
Nikolas let loose a gut filled laugh as he put his hands on the Lieutenants shoulders.

"Ye were out only a handful of hours. Rest, our guest is passed out as ye were." The moment he said this, a scream could be heard from outside the tent. It wasn't the scream of the witch, but of a younger woman. Nikolas looked at Barreth's confused face and winked as smiled.

"Our new guest has apparently woken as well. Rest, I will be back." With those words Nikolas left the tent to see what the fuss was about.

Waking up and realizing she was not in fact dreaming at home, but awake, here in this reality, Ally couldn't help but be scared.

Peeking out the tent, she noticed the sword leaning on a branch helping support the tent. She had never held a sword before but holding it like a golf club couldn't possibly be any different, so she thought. Rushing out she had grabbed the sword to find herself almost tripping to the ground trying to lift it.

When she finally got turned back around facing the camp, she noticed shirtless, albeit muscular, men sitting around a camp fire, and an old bum of a woman, standing by them holding what looked like a metal mug of some sort, making kissy faces at one man in particular.

She noticed the wizard from last night was busy pulling leaves off a branch and stuffing them in his robe. Looking back over to the shirtless men, she could see dirt and blood creased in their muscles. She would happily wash their beaten bodies, if this were a dream.

Realizing she was not dreaming, however she screamed. She didn't know what else to do but try to scare them so she tried lifting the sword in their direction.

"Anyone comes near me, and you can forget about ever being a MAN again, capeesh?" In a stern voice she threatened then men as she glanced at their private areas.

Hagthoria looked up and realized what was going on, and in hearing those words, she felt she should be mad, for the men of course.

She spit out a few insults regarding poor baby demons and the strangers robe, then hobbled over to the oblivious wizard and grabbed his robes, pulling him in front of her between the sword now pointed in her direction. Finally Nikolas had come out of the main tent.

The scene before him could not be funnier. Standing just outside the tent stood the newcomer in her very red robe, attempting to hold a sword pointed at the campfire of men. He noticed Hagthoria and Vermanius were standing off to the side of the men watching. Pointing her crooked finger at the hysterical women while hiding behind the wizards' robes, the witch yelled at the women.

"Shedevil! Ye bee a wicked harlot here to succumb the men! Back to the bowls of Hell ye need be going, we want none of it here!" The witch spat these words like fire at her and started to reach into her robe. Noticing the witch was about to do something, Nikolas ran to stand in front of the bobbing tip of the heavy metal sword now pointed in the witch's direction.

Watching the newcomer attempt to hold the sword up was funny in Nikolas's eyes. He watched as it bobbed before him and then noticed it was shaking. Looking at the women holding it he could sense her fear and confusion. His humor drained away to concern.

"Alright now lass, yer in no need of fearing anyone here, just set it down. We will get yer back home, soon, but first we need to talk." Scanning her face as he said this, Nikolas walked forward until the tip of the sword stopped moving and sat in the crook of the armor hugging his chest.

Seeing the captain for the first time close, and in daylight, Ally realized the smoke-filled dark had hidden his handsome features. His eyes were a deep blue set with the sun worth skin of his face. He looked older than he was possibly, she thought to herself. Everyone here needed a bath in her opinion but she didn't mind he seemed dirty and rugged.

During her mental lowdown on his looks however, she didn't realize Nikols had taken the blade of the heavy sword she was holding and coaxed it from her hands.

"Seems ye have good taste. Been a time since a woman's looked at me like that, lass, keep it up and ye may have regrets in the morning." Cocking one eyebrow at her as he said this made her frown, and realize what just happened.

Ally was unsure what to do. She began backing up towards the tent she came out of but realized she'd be stuck. Looking around frantically she could only see dense woods on each side of her and a band of strangers in front of her.

Watching from the sidelines, the wizard could also sense her fear and pitied her. The old witch and him were responsible for her, as they were the ones to make the mistake in pulling her here.

"Ah, Captain, perhaps the Miss would like some food. Yer men did well in hunting, and have had their fill, with plenty left to spare. Or maybe some ale, as I am sure her nerves could use with some calming." Suggesting this, Nikolas nodded at the wizard.

"Whaa, ye be nuts! Cohortin with a succubus, regrets ye will!" Hagthoria argued as she did not like the way the soldiers were taken small liberties with their peeks at her.

"Witch, this is my camp, MY men, I have no worries of her bein anythin other than just a lost lass, so quiet with ye!" It was the first time Nikolas ever snapped at the old witch, but he'd had enough for 10 fortnights.

Hagthoria just hmphed and turned to refill her mug as he spoke to the newcomer.

"Sit and eat, then talk. I will have the two responsible for this" Nikolas looked over at the wizard and the witch with an annoyed look, "get ye back to whence ye came."

He gestured to a large log sat to the side of the main group of men. Nikolas trusted his men on the battlefield. Tried and true, but with this woman now in their camp, and before battle, at that, he knew what their thoughts were. He was a man with eyes also.