Chapter 9 Dominant Arms (Blade of Destruction)Chapter 10 Jindan! Sanctuary!

"Ho ho!!"

Shi Long, who was running with all his strength, was panting violently, and the city behind him that took them five days to rush out of was nowhere to be seen.


While Lin Xue's figure in front was galloping, he kept releasing his sword energy and slashed towards the back, and the three undead with bones were already close to thirty meters away.

However, the white-boned undead entangled with Yuzhengde's flying sword flashed past easily, without much effect.

He glanced at Lin Xue and Yu Zhengde who were side by side, and then looked back at the white-boned undead who were constantly approaching, exuding a strong sense of death.

Shi Long's eyes were very complicated, after some struggle. With a firm look on his face, Yu Zheng said to Lin Xue on both sides.

"You guys go first, I'll hold them back."

"What are you doing, you want to die." Yu Zhengde, who usually has a calm expression on his face, suddenly turned his head and glared at him angrily.

"Do not talk nonsense."

Lin Xue gave him a cold look.

Seeing the angry Yu Zhengde and Lin Xue, who was cold on the outside and hot on the inside, before entering the main god space, Shi Long, who was just a grassroots migrant worker, couldn't help but redden.

In fact, Shi Long knew that with Yuzhengde's cultivation system's foundation-building mid-term strength, and Lin Xue's unique Fengbing dual-type great magic swordsman. The two of them have long been able to fly with one person, and the other with the wings of the wind to increase the speed.

But because he exchanged for an earth-type warrior, although he has a powerful attack and defense, he couldn't fly before he became a martial artist.

Unwilling to give up on him along the way, he was forced to be constantly besieged by the undead.

"Hold on and wait for the distance from the giant undead. We will do our best and use that to solve the three difficult problems in the back first."

Seeming to be a little worried about him, Lin Xue spoke coldly again.

"That one!"

Shi Long nodded, but smiled bitterly in his heart.

Because he knew that although the forbidden weapon harvested in the previous world was powerful, it would not necessarily be able to kill the three bone undead who suddenly appeared behind him, but were very powerful and strange.

Because the opponent's speed is too flexible.

The small-scale movement was like a phantom while dealing with Yu Zhengde's flying sword, while avoiding Lin Xue's sword qi bombardment. Still speeding up.

"Zhengde, take back the flying sword, Shilong, prepare."

Just twenty meters away from the boneless undead, the skinny undead followed one mile behind, and the corpse tide behind was led by the howls in front, and hung three miles away.

The sword energy in Lin Xue's hand stopped, and she pressed her right hand on the space bracelet on her left wrist.

"Okay." When Yu Zhengde and Shi Long heard this, they immediately understood what Lin Xue meant, and their faces instantly became serious.

But just as the three of them were ready to gamble, an indifferent voice sounded clearly in their ears.



An exclamation blurted out from the mouths of the three of them at the same time, and nodded instinctively at the same time.

"Remember, after you go out, you can exchange 2,000 points for each person."

No one answered, and the next scene also made the three of them forget to ask again.

"Tweet! Tweet! Tweet! Tweet Tweet!!!!"

One after another powerful energy beams passed over their heads, colorful and endless.

The three of Lin Xue below were horrified at this time, because they found out from the strong energy fluctuations of those beams. If they were hit by a beam of light from the front, they would be seriously injured in an instant.

Looking up, they were 100 meters in the air a mile in front of them.

A handsome young man wearing a similar magic robe stepped on the void and stood in the middle of a rotating circle composed of nine sides and one meter in size, with a diameter of ten meters.

The divine light flickered all over the body, and the power was monstrous, like a god and a devil.

And those amazing energy beams are shot from those diamond-shaped crystals, and each beam is full of extremely condensed terrifying energy.

The explosion of fire, the freezing of ice, the scorching heat of light, the rotten candle of wood.

Countless energy beams are like thousands of anti-aircraft rockets, covering the undead behind. Then there is the explosion of various elemental energies.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!!"

The earth shook violently, and Lin Xue and the others heard the sound of explosions all over their bodies. They had to use their vindictive energy and their true essence to defend their whole body, and at the same time plug their ears.

For a long time, when the dust dissipated and everything was calm.

Lin Xue and the others looked around, and saw the cracked earth covered with craters and cracks in a radius of ten miles behind them. The drastically changed terrain even made them feel a little dazed.

The thousands of powerful undead who had been chasing them desperately in front of them all turned to ashes, and there was not a single one left.


Lin Xue's faint voice awakened Yu Zhengde and Shi Long who were in shock, only to realize that the young man who had rescued them just now had long since disappeared.

It seems that for the other party, saving them is just a matter of convenience.

The breeze with the dust left came out, and Yu Zhengde, who was in a trance, said in a dry voice: "Foot on the void, Jindan period."

"Is this the Martial Saint-level strength I've been pursuing!" Looking at the ground that seemed like a natural disaster, Shi Long squeezed the handle of the knife in his hands, and was suddenly lost.

"There are high-level loners coming, it seems that this world is more dangerous than we thought."

"And this is the strength of my sister. Sanctuary! But it seems that person is more powerful than my sister."

Unlike the two who were still in shock, Lin Xue, who had seen the strength of the next realm, quickly recovered, but her eyes were very complicated when she remembered the handsome young man just now.

"Team... Captain... So strong..."

On the side of Lin Xue and the others, ten miles away, on a small desolate slope.

It was covered with a divine cloth that restrained breath and invisibility, and Murakami Yidao, who was integrated with the surrounding environment, listened to the trembling voice of his subordinates, and his heart ignited an extremely strong desire and ambition for power.

"One day, I will be as strong as him." Murakami looked at the direction that Xiang Nanfei was leaving, and swore to himself.

I imagined that one day I would be able to destroy the world with a wave of hands like the young man who looked like a god.

"Captain, the target has moved."

Just as Murakami was thinking about the future, the man in the Naruto windbreaker called him back.

"Well, they should be preparing to find a place to rest now."

Murakami, who was interrupted by his fantasy, was not covered with a knife at all, but lowered his head and looked at the figure in the artifact given by the man in front of him.

Among the three, a palm-sized red mirror reflected the figures overlooking Lin Xue and the three from a high altitude.

Possessing this powerful piece of equipment is also the basis for them to follow Lin Xue and the three in this dangerous world.

"Go, keep up, and see if you can find an opportunity while they relax."

Watching Lin Xue and the three swept away, it was probably when they were looking for a place to repair. With a flash of murderous intent in Murakami's eyes, he was about to bring his subordinates and follow from a distance.

But he didn't notice that not far from them, a tall, thin, tall, undead man with pale white bones wrapped around his body exuding a strong death energy, the sullen skeleton face slowly approached with doubts.


Thousands of meters high in the sky, facing the strong wind, wearing a black robe that covers the whole body. Pretending to be a loner in the main god space, Xiang Nanfei, an elemental warlock of the entire holy order, is flying towards Chi Tong, a hundred miles away.

Although he has integrated the memories of a large number of future bodies, it is still very different from what he has seen with his own eyes.

He was still a little curious about the anime characters in his memory, especially the protagonist who was only fifteen or sixteen years old after watching it (Zhan, Crimson Eyes), but had hope to move forward.

In addition, he has a peek at the main god space, so he is ready to start contact with Chi Tong first.