Maxwell Agini turned out to be a conglomerate business man, at thirty-five years old he had amassed an empire in the world of technology, a renowned philanthropist that was now exposed for what he did behind closed doors. Not only did he use dirty money to feed hungry children, he also used that as a way to filter his money, through an organisation that disguised it's true bitter nature with sweet lies.

The news reported that he was found dead in a warehouse that contained a 20 million US dollars' worth of narcotics and weaponry. They estimated it to have been a gang deal gone wrong. Only to find a door that led to many more horrors beneath the building, a hallway filled with doors that kept many young women prisoner.

Therefore, not only was he a business tycoon/philanthropist most sort after bachelor in Hawaii, he was now nothing but a man that dealt with trafficking of both women, drugs and weapons. Nothing but a vile existence many people were glad didn't live anymore.

However, an uproar in the underworld had Sin on edge with her fingers crossed that nobody thinks it to be her, for she had no idea how many people knew that she had been in that warehouse, let alone the one to have made an anonymous tip off, just to trample over his dead body some more.

With law enforcement yet to show up on her doorstep, she hoped that they would find nothing related to her. She hadn't realised just how much a burden AHQ took off their shoulders by arranging clean ups, until in that moment she sat on her couch tossing the food on her plate around being that she was for the first time ever, without an appetite.

"Aren't you hungry?" Cassidy asked from her seated position on the other couch. She eyed the young woman that had returned, except different in some way. Although Sin tried to imitate Bella, she didn't realise she was a tad bit terrible at it. Her eyes were empty when she looked at Cassidy, void of the usual care they held in her presence.

"No, not really" she replied only to add "Actually, do you think I can be alone for a while, I'm not really up for company right now" she said.

Cassidy became truly concerned in that moment, first of all, Bella never said no to food, she would rather binge on it than toss it around regardless, and secondly, Bella would have tolerated her presence until she left herself, out of the fear of actually offending her, she thought her sweet for that.

Hence she worried wondering what it was that had happened when she had left with Xavier, whom they were yet to see. She knew there had been an accident, but also suspected there was more. A week had passed since then,and it just seemed Bella's state was getting worse. Alas, she let out a sigh and said

"If that's what you want Deli, but call me, should you need anything, okay?" she said grabbing her bag only to give Sin a serious look, and she simply nodded.

"I will" Sin said, and Cassidy thought, even her voice sounds empty. Shaking it off, she left the apartment with hopes that her friend gets better, lest she plan an intervention for her.

Sin placed the plate of food on the glass table only to switch off the television that was playing the news, an interview with the detective that was handling the Maxwell Agini case. Resting against the couch, she let out a sigh and closed her eyes, thinking how tiring being in charge was, yet Bella was yet to show up.

Her doorbell rang before she could fall asleep, and she couldn't help but groan before getting up when the person wouldn't let up. Angrily swinging the door open, Xavier all but barrelled his way in, and she closed the door only to face the young man. He still had a few scrapes on his cheek and jaw, a tad bit of a bruise around his neck as well and she wondered where else had he been hurt.

"Come in why won't you" she said sarcastically and Xavier's electric blues clashed with her own. Intensity brewed within his eyes that she felt goose bumps rise on her skin.

His body heat burnt her alive when he took large steps only to stop too close in front of her, his breath fanning her face. Minty, she thought, and it was laced with a faint scent of cigarette smoke and something about it drove her wild. Perhaps it was intensified by the look he was giving her. With her arms folded, she waited expectantly

"It was you" he said, although his statement sounded confident, he still had doubt about the young woman before him having been the one brave enough to shoot, not just one man but five. For she didn't fit the bill of someone who could commit murder and be as composed as she was in that moment.

"I'm sorry but you're gonna have to be more specific on that, dear love" Sin said, a smirk to her lips and he let out a humourless chuckle, her smirk making him second guess himself. Furrowing his brows in confusion he said

"It was really you wasn't it? Maxwell's death" he specified then and she simply gave him a smile. Letting out a breath of disbelief, he smiled her way then, more like beamed as the sun.

Despite his incapability to actually understand how, a part of him had already suspected that she was different in a sense, yet he hadn't thought she'd be different that much. But he found he really didn't care. Cradling her face between his hands, he voiced his thoughts out

"You're unbelievably amazing, you know that?" to which Sin smiled at the compliment

"I know, actually" she said with a cocky confidence leaning her face close to his, caring little for having to crane her neck to do so, a cheeky smile on her lips.

(⚠ Warning. 18+ scene up ahead) 

He let out a light laughter then only for it to fizzle out in the heat within her eyes. She needed a distraction and she had an idea of what it would be. She knew exactly what her eyes with that look would say to him and she was glad he got the message when he smashed his lips against hers.

They felt soft against hers and wet from when he had licked them before he took the plunge. His hands fell to her waist only to give it a bruising squeeze with his hands, their kiss not the sweet kind but one egged on by lustful passion and utter need. Their lips fought a war of dominance as their tongues tangled fighting to lead. Their bodies became a battlefield as they fought a war driven by wild hormones.

