Chapter 57: The divine body that does not fear the will of the heavenly dao


A million miles long heavenly dao extinguishing sword qi cut out, the sword qi that specializes in restraining the will of the heavenly dao easily cut out the power of the heavenly dao that separated space and time ahead.

Boom! Boom! Boom!!!

A hundred thousand miles long black, terrifying, magnificent, containing the meaning of I am the Heavenly Dao, also cut the Heavenly Dao, the Heavenly Dao extermination sword qi crazy pouring.

It turned into a world-destroying storm.

The sword qi with the will to destroy the heavenly dao shredded the attacks coming from all sides and destroyed the heavenly dao power of the super god universe in those attacks.

The power of the sword was greatly reduced to one, and a path to the material universe was cut out.

Billions of miles of extinguishing thunder, eroding the vault of the water of nothingness, purifying all the radiant divine fire, cutting all the collapse of space-time, reversing the space-time chaos ...

Numerous present world is the catastrophe, the destruction of billions of living beings of the terrifying attack by the super God universe lack of consciousness invoked, towards the South Fei attack, to suppress him, wear out in the deep space turbulence.

The hand chopped out a path to destroy all the Heavenly Dao extinction sword Qi, Xiang Nanfei's body did not pause in the slightest, a firm pace towards the small crack that he had locked.

A circle of world-extinguishing inflammation burns outside the divine body, dissipating the aftermath of the attack between him and the heavenly will of the Super God universe.

Relying on the self-contained nature of the 'divine body of divine creation', Xiang Nanfei did not fear the danger of being suppressed by unfamiliar origin rules and suppressed by the power of the heavenly dao after entering another universe.

In the chaos, many deities or existences of the same level or higher, because the laws that they melt or perceive only belong to the world that gave birth to them.

Once you accidentally go to another universe or world, in addition to a refined energy, is unable to mobilize the use of strange universe laws.

And because its soul breath and unfamiliar power and the current universe incompatible, like a million watt spotlight in the dark, easily found by the world's lack of will, or that world's heavenly dao.

And whoever it is, for their own family into the rat will not be soft, directly to suppress those who can not use the law or stronger rules of power, and the strength of a hundred does not survive the evil gods.

Even the complete refinement of their own dao, travel the sea of chaos eleventh-rank God King in the encounter with strange universe, will first use the power of the soul bilocation forward to see.

If the universe level is lower than the gold level universe, the heavenly dao has not yet coalesced to appear, it can not produce a fatal danger to it, do not care too much, directly into a complete universe or world to verify their own dao.

And if that universe level is higher than the gold level, the heavenly dao consciousness is very strong, those god kings will try to communicate with it, to see if there is the possibility of going in to travel to discuss the dao.

But generally will be rejected, because each universe has its own evolutionary path, will not let so powerful individual beings go in to influence the unique path of the civilization system inside.

The gods are different from each other, and all his power originates from himself, without adding external paths, and the destructive divine power that contains the most powerful paths can destroy each other's attacks and turn them into destructive power for his use.

The battle between him and the supernatural universe's heavenly will can be seen as a comparison of surface and point, or quantity and quality.

A body of great power to itself, not to add external channels to the South Fei is like an invulnerable interstellar warship, and full of power, solid.

And the supernatural universe heavenly will is a control void seawater ocean, constantly with a sea of seawater to beat the battleship, but can not hurt, blocking the footsteps of Nanfei.

And to Nanfei also because of their own volume, although the single body mass is far higher than the other side, but also can not cause fatal damage to the other side for a short time.

However, once waiting for Xiang Nanfei to go to the material world, then it is difficult to say.

And this is also the reason why the supernatural universe heavenly dao will stop at nothing to stop Xiang Nanfei.

The material main world of a universe is both its most solid aspect and where its weakness lies.


A ten-thousand-foot wind dragon that tore everything apart stirred up heaven and earth, and a ten-thousand-foot thunder dragon weaved back and forth in the dark clouds that covered the entire star.

A terrifying energy exploded around the wormhole, but was unable to impact inside the destructive force that had spread to more than ten miles square, destroying the space-time wormhole that had been controlled by the destructive divine force.

"All units below pay attention to concealment, all units below pay attention to concealment, intercontinental ballistic trajectory has been launched, pay attention to dodge the aftermath."

"All units below take cover, all units below take cover, intercontinental ballistic trajectory has been fired, pay attention to dodge the fallout."

An alarm sounded in the ears of everyone in the majestic company, and then a supersonic nuclear-carrying missile flew in from every direction in the country.

It had been nearly a day since the horrific celestial phenomenon had appeared, from thousands of miles around, to thousands of miles, to an entire planet obscured by dark clouds.

At the same time the aura that was so terrifying that it was frighteningly heavy grew more and more terrifying, causing all the powers of the entire planet to join together to discuss countermeasures.

Then came the global world conference, and finally after the analysis of experts and professionals from various countries, excluding all the forces at their disposal, they came up with.

In addition to the large-yield nuclear bombardment, no means can be useful to the black energy on the periphery of the wormhole in the sky, even if it is close.

"Shit, tmd what the hell is going on, that stupid bastard Carlsbad opened the wormhole there in the end."

A originally hidden in the 10,000 meters above the sky, this time by the celestial phenomenon forced down to a thousand meters low altitude of the demon castle, behind a pair of demon wings rage spread Morgana cursed angrily.

The aura coming from that wormhole gave her the feeling that she would die completely, and this was the second time she felt the aura of death to her since she advanced to the fourth generation of the divine body.

"Mamma, I'm a little afraid of what to do, or we should run." Next to Morgana, Crocodile Thornton waved his weapon in annoyance.

"Run? How to run, my demon biplane warship is not here, rely on this magic castle with the men in the universe to wander!"

"tmd on this castle to fly a thousand years to fly out of this star system, my men have just resurrected, strength has not recovered much, do I want to leave them alone to go ah."

Waving the wing, Morgana frowned at the far side, although the vision can not see, but she can clearly feel that the destruction of all the aura over there is getting stronger and stronger.

"Holy shit, what is that ..."

Suddenly, Morgana stared wide-eyed at a streak of light that crossed the sky.

At the same time the panicked people in many cities around Giant Gorge City saw a strip of intercontinental ballistic missiles flying up into the atmosphere from the earth.

The dazzling light shone again, illuminating the entire earth, and half the planet could see the circle of light in the sky that was like the sun.

"Impossible, so many nuclear bombs exploded together actually did not work at all."

Leaning on the lance of Zhao Xin shouted incredulously, when half a sound above the sky after the light of the explosion opened his eyes in disbelief.

The wormhole around the black energy actually did not suffer a little, and because around as if chained a thunder dragon was nuclear explosion blast scattered, but even more growing a circle.

ps: thanks to the starting point bookmate 'shadowkey' reward support.

The third shift of the day is completed, because yesterday moved, today the entire city village blackout for electrical equipment, the hands of the revised draft is not much.

The third shift will be resumed in the next few days. I'll be back in a few days when I've got a lot of manuscripts in stock and we'll be bursting at the seams again (manual laugh)