
Ally looked at Nikolas while he spoke. She had too many questions to just sit and eat, but her stomach started protesting and rolling like thunder, so she obliged.

Walking over to the log she could get a whiff of dirt, horse manure, some much needed deodorant, and some kind of roasted meat. Her stomached suddenly retracted in aversion.

Turning to hand her some kind of burnt flesh skewered by a stick, Nikolas could see the disgust on her face.

"Tis rabbit. Cooler season is among us so they no longer have worms." Hearing him say this, Ally turned and started retching. The men sitting next to them looked on with confusion.

"Do not like rabbit? Well, we only have rabbit, unless ye'd rather eat the grass instead?" Nikolas was at a loss and sarcasm was his way of dealing with it. He had never met someone who didn't like cooked rabbit meat.

"No thanks. Look, where am I, who are you people, and what's up with your English? How did I end up here to begin with? You obviously didn't kidnap me for money, what is it you want? Did Brad send you to teach me a lesson? Look, he is scum, okay? Telling me my legs would look better wrapped around him then they do in a skirt, is crossing the line!" Taking a big breath, she knew she wasn't finished, all that pent up anger came rushing out and she never considered who would be on the receiving end.

"I worked hard, and what did it get me? Nothing except a sleaze bag of a new boss, countless hours of unwanted over time and me afraid to wear anything from my wardrobe!" Ally's voice climbed to a yell as she stood. All her emotions pushed her. She felt scared, lost, and hurt. She had spent 9 years of dedicated life to her job, only to be let go because her boss had it hard for harassing her.

She came face to shoulder with Nikolas, and started poking at his armor. The men watched in awe at this tiny woman assaulting the him.

"Listin Mr. whoever you are, you can tell Brad that I KNOW what him and Karen do in the copy room! And before the week is over, the whole office will know! He wants to play dirty, so can I!" Ally pushed Nikolas back a few steps as she persisted with her finger assault.

The men started whispering and taking bets as to how far their captain would go in taking the assault before he lost his temper. Hagthoria and the wizard just watched while munching on over cooked meat sticks and sipping ale.

Neither one dared step in, the wrath being released on Nikolas was a bit frightening. The witch could however, be heard letting loose a curse and a threat to turn the new comer into a pig that they could roast.

At the next finger push, Nikolas could take it no longer, his temper had risen from her disrespect and yelling at him. What hit him harder though, were the tears starting to stream down her face as she went on. He didn't understand why her tone and her actions suddenly didn't match.

He knew nothing of what she spoke, but he felt a tug at his heart when she started to cry. Grabbing her hand suddenly as she touched his armor, he pulled her against him. He wasn't staking claim, telling himself that, he was merely trying to stop her.

"Stop woman, I know of no Brad, or Karen, nor am I familiar with this office ye speak of. Ye seem to think I am yer equal, but ye are poorly mistaken. I am the captain of this very large army, and I will not stand by as ye push at me with yer verbal nonsense." Ally tried pulling away, but Nikolas was too strong.

"Ye have a choice. Sit. Eat. Calm yerself so we's can discuss the situation as adults. Or, ye can be tied and gagged until I decide ye can eat, so may be by that time, ye won't find our vittles so offensive. It is of course yer choice lass. Make it." He could see the waves of fire in her eyes as he spoke this as calmly as he could. She was indeed feisty. He caught himself staring and let go of her hand.

"I am not yer enemy, so do not treat me as such. Ye can call me Nikolas or captain, yer choice, as that is my given name and title. I will not have some crazy rantings of an unknown lass in my camp, as that is the least, we need deal with. Sit and eat, or shall I grab some rope?" having said this, he backed far enough away to look at her from head to toe, he could see she was cold, her body had given it way.

Just standing there, Ally was at a loss. She felt embarrassed when she realized they had no clue of what she was yelling on about. Realizing her robe had come open when the armor-clad man grabbed her, she looked down to see her silk nightie covered in dirt from his armor, but what affected her most was the two points standing at attention in the cool afternoon air. In shock, she pulled her robe closed and tied the sash.

Looking up she could see Nikolas staring at her chest. A look of something animalistic crossed his face before he met her eyes. Gesturing her to sit again, she walked over and sat again, realizing how cold she was but didn't notice from her heated complaints.

Ally sat as the went in the main tent to check on Caspian and grab the crazy female something warm to cover herself with. Caspian was still unconscious, and the wizard had at some point made his way in to be at the dragon's side.

"How is he?" Nikolas asked the wizard.

"He is still dreaming of flying amongst the clouds. The lad will wake shortly. When he does, I will have a word with him if ye are fine with it? I have killed a very few men in my life, so I still know the fear and hurt of it. He will just need time." The wizard gave a melancholy response.

"Much appreciated Vermanius. My men and I have lost that feeling too far past now." Nodding as he said this, Nikolas felt at ease. They have most likely lost the chance to send Caspian away, but he would still try, he never wanted Caspian to feel that again.

Leaving the tent with a few pallets of furs in hand, the captain looked over to see the women gone. Stopping and scanning the camp, he shouted to his men.