With need to feel her closer to him than she already was, he backed her up against the wall, giving her back a pleasurable pain from the impact, as he lifted her up that her centre was right on his. She felt him then, as his hairs slipped between her fingers only to give them a big tug, her waist move instinctively.

He was thick between her legs and hard against her core and she couldn't help but move in attempt to release the pressure in her abdomen, crazed by the teasing feel of him. When he made to bite at her sensitive spot on her neck, a lightning bolt shot to her core and she couldn't help the moan that escaped her lips.

She felt his need in the way he squeezed her butt and pressed her against him and quite desperately so. In the way he groaned with her movement as he trailed kisses down her neck, the wetness turning a pleasant cold when met with the cold air in the room.

She felt hot, the big shirt of cotton felt hot on her skin and she needed it off minute he bit her peaked nipple through it. She let out whimpering sounds that drove him wild as he thrusted against her over the clothes they wore. He needed her, needed to feel her, and so he trailed his hand towards her core only to cuss out

"Fuck baby, you're drenched" he hissed out, his fingers teasingly moved her piece of lace aside, and upon skin to skin contact, her breath hitched, hypersensitive to his touch.

A thing that drove him over the edge and he shoved a finger through her drenched core that felt tight despite the Niagara Falls. He groaned then as she clenched around him and he couldn't take it anymore. He walked them towards her bedroom only to throw her onto her bed, looking like the mess she was, she made to rid of her shirt then, and she got onto her knees only to take his shirt off as he stood before the bed.

Only to undo his belt and she watched as he made to take off his pants. Sin just about salivated at his girth that stood in attention behind the boxers he wore, and she bit her lips as her core clenched in anticipation

"Like what you see, sweetheart?" Sin all but gave him fuck me eyes and nodded and he cussed

"Shit, don't look at me like that, or I might not last" he said crawling into the bed only to hover over her.

"Xavier " she said, the name nothing but a seductive breathiness and he hummed, trailing his fingers up her thigh. Licking her lips, she said, sounding so desperate and needy

"I need you" and he just about leaked at her words. Taking her underwear off, loving the trimmed hairs on her kitten, his electric lust filled eyes clashed with hers

"I know baby, I know" he said lowly and his finger entered her again and his lips enclosed around her nipple, sucking on it, she moaned, she loved the feel of him that close to her, that intimate with her, and as he fingered her into bliss, he added another digit in attempt to stretch her further, she bit her lip in euphoria and moaned from the bubble that was building up in her abdomen.

He loved how sensitive she was to him, her moans and the wet sounds of his fingers going in and out of her core drove him mad and he picked up speed only to relish on the sounds to the point she screamed and squeezed his fingers only to cream over them.

She had reached her apex that she felt afloat in an ocean of pleasure as he continued pleasuring her with his fingers just so she could ride out her orgasm. It was when she came down from her high that their heated moment was interrupted by a knock on the door and Xavier all but groaned.

"You've got to be kidding me" Sin let out a light laugh then, her fingers tracing his jaw she said

"We don't have to stop" with her words, craving to feel what he had just made her feel again, she brought his face down and smashed her own lips against his for another heated kiss.

(End scene. Cringe. hehe )

Alas, as much as they wanted to continue their rendezvous and ignore whoever was at the door, it became clear that whoever it was on the other side, wasn't about to let up with their incessant knocking. Letting out a sigh, Sin rolled out from under the disappointed young man and picked up his shirt and threw it on, with the aim to turn away whoever it was that had dared to have such bad timing.

Except, nothing ever did go according to plan where she was concerned, for the minute she opened her door, the image before her made her heart all but skip a beat. There stood a man in a casual T-shirt and jeans with a navy suit jacket, backed by what seemed to be police officers that leered at her being. The man in casual spoke up with the rise of his hand, flashing his badge he said

"Detective Malo," with his introduction he barged into her apartment past her and the other men seemed to scatter in her apartment. Sin could only clench her jaw and fist her hands as she watched the detective walk toward the balcony window

"What are your men looking for exactly, I might help" she said from where she stood. The detective turned to take her in

"Delilah Ray I presume? " before she could say a word, Xavier showed up with confusion on his face

"What's going on?" despite being we aware of the situation, ignoring the spark of fear he felt at the notion of her being jailed

"Well Miss Ray, I'm afraid to inform you that you've officially become a suspect in the murder of Mr Maxwell Agini" the man informed ignoring Xavier entirely

"I don't even know who you're talking about" Sin said with her own act of innocence, oblivious to the fact that whether she was innocent or not, it wouldn't matter to the man. His cell rang and he picked it up, and minute the other person spoke, his eyes automatically went to Bella

"Yes, found her"


"Yes sir" the one sided conversation came to an end. With her narrowed eyes, she made to ask a question that would determine whether her apartment would be flooded with blood or not

"Do you have a warrant?" only to rethink her actions and she thought he might be a real detective, and that wasn't the real question, the real question was, if whether he was straight or not. She got a tad bit worried then, as the man held the warrant in his hands yet not bothering to hand it over.

She felt Xavier curl an arm around her waist, resting his head on her shoulder, hetried to reassure her

"You'll be fine, no matter what, I promise" a promise he would break in the next minute for what was to come had become inevitable minute she had opened her door.