Chapter 47 My garden is a bit monotonous

Boundless and endless black destruction monsters seem to be swarming into the space cracks, and at the same time attack the ninth-layer plane.

However, Xiang Nanfei, who was sitting high on the throne at the back, moved forward in an orderly manner.

In just ten days, the outer-frame starry sky area of ​​this world, which is nearly ten thousand light-years and half illusory and half material, was torn apart by the destroying monsters wandering the starry sky, affecting the stability of the entire big world.

As the material world in the central area, the eighth-level plane was directly attacked by the eighth and seventh-level planes, and the eighth-level plane has been destroyed by several monsters that have swelled to nearly ten thousand feet due to the destruction of too much energy and matter. Ripped into seven pieces.


"Quack quack..."

"Jie Jie... Jie Jie..."

In the face of the annihilation of the world, especially the annihilation of the world with disparity in strength, after the world's lack of willpower has fallen into a deep sleep, the resistance of the entire Cangqing Great World in the early stage is futile.

There is no blessing of the law of heaven and earth, because the balance of the law of heaven and earth in the whole world has been expelled and destroyed by the legendary rock demon.

There is no law of the origin of the world to suppress foreign enemies. At this time, the origin of the world is completely exhausted.

Regardless of the number or individual strength, those monsters from the destruction side are unstoppable to countless rock demons.

The endless black destruction monsters swept the eighth floor like a broken bamboo, followed by the seventh and sixth floors. On the fifth floor, there were many reasons for the Sanctuary Great Rock Demon and the Legendary Giant Rock Demon.

It was blocked a little, and then after several monsters of destruction appeared, and easily tore apart a dozen legendary giant rock demons and thousands of large rock demons.

The black tide behind it directly submerged the entire plane.

hum! !

A slight tremor came from the depths of the world, and then the Great Blue World trembled slightly, and a mighty Hongda woke up with a weak will.

Then anger came out from this vast will, and an invisible force of restraint descended on countless monsters of destruction, but it only reduced their breath by less than 10%.

"Hum... dying... dying... struggling."

The dark center that eroded half of the world in the sky, countless forces of destruction poured in from the completely destroyed eighth-layer plane and seventh-layer plane, and then was swallowed by a black figure like a black hole.

Some stiff, wooden female voice snorted coldly.

" your...honor."

"For... my lord, shred them to pieces for me."


"Quack quack..."

On the first plane, billions of square kilometers of space have been occupied by billions of large and small rock demons.

This is the king of the rock demon in the center, after finding that the fourth and fifth layers above could not be blocked, he opened the plane channel and led them down.

The boundless white sea of ​​fire is the center, occupying one-tenth of the space of the first plane, and all the remaining space is occupied by the sea of ​​magma and fire that has melted again.

The infinite flame shrouded the entire first-layer plane in a high temperature of 2,000 degrees, like a world composed of flames, except for fire, nothing exists.

Heads of little rock devils stand in the sea of ​​magma and fire, and among every 10,000 silver and gold little rock devils, there is a sanctuary big rock devil that draws the flame power from them.

Combined with his own domain, he raised his own domain to the point where he was just entering the legend, and his body swelled to a kilometer.

And in every thousand such pseudo-legendary rock devil fields, they will be linked with the legendary giant rock devil behind them, and they will be refined into the field and bless them.

These legendary rock demons with the blessings of countless large and small rock demons, their bodies swelled to 7,000 or 8,000 meters everywhere, and their breath intensity was infinitely close to the sixth-order god level.


A roar of pain mixed with excitement came from the mouth of the Rock Demon King, who had swelled to more than 30,000 meters, and the two pairs of red-gold eyes blazed with scorching heat, melting the space in front of him into cracks.

Invisible blessings from the whole world fell on the King of Rock Demons, making his aura constantly improve and elevate, and it seemed to endlessly absorb and refine the flame power from the entire plane.

The King of Rock Demons, who has given birth to simple wisdom and became the only god in the Great Green World, knows that this is the will of the world that has long abandoned it to bless it again.

At this time, the King of Rock Demon felt that he had to thank those black monsters. If it weren't for their appearance, he would not have the opportunity to refine the entire plane with his own kingdom of God.

The entire first-layer plane, under the control of the Rock Demon King for thousands of years, has gathered most of the resources and energy of the entire Cangqing World.

And just when the first plane turned into a sea of ​​fire, and was blessed by the king of rock demons with the will of the world, and refined with the power of billions of large and small rock demons.

Countless monsters of destruction seem to be restrained, only congested in the abyss cracks, plane passages, and the outer outer void.

In the boundless darkness that drowned most of the world in the sky, these ferocious and twisted obsessions transformed the monsters of destruction to let out a howl of ghostly wailing.

The brutal and tyrannical eyes are full of ** that destroy everything, and the huge body is ready to move, eager to jump on it.

On the throne, Xiang Nanfei watched indifferently in less than ten days, and the structure fell into a collapsed world.

The pinnacle world is just the world, completely different from the gold-level universe with complete self-adjustment and control of Heavenly Dao consciousness.

Xiang Nanfei watched indifferently as countless monsters of destruction shredded the starry sky into nothingness, completely destroying the planes above.

Only when his eyes fell on Moza Itile, who had devoured half of the world's power of destruction, gradually recovered, his indifferent gaze paused slightly.

And apart from Mosha Yidi Lei's quick recovery, which made Xiang Nanfei pay a little attention, even if the will of the Great Blue World is awake, he doesn't bother to care.

However, when the King of Rock Demons smelted the plane with the help of billions of large and small rock demons with the blessing of the world's will, he became a little interested.

"Mosha Idile, stop for a while, and bring the seal back after that big guy has finished his ascension."

"The scenery in my garden seems a little drab."

"Follow... orders, my lord. Your... will is the supreme rule."

In the center of the endless darkness, Mozai Tile, who is ten thousand feet tall and dressed in a ferocious black crystal armor, regained a hint of agility in the darkness and moved her eyes.

After receiving the order to fly to the south, the huge body came out from the center of the darkness in the rumbling vibration, and at the same time, she who dominated the darkness gave orders to all the destroying monsters to surround the first plane.

Although he wondered why those black monsters did not attack, they had already risen to a height of 40,000 meters, and their whole body was covered with pieces of cracked golden mirrors. Leave it alone.

At this time, it just wants to break through the shackles in one go, the shackles that allow it to survive in chaos for a short time after the world is destroyed.


The King of Rock Demons roared up to the sky, and the two pairs of red-golden eyes were full of anger.

Not enough, not enough, practice for me, I can do it.

I am the king of rock demons who rule a world.

Those bugs are calling me the Great Demon God of Destruction

How could I possibly dissipate with this world

Since I gave birth to wisdom

Then I will go to another world to see

I don't want to be trapped in this narrow world