Chapter 8 Surviving the fifth day


On the cloud layer, Xiang Nanfei suddenly opened his eyes, and his eyes went straight through the cloud layer and landed on the corner of the super city hundreds of miles below.

There, the undead, which were densely packed, were surging, attacking the middle like a tide.

Woo! Woo! !


The sword qi swept through the wind, and the ice was biting to the bone. One after another sharp storm sword qi or frozen ice sword qi was used by Lin Xue, who was holding a magic sword.

Every sword qi that falls in the undead group will explode like a bomb, and they will be turned over by the explosion of frost or wind blades, making it difficult for the undead ocean in front of them to go beyond the thunderous pool.

From time to time, frozen undead are trampled to pieces by the same kind, or directly headed by the sword energy of the storm.

In the cross street, Lin Xue's sleeves were flying with long hair.

The magical inscriptions on her wrists, clothes, and boots flickered constantly, bringing together the elements of heaven and earth while blessing her with various states.

Lin Xue's tired eyes looked at the dense sea of ​​undead in front of her, like a wall of people, and she couldn't help feeling a little headache.

There are too many, and the defense is high and the strength is extraordinary, so that she has an extremely exquisite swordsmanship. At this time, in addition to using sword energy to bombard, it is actually useless.

Behind Lin Xue, Yu Zhengde and Shi Long formed a triangular formation, one on the left and one on the right, with a five-meter-sized formation in the middle. The three people formed a defensive formation in succession, blocking the tide-like undead ten meters away. .

At the same time, the three people in the middle layer used various means to block the dense group of hundreds of undead and reduce the energy consumption of the battle.

Surrounded by yellow infuriating energy, Shilong, whose body was faintly expanded, opened and closed.

The khaki-yellow saber gas on the big saber in his hand soared up to five meters long, compressing the air as if it were carrying a gigantic force.

Those undead are scratched and wounded, and they will die next to each other.

Yu Zhengde, on the other hand, was concentrating on pinching the sword art with one hand, controlling the flying sword to transform into a two-zhang sword light that pierced through the group continuously.

The left hand continued to use the Dao tactic to adjust the underground defense formation, so that the defensive position outside them was not weakened much after being besieged for a long time, and it also allowed the formation to last longer.

At the same time, Yu Zhengde secretly rejoiced in his heart that they were well prepared when they came. He didn't expect to use the advanced Taoist array plate as one of his trump cards so quickly.


A series of four sword qi with a length of five meters erupted at the same time. The blue sword qi froze its function, and the cyan wind blade cut it, instantly removing eleven powerful undead within a radius of three meters.


The slender eyebrows frowned, and Lin Xue watched as the gap that had just been cleared was instantly drowned by the undead behind. And those undead that were chopped up were like sandstorms, and they rotted away in their breaths, without doing anything to hinder them.

In the past five days, Lin Xue and the others discovered that these undead seem to be delaying their own decay by relying on a force within their bodies. empty.

"It can't go on like this."

Lin Xue's eyes were sharp, and the sword qi in his hand was constantly incessant. He looked around to see the undead figures jumping from the dilapidated high-rise buildings from time to time, gathering to kill endlessly.

With a stern expression on her beautiful face, Lin Xue turned around and called to Yu Zhengde and Shi Long, "You guys hold on."

"it is good!!"


Lin Xue's sword energy suddenly stopped like Jian Yu, but before these undead rushed up, dozens of burning talismans flew down from Yu Zhengde's side.

"The True Talisman of the Sun"

"Boom! Boom!!"

The True Talisman of Extreme Yang, which took a lot of effort by Yu Zhengde, sent out an earth-shattering explosion with a scorching flame like a large amount of high explosives, sweeping away dozens of power-type undead in front of Lin Xue.

At the same time, it also caused huge damage to the four giant undead that were mixed in but stood out from the crowd, and two of them were almost destroyed.

And when Yu Zhengde shot, his eyes stared at Shilong and he let out a roar, and the five elements in his body were running extremely fast.

The five-meter-long giant sword swept across the ground, slashing a chasm, and the sword energy on it suddenly exploded.

"Dragon Break"


The khaki-yellow blade gas in the sky melted into the sputtered gravel and soil, and fell heavily like a mountain, covering the undead in front of him and Yu Zhengde.

The originally heavy earth-type infuriating qi merged into the gravel soil and fell, but suddenly expanded and exploded like a volcanic eruption. While smashing a large number of undead, it smashed the ground into large pits.

The sudden explosion suddenly suppressed the arrogance of the menacing undead.

But it has no effect on the undead who have no spiritual thoughts and only have endless hatred for life, and the surging undead in the back instantly fills the space just cleared.

And with the few breaths the two of them fought for, it was enough for Lin Xue who was accumulating energy.

Using a secret method to run the liquefied magic fighting spirit in his body, Lin Xue's icy-eyed body was surrounded by circles that were getting bigger and bigger.

The wind roared, and her long hair danced wildly. At this time, Lin Xue was like the goddess of the storm, and a powerful momentum rose into the sky.

As the wind element and ice element magic fighting qi in the body merged under the secret method, Lin Xue's aura in the late stage of gold suddenly soared in the black hair dance, breaking through the peak of gold and the limit of gold all the way, and finally barely touched the higher level. realm.


Corresponding to Lin Xue's breakthrough, the frost tornado outside her also became stronger and stronger, and soon expanded to a width of eight meters, reaching the point where gray clouds passed through it.


Lin Xue tried her best to control the surging power in her body, slowly raising the heavy sword like a mountain, and waving it towards the sea of ​​corpses in front of her.

"Extreme Wind Ice Blade Slash"

The frost tornado that stirred the clouds swung down with Lin Xue's long sword, and after a slight pause, it slammed down like a collapsed pillar.



The frost tornado was nearly eight meters wide at the bottom, and ten meters wide at the top and a hundred meters long.

Countless dark blue wind blades mixed with frost tornadoes that froze everything, shredding and destroying everything in front of them and rushed out a mile away.

"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!!"

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The extremely cold ice crystals freeze and brittle the scales on the surface of the power undead, which are as hard as fine iron, and then the incomparably sharp wind blades become more violent and sharp under the wind field, and they are instantly smashed into pieces.


A powerful frost tornado erupted in the narrow street, and many buildings on both sides that had been crumbling and fragile after a hundred years began to collapse as the smoke filled the air.

"Phew! Go."

With a blow that touched the power of the Sanctuary Law, Lin Xue called Shang Yu Zhengde and Shi Long with a slightly pale face to prepare to take the opportunity to quickly escape.

Because at this time, in the distance, there are many figures of undead coming in a steady stream because of the increasing movement here, which is also the reason why these undead are inexhaustible.

Yu Zhengde and Shi Long heard the words without any hesitation, the flying sword in their hands skyrocketed into a long chain, and they rolled over the necks of more than a dozen undead in front of them, beheading them.

"go away"


The sword qi skyrocketed, and Shi Long swept along and forced the undead back in front of him. He followed Yu Zhengde, who had packed up the array, and Lin Xue, who flashed toward the streets filled with smoke and dust.


"Woo! Woo..."

Countless undead roared and chased after him.