The meet

To say Deandra was confounded by the sight of Andre would be an understatement. How is it possible he was there in the first place? Timothy said it was his father that would be coming today so how come he was here today? All these questions raced through her head as she stared wide-eyed at him and the woman nestled in his arm as they stood at the door, his imposing presence drawing the attention of everyone present, but his eyes were on her.

She swallowed hard and then came to the painful realization that her paper had fallen to the ground and right at that moment, Felix, the man of occasion was heading towards her with concern on his face. Deandra snapped her eyes away from Andre and stooped to pick up the paper that had fallen to the ground in her state of shock.

"Are you okay, Ms Sparks?" Asked Felix, bending halfway to whisper.