Chapter 7 The Desperate World

Above 10,000 meters in the sky, the temperatureless sunlight fell on Xiang Nanfei, who stood with his feet in the air and his hands behind his back, with his eyes closed and standing on the clouds. It's like plating him with a layer of golden armor.

Majestic and sacred.


The sky was so dark that not even the midday sun could penetrate the thick grey clouds. When you look around, you can see that everything is bare, and you can't see a trace of life.

Only a few broken low-rise foundations and collapsed electric piles reveal the traces of civilization.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!!"

One after another, crimson magical light cannons blasted out from the small magic circle in Rias' palm like machine guns, and slammed into the densely packed undead that were more than 300 in number and attacked the magic barrier in front.

In order to save magic power, each beam is controlled to be a magical beam of light with a destructive power of five centimeters in thickness. They will blow up an undead nearly three meters high and covered with rotten gray scales. Occasionally, the injured undead are directly blown into several pieces, with amazing power.

But there was not much to do with the dozens of undead that were mixed in with black scales that were five meters high and whose size was overwhelming, so they could only be repelled.

And these undead fists with amazing defense and infinite power land on the enchantment every time. This blue enchantment, which is connected by thirteen large magic scrolls, will tremble for a while. It seems that the next time it will not be able to hold it, it will be broken, making people anxious.

At this time, Rias lost her usual easy-going elegance, her eyes were solemn and murderous.

The scarlet blood-like hair fluttered behind her, and her wings flapped, setting off a powerful wave of destruction aura, which enveloped her beautiful face with a palpitating majesty.

The pair of small and exquisite demon wings were constantly waving, making her float two meters in the air while constantly absorbing thin energy from the sky and the earth to transform magic power to supplement her own consumption.

Ten meters in the air behind Rias, Akeno Himejima fanned a demon wing and a fallen angel wing behind him. The blue electric arcs flickered and jumped all over the body, like a beautiful elf driving thunder.

One after another, blue lightning balls with a humming sound swung down with her right hand, and smashed into the undead group on the front. The explosion and high temperature brought by the lightning burned and paralyzed a large number of gray-scaled undead. Silk shares the pressure.

At the same time, the left hand of Himejima Akeno also condensed a ring of thunder and lightning, and fell towards the rear battlefield. Akahito, who was supporting the battle outside the magical barrier, couldn't get out if they didn't take care of the small, intractable undead.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! !

The sound of the wind ripped apart, and on the empty battlefield, Chi Tong had long since turned into a golden lightning bolt, dashing left and right in more than 20 dark shadows that were a bit slower than her.

Although surrounded by those thin undead as fast as the wind, it seems that a negligence will die at any time.

However, Chi Tong's gaze was very calm while staring at the surroundings, and there was not a trace of clutter in her steps. She held the handle of the knife tightly in her right hand and waited for the opportunity, or she would only use the knife to block when there was danger.


The dazzling zigzag sword light flashed, and the two ends were only one meter five. The thin and dry undead was paralyzed by the electric arc blasted by Himejima Junai's lightning ball for a moment, and Chi Tong seized the opportunity to kill with one knife.

At this time, it had been three days since Chi Tong and the others came to this world. The slight contempt that had just arrived had long since disappeared with the continuous battle, and all that remained was the exhaustion that could not be erased from the mind.

After restraining their breath and leaving the arrival point three days ago, the three of them began to search carefully along the way.

It was immediately discovered that in this huge city, apart from the sparse and slow-moving undead and dead bones all over the ground, there was no sign of life activity.

Then the three of them relied on their aura of restraint. After testing, they found that they would be fine if they did not approach these undead within three meters. After comparing the dead bones on the ground that have not yet decayed, I found that.

These undead creatures should be the former aboriginal mutations. The undead are nearly three meters tall and covered with gray scales.

The strength is mainly manifested in the very sharp sharp claws and the strong arms. The weak point is that the joints are stiff and fragile, but the scales on the body have a defense comparable to fine iron.

He was named the power-type undead by Chi Tong and the others.

Then there are less than one-twentieth of the number, with a height of more than five meters and a giant undead covered with black scales.

The strength of these two-story-high undead creatures is in the golden early stage or peak, which is whether they have begun to rot.

The power of the giant undead is very terrifying. A punch on the hard concrete floor can blast a pit of several meters. If a person is punched, they will be smashed into pieces.

The weakness is similar to that of the silver-level undead, but the black scales on their bodies are more defensive, even Murasame who has been strengthened twice by the Lord God in Chitong's hands. It is barely able to cut through the scales on their bodies, unable to kill them with one blow.

Rias, Himejima Akeno and the others who were at the side were shocked.

You must know that in the previous world, Chi Tong held Murasame who had been strengthened once, but cut a one-meter-thick armored wall directly. Not to mention Murasame who was once again strengthened with precious materials.

But if that's the case, they can handle it with ease. But this mood didn't last long, and when they were about twenty miles away, trouble began.

An undead with a height of only 1.5 meters and skinny like dead wood, with arms long and narrow beyond the knees, extremely sharp claws, and as fast as the wind appeared.

This undead has no eyes, there is only a black hole in the middle of the nose on the dark face, the sharp teeth are directly exposed, and the ears are only two black holes.

These undead like to hang on the roof of the building, and it seems that they can find Chitong and the others far away, and launch a sneak attack on them.

The next step is to fight all the way, break away and fight.

Every time they kill the short undead and throw away the power-type undead, it won't be long before they encounter the undead they named Kazekage.

However, the farther from the city center, Rias and the others found that there were fewer of these undead.

But the city was too big, and at their speed, it took three days to rush out even if the undead were holding back.

And now the wind shadow undead and the power and giant undead on Rias' side, who are now surrounded by Chi Tong, came after them when they rushed out of the city for thirty miles regardless of their explosive speed.

If it wasn't for the entanglement of the wind shadow undead, they would have gotten rid of the power undead and the giant undead long ago.

In the end, there was no way for them to be entangled. The three who could not last long without rest and recovery took out their trump cards. Chi Tong alone used a secret technique to restrain and trap the more than 30 Fengying undead who were in the early and middle stages of gold, and whose strength was in the early stages of silver and gold.

Rias and Himejima Juno used precious high-level magic scrolls to draw a large defensive barrier, blocking the more than 400 powerful undead and a dozen giant undead behind.

"Chi Tong, get ready."

After Himejima Zhunai in the air issued a reminder to Chi Tong, the thunder light all over her body skyrocketed, and arcs shot up from her body, forming a small area of ​​thunderclouds in the air.