Chapter Eleven: Hurting

Angelica gradually walked down to stairs to clearly hear what their argument was all about. She didn't want her presence to be noticed, she stopped mid-way the stairs.

'A... Angelica, what are you doing there?" Queen pamela stammered and Angelica looked at her mom with teary eyes.

"Mom? Is it true?" She answered her mom with another question. Pamela didn't know what to say anymore. There's noway denying that because she heard everything.

"I'm sorry you had to hear all of those. We are just trying to be good parent to you. Just forget about what you heard okay? Think about Tomorrow. It's a special day for you" Pamela tried to change the topic as she went closer to her daughter.

"No Mom. Why should I pretend that I didn't hear all what you guys said? I'm not even safe in my own home. I'm tired Mom. I want to die!" Angelica blurted out as she ran past her Mom, going to her garden outside the Palace.

"It's time for me to show myself...I guess" Lucifer smirked.

Angelica ran to her garden, she squatted on the ground as tears profusely dropped down from her eyes. She couldn't believe that she wasn't safe in her home anymore. Why on earth did people hate me? Why I'm I hated be people? What on earth I've I done to deserve this?

"Stop crying.... that's life for you." Nicholas's voice was heard and Angelica raised her head to the tall handsome man standing in front of her. Angelica quickly stood up and hugged him. That was Unexpected!!

Nicholas never saw that coming, he expected the girl to hate when she found out he was the devil. Who the fuck is this girl? Nicholas was stunned and he didn't know what to do. No girl has ever hugged him willing except if he had a girl with him and they were having sex. That's only when a hug is permitted

"Hey....what are you doing?" Nicholas asked sternly.

"Pls marry me and take me away from here. I don't want to stay here anymore. I'm begging" She tightened the hug.

"Very well dear. I'm taking you to hell with me. You will never see your family ever again" Nicholas said silently as a devilish smirk appeared on his face

"Stop being ridiculous Princess." He shortly said and Angelica withdrew from the hug.

"I...I like you and I want to be with you. Pls marry me" Angelica spatted her feeling and Nicholas scoffed silently. He hated love confession and he had never dreamt of a girl telling that to him. She really is so daring.

"I will marry you but you will never see your parent again because my Kingdom is far away from here" He faked a smile.

"I don't care. I just want to be with you" She hugged him again. Nicholas? Nicholas? Nicholas?

"I hate myself....Stop hugging me pls. It makes me feel irritated" Lucifer head sprang. He was out of control. He couldn't just control himself from this temptation a naive girl is giving to him. Fortunately, she withdrawed from the hug.

"Will you be here tomorrow?" Angelica bit her lower lip. Nicholas zeroed his eyesight against her as he intensely stared into her eyeball.

"Why asking Princess?" Nicholas ached his eyebrow.

"Because I will be alone tomorrow and this town will be..." She paused as she couldn't say how this town would be destroyed tomorrow.

"Destroyed right? Well, it's nothing new" He freely said. Angelica stared at him as worries filled her eyeball. She somewhat feel calm now as he is here with her

"Can you take me somewhere tomorrow?" She asked.

"Really now? I'm not going to be here tomorrow because I have something important to do" He quickly spatted.

"Hmm...." Angelica felt disappointed. Nicholas rolled his eye over. Angelica wasn't that surprise for the rejection because she has always been rejected.

"I just wish I can finally find someone who will love me for who I am" She thought as her eyes became teary again.

"I'm leaving now Princess." He waved nonchalantly as he left her presence.

"Bye" She barely whispered. Angelica heaved a sigh as she went back into the palace. She strode to her room ignoring her mother and father in the sitting room.

"Hmmm....." She threw herself on her bed with her eyes shut down.


Lucifer disappeared back to his underground Kingdom after his sneaky chat with his little prey Angelica. He strode through the halls and finally he arrived at his chamber. Stretching his hand to the door handle, he noticed a familiar image approaching him.

"Lucifer? You are truly unbelievable! " Raven said in a flat tone. His facial expression shows that he was angry.

"What's with that look young man? I'm just trying to make the game interesting" Lucifer opened the door and entered. Raven followed him behind.

"It's not interesting Lucifer. I'm worried about you.....I'm worried about us. What you are taking is actually a risk" He warned.

"You're already spending too much time in the human land, there will be a time that you wouldn't be able to see that Angelica of a girl and how exactly do you want to accomplish your plan?" Raven said indignantly.

"Chill...I'm trying to make chaos happen in their home. I manipulated King Gerald and Queen Pamela to have their serious argument in the sitting room, while I entered Angelica's brain to make leave her room to make her know what foolish plan her father has in store for her. I just can't wait to continue this game because I will make sure that she never forgives her mother and father and therefore I will make sure she has no other choice but to run to me. Before then, I have to abduct her and use her blood in creation of my vogue demons who will posses every human on earth, turning them into my disciples." He laughed sarcastically.

"I hope you plan works, Lucifer. I smell danger and it's gonna happen soon if not now" Raven looked sad and worried.

"Haha! Enough of the hopes, my plan is gonna work. No one is greater than, I, The Devil!!!" Lucifer praised himself. He laid on his bed with his eyes shut, Raven made his way out of his room.