Please, fuck me.

Deandra stepped out of the silver SUV and slammed the car door, looking around her before looking forward towards the building she will be meeting her date tonight.

Then her eyes fell to her dress and swirled from side to side to make sure she looked dazzling enough. She shook her head. This wasn't what she wanted. But this will surely do.

This was a spur-of-the-moment plan. One that Chloe came through. What would she do without the girl, Deandra sighed and began walking in.

Inside, she located the table holding a champagne with red ribbon tied on it. That was what the date said she should use to identify the table he booked for them. Funny enough she informed him on time not to look forward to any sweet moments between them as this was strictly business.

Yes, she Deandra was going to pay for the service of a man to her parents anniversary if only it will prevent her from being the subject of ridicule by her mom in the name of matchmaking.