"Do make yourselves comfortable" said the man motioning for the empty couches.

Xavier, who still held Bella's hand walked them towards a couch farthest from his father,  not missing his father's glance toward their held hands. The man took a drag before his eyes landed on Bella's own inky pools. Half expecting the girl to bashfully look away,  he was surprised to see her hold his gaze and she didn't miss it.

"What's your name girl?"  He asked,  his voice both authoritative  and patronising

"Delilah, her name's Delilah" Xavier coldly answered. Bella didn't miss the tension between parent and child,  and wondered why there was so much of it.

"I believe the girl can speak for herself son" he said,  his own eyes clashing with his son's daring him,  before returning his gaze to Bella only to question

"Or are you mute?" to which Bella answered with a straight face

"No... I'm not" the man cracked a smile then, his foot jiggling as his leg remain crossed over the other

"Tell me Delilah, how old are you?" she felt Xavier painfully squeeze her hand then and she let out a hiss,  to which the young man was quick to lay off. One fleeting look at her hand now in her lap, she looked back up at the man that had both interest and amusement in his eyes

"23" he nodded

"College?" she shook her head

"Parents?" her right eye twitched then and she said

"Dead" to which the man nodded with another drag of his cigar

"Sorry to hear that. But I'm curuous, what happened to your hands?" he questioned. She couldn't help but spit out then

"Why do you wanna know?" as she thought back to the episode she had had.

"A bit touchy are we?" when she showed no sign to say any more,  his gaze turned to his son

"He's gonna come after her"

"And how did he come to know about her" Xavier grounded out

"Your display of protectiveness didn't really go unseen boy.  You should know better by now"

"Who are you talking about, Xavier,  what is he talking about?" Bella questioned facing the young man that looked both furious and concerned. Only he ignored her question and angrily said

"I won't let him touch her" the man chuckled then

"You and what army?" he questioned, eyes full of mirth,  he looked back at Bella

"See, there's a very bad man your 'boyfriend' ticked off, girl. Now you're his game" he said,  his eyes clashing with his son's he sadistically said

"And he's eager to hunt you down." the words directed at her "And you just about put a target on her back when you came up empty handed. She was his minute you stepped foot into that club with her". Getting up from his seat,  he walked toward a small table near the corner of the room,  and on it sat a decanter with brown liquid toxin. Pouring a decent amount in a glass,  he gave one last look the pair's way and said

"You can leave now" 

"Shit shit shit, Shit!" the cuss word came out in a rant through Xavier's lips minute the elevator doors closed. Pacing inside the small contraption,  Bella simply looked on,  she was over it,  she felt over it,  so over everything that she found herself numb to the situation.

Xavier looked at her then,  seeing her lack of worry or emotion toward his father's words had him furrowing his brows in question, only to brush it aside when he realised he had a lot more than her to figure out. He knew that once Maxwell set his eyes on something, he got it no matter the means. And he wondered just how he would get him to change his mind about Bella

For although the young woman seemed unfazed by everything, she wouldn't be minute the man got his hands on her. He regretted having even laid eyes on her that night,  for now she was in danger and it was all thanks to him. He became angry at himself then,  for not being able to get out from his father's clutches, for having so little power, for having allowed himself to be drawn in by the black eyed brown haired girl with an innocent face that had relentlessly tickled his fancy.

It was minute they walked out the doors of the hotel,  her hand in his again as he dragged them out, that the day took a turn. It didn't matter that the winds tried to warn them with their whispering chilling breeze, nor the burning sun rays that tried to burn the danger ablaze, for the minute they entered the car taxi,  what would come to happen, was inevitable.

The driver was but an oblivious man when two cars decided to sandwich his on the road,  causing the car to rattle and shake those that sat within it. The impact startled the three occupants alive, and fear shot straight for Xavier's heart,  for he hadn't expected him to act so soon,  a part of him wondered if whether his father was in on it for he rarely ever believed in coincidences.

Bella sat torpid as the driver tried to get a handle on the car as the other enemy cars seemed without intent to relent. She watched Xavier try to figure out a way to get out of their situation and was quick to get a seatbelt over her for her own safety.

Although the act warmed her heart a little, she could only watch as time seemed to slow down and his body was thrown to the front from the impact, her heart seized at the image, her body painfully jerked forward only to be pulled backwards by the seatbelt,  yet not before her head smashed against the back seat and window to the point it messed with her orientation.

She groaned at the pain then, time all of a sudden back on time as smoke assaulted her nostrils and her ears rung. She tried to pay attention, to blink away the blurriness in her eyes and to see if whether Xavier was okay. Except her senses seemed to be functioning against her, that she could barely do a thing as she felt herself lifted out of the crashed car by unfamiliar hands.

She could barely react to being hauled and thrown in the backseat of another car as her consciousness left her and she was thrown into a rare dreamless dream. The car drove away leaving behind an injured driver and Xavier who was soon taken from the accident by men that worked for his father. Perhaps it was a Romeo and Juliet scene planned by fate as the two were torn into different directions.

The pain in her forehead registered first as she regained consciousness. Then her mind registered the restraints that wrapped around her hands tied to the back of the chair she was seated on. Sin thought them stupid then for having merely restrained just her hands,  despite the tightness of the rope.  She also registered the tape over her mouth as well as the cold in the atmosphere.

