he was talking sense, but that's stupid and you know it. That man was talking about Mjolnir, and Thor and Bifrost! It's the stories I grew up with as a child." Erik said while rubbing his forehead with his right hand, completely ignoring Darcy's earlier remark.

"I know...i-its... complicated. Just leave it alright." Jane finally said after a moment of hesitation which ended the conversation between them as they continued walking silently.

Darcy after feeling the tension in the air going down a bit, put both of her arms on her companion's shoulders and said in her usual tone of voice

"Well, now that that's settled. Why don't you guys become friends again? See Jane, Erik is getting old now, we don't know how many days he has left. You might regret staying angry at him you know." Darcy joked with a straight face which made Jane giggle but Erik looked at her with an offended look on his face and said

"What do you mean by that? I am not that old. These bones of mine still have a lot of strength left in them." Erik said while 'glaring' at Darcy.

"Sure you do old man. Sure you do." Darcy said which made both Jane and Erik chuckle to themselves, showing that they were all good now.

Just as they were talking to themselves, they finally reached the destination where they parked their van, or at least, it was supposed to be parked there. Their van was nowhere in sight.

"Uhm-, you sure you parked it here?" Darcy asked Erik in an uncertain tone of voice while looking at the empty space in front of her.

"Yeah I am sure."

"Where is it then?"

"I don't know." Erik answered helpfully while looking at the empty space in front of him.

Jane was about to say something to that but stopped after seeing the look on Erik's face. She decided not to say anything for now in the fear of making the man cry.

Darcy was not that kind however, as she decided to poke Erik on his ribs with her elbow and said

"Great. Now it's stolen-" Just as she was about to say the words that would have made both Erik and Jane cry, they heard a honk behind them which made them turn their heads and what they saw stunned them for a while.

"I take back my words. It's not stolen, it's getting stolen."

"Not the time Darcy!" Jane exclaimed with a worried expression on her face as she started running towards their van which was getting driven away in front of them. Her companions soon followed suit in her chase.

After a while of running after their van, they noticed that it was going towards Jane's house, where all her research was supposed to be at.

'This day couldn't get any worse!' Jane thought in her head.

She didn't know at the time, but she was going to eat her words in a few minutes.


[Inside the Van]

Sitting in the passenger seat, Jason was staring at his partner who was driving the van they just stole with a calm expression on his face.

They literally stole a van. Jason was a criminal now. Yay.

Upon having this realisation, Jason was about to slap himself for not stopping Coulson earlier, but didn't do so after thinking it straight.

If he were to slap himself right now, the van they were in as well as all the buildings near him would get destroyed because of the shock wave that action would create. Jason was dumb yes, but not that dumb to put people near him in any sort of danger. So he settled for just pinching himself which did nothing to hurt him whatsoever.

A few minutes ago, Coulson asked Jason a question regarding his experience in stealing a van to which Jason had no answer, considering he never stole anything in his life other than meat(and that too from his mother's kitchen). He had no idea why Coulson was asking such a question.

Despite being curious about Coulson's reason for asking something like that, Jason thought it to be better to just go with the flow as that's how he usually do things, which came back to bite him in the ass.

This day, Jason finally understood how weird these people from SHIELD can be.

Coulson, the weird agent of SHIELD, asked this 'experience in stealing a van' question to Jason for a reason. That reason being? He was actually planning on stealing a van; A comfy looking van that he was ogling with his eyes when he was asking Jason this question.

A Pinzgauer High Mobility All-Terrain Vehicle.

Jason didn't know at the time, neither did he expect what came next when Coulson asked him this question.

Coulson after asking Jason a question and not getting a reply from him, didn't particularly wait for his response either as he started moving towards the van in front of his eyes while pulling out a key from his coat pocket.

It was a weird looking key, at least to Jason it was, and the most astonishing thing to Jason at the moment was that it worked. The door to the van opened and Coulson gestured for Jason to put his feet inside the Van as he went to drive the vehicle instead.

Jason at the time, thought that Coulson was just joking and this van actually belonged to him. As a result, he didn't think of it too much and sat inside the Van with a plain expression on his face while looking at the weird equipment lying around him.

Getting inside the van and sitting beside Coulson, Jason thought it would be polite to compliment Coulson for owning this thing and said

"It's a cool van." Jason told Coulson at the time, thinking it would make the man happy.

Instead of feeling happy or anything like that, Coulson didn't respond to Jason's question and instead started playing the dash stereo with a smile on his face.

After a few moments of not speaking, Coulson finally opened his mouth and said the words that led to Jason sweating bullets

"Congratulations Jason. You finally have experience in stealing a van."