Chapter 46 The Rock Demon that Destroyed the Last World

In the Great Blue World, the eighth-layer plane, there is not a trace of vegetation on the barren and barren land, only the sky full of sand and dust, the cracked earth and the bare mountains.

Looking down from the sky, on the vast land of hundreds of millions of square kilometers, blocks of black like stains have occupied one-tenth of the central area.

"Jie Jie..."

"Jie Jie..."

On the edge of the black smoke craters, the rock demons with a height of more than 100 meters were shrouded in monstrous flames, constantly pulling the magma to erupt from the depths of the ground.

One after another, the magma and black smoke that rose into the sky were sent into the sky, and then fell like a meteor shower.

On the ground below, the figure of the bottom rock demon with a height of three or four meters and a few more than ten meters high is pulling the magma river, submerging and burning everything in front of it.

In the center of this area, a thousand-meter-high rock demon figure stood in the sea of ​​magma and flames, and the surging and vast flame power merged with the endless hot black smoke above, refining it into its own domain.

As the 100-meter-high Sanctuary Rock Demon continued to detonate the magma deep in the ground, countless small rock demons with silver and gold levels drove the river to flood the earth.

The area shrouded in sultry black smoke gradually expanded, and at the same time, the breath of the legendary Step Rock Demon in the depths of the sea of ​​​​fire became more and more terrifying and powerful, and the billowing clouds of smoke continued to spread, expelling other rules between heaven and earth.

And as long as it is shrouded in the black smoke cloud field, the breath of the rock demons on the bottom layer is gradually increasing, and they can control more magma.

It seems that the big rock devil in this sanctuary led the volcanic eruption, the gold and silver rank little rock devil drove the magma river to submerge and burn everything, and the legendary giant rock devil refined the world, and the cycle of expulsion rules would continue.


tear it up

The sky is falling.

An abyss that ripped apart the sky spanned the ninth plane, and the terrifying aura that destroyed everything and headed for the end awakened countless sleeping creatures buried in the sea of ​​magma and fire.

Roar! Roar! Roar! Roar! Roar! Roar! Roar...

Woo! Woo! Woo! Woo! Woo! Woo! ...

quack quack...

A howl that was even more terrifying than hell spread through every corner of the ninth-layer plane, and there was a terrifying idea of ​​destruction, only destruction, and destroying everything in front of you.

The heads are huge and the smallest are hundreds of meters. The strange creatures with black smoke and strange shapes began to fall from the sky.

In the ninth-level starry sky area, countless hundreds of meters, thousands of meters of terrifying destruction creatures crossed the abyss, and their size instantly expanded a hundred times because of the low space binding force.

They turned into interstellar horror creatures with a length of 10,000 meters and hundreds of thousands of meters. They destroyed meteorites along the way and devoured and shredded barren planets.

On the barren land of the eighth floor, a number of destructive creatures with hundreds of meters and thousands of meters descended from the sky, and after falling, the power of destruction erupted.

Whether it is the earth, mountains or sand, they are all turned into nothingness by the power of destruction they control, infinitely enhancing the power of destruction in their bodies.

They are more terrifying creatures of destruction than locusts. In their eyes, there is no distinction between life and death, but only to destroy everything and return to nothingness.

On the seventh floor, half of the plane world was submerged by magma. Seven legendary giant rock demons ruled nearly a hundred sacred giant rock demons and millions of silver and gold-level rock demons.

It is divided into seven regions to suppress, and the refining and chemical fields assimilate everything.

After the sky was torn apart, many sanctuary-level big rock demons rose into the sky, leading thousands of small rock demons to fight.

Most of the sixth floor was shrouded in a sea of ​​magma and flames. A dozen legendary giant rock demons ruled over a thousand sacred rock demons and hundreds of millions of silver and gold-level rock demons.

Rapidly advancing in more than a dozen directions, driving the magma to flood the entire world and nurturing rock demons.

Also after the sky was torn apart, countless rock demons roared fearlessly and attacked the destruction monsters that drilled out of the abyss.

And such a magnificent battlefield is happening all over the world at the same time.

The entire plane of the fifth floor was submerged by magma, and little rock demons were born from the eyes of the magma sea all the time.

On the fourth plane, there are only the sea of ​​magma and fire, the endless billions of small rock demons, and the tens of thousands of sanctuary-level big rock demons.

On the third plane, the entire plane is like a cracked riverbed. Between pieces of dry, solidified and cooled volcanic rock, a spider-web-like magma river flows.

These dark red slowly flowing magma rivers seem to be slowly solidifying due to excessive burning, and there is no figure of the magma in them.

Therefore, the destruction monsters that rushed out of this world turned to destroy the plane after roaring regretfully.

The second plane, the dead silence, the dark sky, the dark red earth that is cold and cracked, without a trace of heat or fire.

On the first plane, on the land of hundreds of millions of square kilometers, sticky flaming rivers were left from the void and flowed to the central area along fixed channels.

In the white sea of ​​fire of millions of miles, hundreds of legendary terrifying rock demons with heights of thousands and thousands of meters spread out, covering one world and being in the sea of ​​white fire, swallowing and refining the vast flame power inside.

In the center of the sea of ​​​​fire, where even the space began to distort and melt, a vortex the size of thousands of miles was constantly rotating.

A behemoth with a height of more than 20,000 meters and a whole body like a golden-red gold crystal, with a body as bright as a mirror, a burly body with clear water chestnuts, and a behemoth with four sturdy arms stood quietly there.

When the sky of the first plane was torn apart, two pairs of tyrannical and angry golden eyes opened on the blurred face of this behemoth.


"Jie Jie..."

"Jie Jie..."

An angry roar emanated from the mouths of all the rock demons on the upper and lower planes, and they watched angrily as these monsters descended from the sky destroying their paradise.

One after another magma exploded, and the tyrannical sanctuary big rock demons rushed into the sky, rushing into the endless group of destroying monsters gushing out like a tide.

And then easily torn apart and destroyed.




The most numerous are those auras that fluctuate up and down in the sanctuary, which are shaped like black mist but are extremely hard to destroy monsters, 10,000, 100,000, 1,000,000, 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000.

Those silver and gold-level rock demons that can't fly can't even block the symbolic meaning in front of them. They will be turned into ashes as soon as they are rushed by the destroying monsters, and then they will return to nothingness.

Only those sanctuary big rock demons can cause symbolic damage to them, again this is only symbolic.

Because these twisted monsters, transformed by the obsession of endlessly destroyed creatures, will be reborn in the power of destruction immediately after a few are torn apart by the Great Rock Demon.

Not long after the war started.

The first to be cleared was the eighth-layer plane. A dozen torrents of destruction gushed out from the cracks in the abyss. Under the leadership of the destructive monsters, a single impact completely destroyed a black smoke area of ​​thousands of kilometers.

In less than a few days, the rock demons on this plane were swept away, and after there was no life, the monsters of destruction hundreds of meters began to destroy the structure of the earth.

And the destruction monsters up to 1000 meters directly tear the space and erode the law.