She still wore her white sundress that had a little spill of blood on her shoulder and she thought it to have come from her forehead she was certain still had matted dry blood on it. She looked at her surroundings then. She was in a warehouse that had stacks upon stacks of brown bags that looked like cement bags, aside from that, two men sat at a table a distance from her, and as if feeling her eyes on them, one glanced her way only to smirk.

"Right on time" he said getting up from his seat,  alerting the other man of her consciousness, and he also stood up.

Not a second later,  the door a far distance opposite to her, opened up to reveal a handsome middle aged man. She noticed as he came closer, the back mop of curly hair and a trimmed beard with hazel eyes. He wore a black shirt that had a few buttons undone from the top,  and black slacks with shiny black dress shoes, a black suit jacket ontop. He was dressed like the reaper and his eyes were cold as one.

"I see that our guest is finally awake" he spoke up as he finally stood before her. Motioning with his head,  one of the man took a gun and aimed it at the side of her temple.

"Just a friendly warning. No funny business " he informed with a smirk and leaned down to remove the tape from her lips. More so ripped it off in a way he knew it would sting her face. Not wanting to give him the satisfaction, Sin barely hissed as she blankly stared at him.

"I think I see now why he was so captured by you. What's your name darling?" he asked standing back straight up. Deciding she would humour the man,  she replied

"Delilah" and the man hummed

"A sweet name for a pretty face. Know why you're here, Delilah?" he questioned leveling his face with hers again,  and she merely shook her head. Sighing,  he made made to turn his back on her only to pace back around and say

"You see,  it's because your Someone decided that it would be wise to screw me over and not only that," letting out a cold chuckle he continued "but he then proceeded to take what is mine from me,  can you believe that?" he said scoffing as if in disbelief. Brows raised he looked at her. Not caring to give her a moment to respond he continued with a humouless laugh and said

"I mean, what makes you so special?" his warm breath fanned her face as he leaned closer with the question as if to get a close up look at her like it would give him answers he seeked. She couldn't help but smirk and say

"Well if it's curiosity you have, how about you untie me and I can show you just what makes me so special" her tone was seductive for Sin thrived on sexual energy, her eye lids lowered in a way it would tempt even a married man with morals. Returning her smirk,  although suspicion swam in his eyes,  he said

"Oh really now?" and she all but nodded,

"Mhmm." He knew he shouldn't have, but he was curious and as he stood back up and motioned for one of the men to untie her, he thought she would do nothing considering the gun that was still aimed at her, although he also found it weird that she was barely frightened by it.

"Okay then. You have my full attention" he said watching as she rubbed at her wrists, only to notice her bandaged hands. He clenched his jaw then, he didn't like his goods having such visible damage, having not cared for her forehead for he was to blame,  but for the other, it wasn't damage inflicted by him and he didn't like that.

However,  he didn't get anymore time to be mad over it, for the man that had held the gun too close to her, now lay a dead corpse on the cold concrete floor with a bulled between his eyes,  and the man to her right fell next. Only for the gun in her hand to aim at the man before her, who made to reach for his own weapon and she clicked her tongue then,  her face cold marble and emotionless.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you" she warned only to add

"Ah-ah-ah, make one more move,  and he's dead" she said a tad bit louder to the other two men that entered upon hearing the gunshots. And they stood stalk still by the door.

"I'm really starting to see why he chose you now" said the man before her. Who watched the young woman with both intrigue and surprise, perhaps fear as well for she hadn't bat an eye at shooting both his men. He wondered then just who she was, although her face was the innocent kind,  the blood stains on the side of her face along with her inky black eyes and wild hair made her look regal with the steady gun in her hand.

"You really shouldn't keep such dangerous weapons near a woman.  Haven't you men learnt enough?" she said tutting to which the man chuckled

"You're right. But how about you put it down and perhaps we can come to some form of an agreement"  he tried to negotiate, to which she gave a chilling sweet smile as she sweetly said

"Really?" her eyes displaying a perfect replica of child like hope , he thought her psychotically dangerous with her precision then. More worried than not,

"Yes" he said, his hands in his pockets, shoulders tensely laid back as if to seem nonchalant, and she knew what he was trying to do,  and before he could make the call from his left pocket, she had a bullet between his own eyes and the other two men followed seconds later.

As she stood with five dead corpses within the building,  she wondered if more waited outside,  but then figured they would have entered considering their boss was inside. She bent down only to retrieve a handkerchief from the man's suit jacket using the free falling cotton of her dress to hold both the handkerchief and gun and made to wipe away at the gun that had her prints on it.

Because, judging by the large quantity of illicit goods in the warehouse,  she knew he was a big deal and the police were bound to investigate. Having no AHQ to clean up after her, she simply hoped that nothing would be traced back to her.

Sin smiled either way, a sense of satisfaction drenched her being, although she didn't get to be gutsy with with the man, she found it probably best to have used a gun, lest she expose she still lived and in the middle of Hawaii. Bella may deprive her of fun, but she didn't fancy being dead just yet. She wondered then,  just how long it would take for Bella to wake up, having shut off because of the overwhelming trauma.