Chapter Three; Underground passage

Immediately they passed through that door, they began to walk through an endless passage.

"Lucifer? Lucian? Angelica?" Luciano repeated and he froze in fear when what he said was repeating twice after him.

"It's an ancient wall so If anyone talks, it echoes continually until the sound fades" She explained and the voice echoed.

" Why is my name after my father's name. Lucian? Luciano?" He asked not paying attention to her explanation.

"Not only that. Your father gave your mother Luciana before he died. So it becomes "Lucian; The father.

Luciana; The mother

and Luciano ; The confused son" She teased but she meant every word that she said.

" Really....a family with the Luc.... whatever tho....where the fuck are we going?" He blurted out. They've been walking and there isn't any sign of stopping.

"Calm down kiddo.....there is still a underground passage from here leading to my destination and don't forget to compose yourself because you might see something strange" She warned him

"What? Are we meeting my mom and dad?" He asked and he startled at his own speech. He was going to meet the Devil himself? Noway! She was going to tell him the story and not meet his so called parent.

"Maybe" She said and Luciano vomited

"Yuck..." She said turned back and saw Luciano throwing up.

"You okay??" She said as she patted his back.

" I'm fine but mind you....I don't like such pranks" He frowned and his fairy god mother chuckled.

"It's not funny. Meeting a dead being? it's no joke" His expression was sad and better yet angry.

"I'm not joking. It's a fifty-fifty chance of luck" She giggled.

"Huh? Luck? it's no luck to me and would you pls stop spouting gibberish? I would prefer you to keep shut than to scare me" He said curtly and his fairy god mother did the act of a closing zip towards her mouth. Luciano frowned and his fairy god mother started to move again. A light began to emit from the endless passage and Luciano heaved a sign of relief. His fairy godmother didn't utter a word and remained silent. Luciano felt uneasy because he wanted to ask questions but he couldn't ask because he told her to keep shut.

"Okay can speak and pls explain what's going on?" He asked and the walls echoed his voice.

"I won't reply you until we get to our destination because you might get scared again and begin to throw up" She replied him.

"As far as I can were the one who forced me to take this mansion. Perhaps, is this connected with my parents?" He asked again and the woman halted as her eyes averted to him.

"Just keep shut....the spirit might get awakened. I will answer all your questions once we get there. I promise" She reassured him and Luciano was speechless again. Spirits? In his own house? That's ridiculous! How could he be staying with spirits in the same apartment? Maybe that's why he finds it difficult to sleep at night because of strange nightmares.

The long passage ended and there was a door in front of the duo. Luciano gaze diverted to Fairy godmother and then to the door.

He remained silent calculating her next movement. She brought out a golden knife from her cloak and pointed it towards the door. The symbol of the knife was the same symbol on the door. Luciano was totally lost. Gold light began to emit from the knife, pointing towards the door and then it opened.

"Let's go in" She simply said and they walked in. The door shut itself behind startling Luciano. They climbed through the stairs that went deeper and deeper below. Luciano was totally afraid and wanted to back off but he couldn't because they've made it this far. He exercised patient and continued to follow his master behind. They finally reached their destination. A beautiful parlour, rooms and kitchen was seen. The sight was breathtaking and Luciano touched some stuffs but dust were on it.

"Where is this place?" He suddenly asked.

"This is were your father and mother hideout" She simply said and he turned around to see her and he saw another image before him.

"Who are you? You didn't tell me we have another person here?" He turned around looking for his godmother ignoring the beautiful sight in front of him.

"It's me....the real demon self" She saw as she walked closer to him.

"Ehh... you?" He stammered.

"Yes dear..." She simply said. She was indeed a goddess in her demon self. She looked breathtaking. He cleared his throat..

"You said my father and mother and mother my own home?" He asked as his eyes narrowed against her

"This was where your father use to live. That's why I told you to buy this mansion so that someone wouldn't possess your father's property." She explained and Luciano mouth gaped. He heard right.

"My father's house?" He repeated

"Yes...." She answered

"And what's your name?" He suddenly asked and a smirk appeared on her face.

"My name is Madison while my demon name is Madon" She said

"So you all have both a human name and a demon name?" He asked.

"Your father demon's name is Lucifer. Your father is ghe devil who haunts and move around like a roaring lion. Your father human name is Lucian" She said

"My mum?"

" Her name is Angel but being brought back to life as a human, her mother named her "Angelica"" She answered. Luciano digested all his said and kept processing them in his memory. Madison went into a wardrobe and brought out a long scroll. This paper was used in the olden days.

She held two scroll in both hands and she smile to him.

"You will know everything about your past life in here" She said and Luciano gaze her a displeasing look

"What past life? isn't my coming here was to know about my parents?" He threw out the question curtly and Madison sat on the floor.

"Sit.... It's about your parent and your past life. You were existing before but something happened to you and you were eliminated in your past life but your mother sacrificed something on your behalf and that's why you are back to this present life" Luciano eyebrow creased with anxiety. He couldn't believe the nonsense she was sprouting. He was existing before and he doesn't remember? He doesn't even know his parents.

"Don't will understand once this scroll gets opened" She reassured him and Luciano squatted in front of her.


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