Chapter 56: Natural Disaster Comes

"Some say that God is the end of civilization."

"No, God is the beginning of civilization."

The dawn sunrise began to emerge from one end of the horizon, and a 100,000-meter-tall figure among the clouds, shrouded under a black hood, proclaimed its philosophy to all life on the planet.

The entire planet, from the presidents of the countries down to the poor people, could hear and see the figure appearing in all directions of the planet.

All of them looked at the figure standing in the clouds as if it were a divine manifestation, and responded to its proclamation in their hearts.

Outside the city of Giant Gorge, the company of soldiers who had just won their first meaningful battle also all looked up at the sky in horror.

"Everything in the past, the endless reproduction of life and death, in the eyes of the vast universe of emptiness and dark shadows, is nothing more than preparation for the great cosmic civilization."

"Join me so that you can witness the real universe, what kind of existence it really is."

Far away in the depths of the universe, Karl stood on the worm bridge to the opposite side of the space-time wormhole he had opened up with the Great Clock. The group of beings, still in a planetary civilization, pronounced their philosophy in an overlooking posture.

"Of course, if one is afraid, or does not want to join us, one can also ..."



All the living beings on the planet violently felt the world shake, and then the black shadow that was just called the God of Death suddenly disappeared like an old TV set shattering flowers after a few blurs.

Then a great terror, a great calamity palpitations enveloped the entire planet, all the body instinctively shivered as if immediately as a great disaster.


In the dawn sunrise, the sky that seems to be in the atmosphere, but in another layer of space-time wormhole around a strand of dark clouds generated out of thin air.

And with the wormhole as the center, in a breath spread to a thousand miles, in a vortex constantly rotating, expanding.



A day of blue-white thunder exploded, shining a white light on the faces of all the men from the company below, who were still shocked by the interstellar projection of Death Karl.

All of them stared at the growing dark clouds, and the thunder and lightning that kept exploding seemed to represent the wrath of the world, as if there was a terrifying presence inside that would make the world afraid to come out.

"Attention all military departments, attention all military departments, check a wormhole where a terrifying life form capable of destroying planets is finding a way to descend."

"All departments activate level one battle readiness, attention, this is not a drill, this is not a drill."

A cold electronic voice and alarm pulled from the Project Supremacy military base, conveying the orders from the national headquarters.

"Old demon, do you know what's coming out of there."

Dukao shocked looking at the display full of red, representing the detected energy exceeds the known standards of the alarm, feeling the great terror that emerged in the heart, swallowed a dry voice and asked.

"This, this horrible breath even the principal of Kieran can not compare, the known universe simply does not have such a horrible God exists ah."

"That wormhole is not opened by Karl to what horrible world."

A drop of cold sweat dripped down from Ritz's face, the cerebral cortex with a copy of the big clock big database manufactured by the central processor link, he more clearly feel the breath that seems to be even the world is afraid.

"Report, command has now been taken over by the President, the ICBMs of the major military regions are ready, and the ballistic-loaded nuclear missiles are being de-anchored."

Just then, a beautiful woman in a military uniform below Ducao reported the latest situation in an icy voice.

"It's going to change old Du."

"That, what is that...Xiaolun..."

"I...I don't know, Master Xin, are you afraid."

Ge Xiaolun looked at the increasingly terrifying celestial phenomenon in the sky, especially the black energy that directly expelled the dark clouds of thunder after it surged out from the wormhole.

" say not afraid is impossible ..." Zhao Xin's palms sweating, holding the lance hard, leaning on the effort to make their weak feet stand a little straighter.

"The problem is not afraid of not afraid, but we can not fight."

Compared to Ge Xiaolun and Zhao Xin, to be much more calm Cheng Yaowen gaze at the sky.


Crackling sound, hundreds of thousands of billions of volts of thunder dragons, shrouding the vault of the earth back into the darkness of the dark clouds leapt out, blasting towards the wormhole slowly gushing out of the pitch black like an abyss of deep energy.

No sound, the blinding light will be illuminated, as if daylight, even if someone subconsciously closed his eyes, eyes also a bright.

Thousands of terrifying thunder dragon blast, the outbreak of energy comparable to hundreds of nuclear explosions without radiation will wormhole around a thousand-mile radius of everything blasted into nothingness.

Space shattered, pitch-black cracks in the swallowing of all the material in front of them after being healed by the power of space repair.

This time the animal power blasted a small half of the pitch-black destructive power that originally gushed out of the wormhole after an area about the size of a pond, but then it was filled up again by the continuous gush of destructive power, becoming even bigger eroding weakening the rules of heaven and earth around.


The universe's deep spatial turbulence, to the south of the fly around the purple light flowing scales flashing black light, emitting an indestructible intention.

The human-like body is strong, nine black sharp dragon horns of different lengths on the head resembling a crown, pointed at the sky.

The back of the head thick black beard hair as if the general cloak behind, above the burning of the destruction of all the black extinction of the inflammation, into a million miles long extinction of the general carpet of inflammation will burn everything behind.

A long, slender dragon tail twice the length of the body is covered with tiny purple scales, the tip of the tail burning a purple-black flame, a circle of space was melted collapse of the black cracks continue to appear, healing, and was melted collapse.

Behind him, thirty-six pairs of slightly inciting dragon wings opened in anger, covering the sky, of which only twelve pairs are solid, the remaining twenty-four pairs in illusory form.

Behind a circle of divine light in the birth of the world, the universe destruction scene constantly cycle, the greatest, the highest, majestic, the most powerful destruction Avenue around the body.

This is Xiang Nanfei's supreme destruction God body form.

In this form, Xiang Nanfei performed the Heavenly Dao Destruction Sword Code with terrifying and invincible power, cutting out a world-destroying sword qi with his hands, tearing apart each illusory world and heading towards the spacetime rift that was positioned by the power of destruction.

Each half-matter half-energy illusory world torn open by Nanfei, burning all the extinction of the world's flames burning.

Destroying it into nothingness and replenishing itself in turn.

In the blast, a ten-thousand-mile-long pitch-black sword Qi cut out from Xiang Nanfei's hand, destroying several illusory worlds in front of him that contained the power of opening up.

Then instantly several more ten-thousand-mile-long Heavenly Dao extinguishing sword qi chopped towards the left front, chopping the golden palm that had been enveloping a million miles in circumference into pieces.

"Heh ... useless." Light laugh, to the south fly waved his hand and several terrifying heavenly dao exterminating sword qi chopped out.

The destruction of the divine power condensed, containing the most powerful destruction Avenue of the Heavenly Dao destruction sword Qi cut everything, regardless of the front is the time law 'time reverse' or space law "space broken"

"I am one, but I am not the same as those otherworldly evil gods you suppressed in the past."