Chapter 78 - Sun Wukong's true body of the tyrannical ape

"Roar ..."

A violent roar, the terrifying power from the Sun Wukong body awakened, a huge black shadow appeared behind the Sun Wukong.

The black shadow is like a thousand meters tall tyrannical ape, swollen muscles, hair exploded beat chest, looking up to the sky roaring angrily at the stars falling like a blast of flaming sword.

"Roar ..."

The huge black shadow inside, Sun Wukong golden light flashing eyes of anger more and more exuberant, the body of the power with his anger awakened faster.

After being hit hard by Nanfei that day, both the Xiong Bing Company's Zhao Xin and them, as well as the Sun Wukong surged with the desire for strong power.

When he returned, Sun Wukong once again began to study the sleeping power in his body, but this time he was not clueless like before.

Instead, inspired by the King of Rock Demons, he learned to use the power of his origin soul to make contact with the energy that was sleeping deep inside him.

Then, all at once, countless huge and tedious information poured out from that power, surprising him beyond measure.

And this tyrannical ape true body was one of the few useful methods to mobilize the sleeping power inside his body, culled from those tedious information.

After he entered a state of anger, according to the secret method for condensing the true body of the tyrannical ape, he was able to pull that dormant power in his body to form a terrifying tyrannical ape.

"Roar ..."

In a violent roar, the true body of the tyrannical ape that had swelled to two thousand meters held a huge black pillar and blasted towards Ge Xiaolun who had already transformed into a giant sword of several thousand meters of flame.


The blinding light illuminated a hundred-mile square, a circle of terrifying flame shock wave swept across everything, raising a dozen meters of monstrous waves in the sea.

"Notify all fleets to prepare to withstand the tsunami."

"Attention all escort fleets, attention all escort fleets."

"All ships bow to rudder to longitude 1135°189′503〃 north 120°452′253〃 to resist the tsunami."

"All ships bow rudder to 1135°189′503 East, 120°452′253 North, to resist the tsunami."

"Jace, Lena, go to the bow of the ship and blast the tsunami that's coming our way."

When the wind of mercy data analysis of the sudden outbreak of Ge Xiaolun and Sun Wukong two, this time after the exchange of blows will be comparable to the energy of several nuclear explosions.

Dukao did not bother with the two of them, and instead urgently began to arrange the next catastrophic post-battle aftermath.

"We'll be right there." Reina and Jace felt rushed out, the two of them the only ones here with super long range attacks.

"What about us? What about us?" Zhao Xin jumped and waved his hand to indicate what they should do.

"You guys hurry out and watch as well, and see if any of the ships help rescue people after they fall overboard."

"Yes." Receiving the task, Zhao Xin and Cheng Yaowen Big D they also followed closely and rushed out.

"Holy shit, Xiaolun is really going to be something this time." Big D marveled as he ran.

"Haha ... Xiao Lun has suddenly become so powerful, that means what he said yesterday is true."

Zhao Xin was very excited at this point in his heart, because this means that his angel girl Scorching Heart is also really there.

"Huh, Zhao Xin you are so excited." Rui Mengmeng looked at Zhao Xin who was suddenly red in the face and gasping for air in disbelief.

"Haha ... what else can it be, Xiaolun yesterday did not say that a beautiful angel girl will fall in love with him in the future."

Big D laughed out loud, while slapping Zhao Xin's shoulder hard.

"In the future, it's time for you to be proud."

"The sword that cuts through the void of fear ah." Control center, Dukao gaze is very complex looking at the sky that is slowly healing, torn by Ge Xiaolun's huge rift.

That was the highest achievement of their Deno star system at the beginning.

"What's wrong old Du?" Ritz turned his head to look at Dukao who was a bit silent for a moment.

"Nothing, just a little happy."

Dukao shook his head with a smile and asked to the Whispering Qin below, "Whispering Qin, what is the situation of the two of them now."

"Sun Wukong and Ge Xiaolun's energy is very up and down, but the status is fine."

The Whispering Qin and Rei Feng below stared intently at the intensity fluctuations that were constantly floating up and down at the peak of the third generation divine body and the fourth generation divine body.


"To cultivate the Swallowing Void Alchemy Canon, the first step to build the foundation requires all kinds of radiant energy from the cosmic void."

On the orbit of the planet, standing with his hands in the air and overlooking the stars below, Xiang Nanfei turned his back to Kierin and faintly explained, the King of Rock Devils, Ancient Devil Titan, like a competent bodyguard, stood behind Xiang Nanfei in silence.

"When the foundation is successfully built, you can be considered a void-level being and can survive and move around in the universe."

"Your so-called super warrior gene, which seems to progress extremely fast and very powerful, is actually very seriously flawed."

"No, I should say that the direction of your universe's use and evolution in terms of transcendent power is very monstrous."

"The rank hierarchy looks high, but it's like a long and false high steel bar with a weak foundation."

"In the rank I delineated, that monkey has the rank of a sixth-order lower god, just like a ten-meter-high steel bar.

"But it was suppressed by a dozen heads of solid foundation, like a five-meter-high concrete column fourth-order rock devil."

Sitting in the seemingly empty, but solid void, Kierin's gaze fell in a daze on the back that was like a god in the ninth heaven, looking down.

The tone of the words is flat, not slow, but contains a proud look at all the lookout domineering.

The fierce heart could not help but recall the words her father admonished her last night.

"Xiaoqi ah, you made the decision at that time for my father from the perspective of the position, I feel very pleased."

"In a time of crisis like that, you sacrificed yourself and did not fail in your own duties."

"But from the mood as a father, for my father is very heartbroken, at that time after learning of your situation very you worry."

"But fortunately, you are now living a good life, these days your experience above also told me, that person is very good to you."

"That person's temperament, from what he has done during this time, no matter how those think tanks above speculate in all directions, my father to think that he is also considered a good object of trust."

"But perhaps it is because he is not in the same world as us, and because he has the power that no one can restrain, so he does things as he pleases."

"But since you are now his person, this can no longer be changed, my father expects you to do a good job of the responsibilities that a woman should have."

"Side to help him, do not let him take the road of self-indulgence, because whether it is a man or a god, once there is no restraint on their own after the end of the walk is just destruction."

"Destroy yourself, or destroy the world."

Thinking of this, Qilin, who was sitting on her knees behind Xiang Nanfei, suddenly blushed pretty.

"Our family, as a bookish family, has also been following the ancient cultural traditions, in the words of your grandmother when she admonished your mother to enter the door."

"That is, marry a chicken and follow the chicken, marry a dog and follow the dog ..."