Chapter Two: Lucian

The day quickly went fast and Luciano left his office. He couldn't notice the gaze of hatred from his employees but he didn't mind. He really is a strict and wicked boss and he didn't give a damn about what others think of him. He hated humans and didn't want to have anything to do with them. Perhaps, this was why he is the Devil's son. His Father wanted everybody to perish with him when God finally let his anger on him. He never want to die alone and that's why he wanted human to perish along with him. Luciano went back to the pack where his car was, his eyes caught a girl beside his car barefooted. She whimpered in pain as blood kept following out from her leg. Upon sighting her boss, she quickly got out of his way and sat on the floor, while trying to cleaning her wound. The expression on his face was unfathomable, he had never gotten injured in his life and he never knew how painful it could be. With the sad expression on her face, he could tell the she was in pain.

"Hey, aren't you going home?" He asked her and the girl's gaze diverted.

"I can't trek home like this. I'll wait for someone to pick me up sir" She said respectfully with a warm smile. He was still unconvinced. She was his PA and at least he could offer her a help.

"Someone? You don't have someone in particular?" he arched his eyebrow. He knew he would feel nausea if they stayed in the same car.

"I know someone will come" She said. Luciano rolled his eyes over and then walked out of her presence. After some minutes, he was back with a man.

"She needs to go home but she has a injury. I want you to lift her up and take her home." He ordered and the girl was stunned. She couldn't believe her boss was actually nice.

"Okay sir" The man went to the girl and carried her in a princess style.

Luciano blinked seeing the way the man carried her.

"Well, those are humans for ya" His mind spoke to him.

"Thank you sir" The girl said with graditude. He ignored the girl and gave the man money and he entered his own car. He drove off.


Luciano arrived home late that night. His fairy god mother was patiently waiting for his arrival outside the mansion. When she saw his car drive in, she went to meet him and gave him a warm hug.

"Where have you been?" She asked after the hug

"Wah? Do you think I got into trouble?" He teased as he pulled his god mother cheek. The fairly god mother removed his hand from her cheek.

"I know you can save yourself from troubles but I was still worried because you don't stay out late at night" She said. Luciano smiled and hugged her again.

"I'm home now" He withdrawed from the hug.

"That's a great relief" She said and Luciano wrapped his arms around her neck.

"Stop all this childish act Luciano. If people sees us, they will think we are a couple" She protested trying to removed his strong arms away from her.

"Let them whatever they want to think. You are the only person I have and the only person I can touch. That reminds me, what are you?" He quickly asked

"Really now? Fine.....I'm a demon Priestess. My mother was a priestess to your dad, but when she died I became the next" She explained.

"How old are you?" He asked. This fairy god mother had always been with him since he was still a baby. He eventually mistook her as his mom until she revealed to him that she wasn't his mother. He stared calling her fairy god mother because if she wasn't by his side, he wondered what would have happened to him.

"Let's say....300 years" She said and Luciano eyes widened. He was stunned. This woman he thought to be a lady eventually turned out to be a great, great, great, grand mother or perhaps an ancestor.

'No way! She gat to be joking" His mind played the audio continuously his in head.

"Seriously?" He asked after being silent for a while.

"Yes...why?" She asked

"Because you look like a lady I'm her early 20's" he explained with his eyes still filled with bewilderment.

A loud laugh echoed and Luciano halted. What the fuck was funny to make her laugh that way?

"You are funny dear. 20? Woah.... don't tell me that you have been looking at me as a young lady all this while?" She asked still holding her sarcastic laugh

"You wouldn't blame me if I thought so. You are still keeping me in the dark remember?" He reminded her and she composed herself.

"How bout you go sleep and wake up around 12:00 in the midnight to hear the story?" She asked him scanning his reaction on next response

"Why 12:00 of all time?" He gave her a questioning look

"Because that's the perfect time to open the scroll" She said with a serious tone.

"Scroll? Perfect time?" He was utterly confused.

"Just wake up by that time and you will understand everything" She said. Luciano nodded his head and She turned to the entrance of this house. Luciano followed her behind with his hand itching his head.



The time has reached for him to finally clear his mind and perhaps justify his soul has finally reached. Frankly, he wasn't able to sleep and he waited patiently for the time. Luciano descended down that stairs and went to his fairy god mother's room. She was nowhere to be found in the room. his heart skipped a bit but he heaved a sign of relief when he saw her ascending upstairs.

"I'm here" He called her attention. She descended down the stairs wearing a pleasing smile on her face.

"I'm glad you were able to stay up" She said warmly.

"I actually eager to know what happened" He said and his fairy god mother patted his shoulder.

"Come with me" She said and Luciano followed her quietly. She went into her room and opened her wardrobe. She took out a key from one of her gowns and opened another door inside the wardrobe. Luciano was stunned.

The door opened and dust filled the air. Luciano began to cough

"Close your nose" She ordered and Luciano obeyed. She pulled her clothes to a corner so that she and Luciano could make their way to the secret door.

"Your father " Lucian" and your mother "Angelica would be happy if you know about them" She said as they finally entered the secret room.


Next chapter 👉👉
