Chapter 79: The 'Human Race' that resounded through the Endless Void and Chaos Sea

In the dark and dead void, Kierin, with her knees and eyes closed, was like a magnet, slowly devouring all kinds of radiant energy in the universe.

The sunlight energy, pulsar energy, dark energy of the void, and countless other types of radiant energy were transformed one by one into devouring divine energy by the devouring and refining divine skill that was driven by the trace of destructive divine energy in Kierin's body.

It began to fundamentally change the nature of her life, transforming into a stronger and more perfect form.

Kierin, who was staring at her eyes, could clearly feel that her body was improving at a clearly visible and terrifying speed.

In the pitch-black cosmic void, a wave of hunger continued to come from Kierin's body that had begun to transform, crazily devouring the vast amount of boundless void energy.

For a while, Kierin's side became even darker.

"Without a systematic, vertical direction of transcendent power development, your future is also just stepping towards destruction."

Xiang Nanfei gaze indifferently fell on the vast consciousness hovering in the distance jealous of him faintly said.

At this time in this represents the supernatural universe heavenly dao will body, emitted vigilance, anxiety, scruples, expectations, apprehension of various emotions.

"Seeing that you have a human race in this universe, I will give you a slab of correction, as for the future, it depends on your and her creation."

'Human race'

The name that resounded and was branded in the depths of the Endless Chaos Void, only the existence that stood at the top of the Endless Chaos knew what it represented.

How many universes were there in the sea of Endless Chaos Void? Ten thousand? One hundred thousand? Millions? Billions of trillions of trillions of trillions.

No one can know how many universes and worlds are floating in the chaos, and how many intelligent beings are reproducing in those universes or worlds.

But the concept of 'man' has evolved and appeared in countless universes or worlds that were born and opened up, and developed and reproduced and ruled one side.

They have the same image, similar life essence, but the composition of the human body in each universe or world is actually different.

However, the instincts imprinted in the souls of countless transcendent beings and gods make their appearance evolve in the direction of humanoid.

It seems that the evolution of the body in this direction, more correct, more potential, to the final birth of intelligence, will involuntarily call them XXXX people.

The reason for this is that Nanfei first stepped into the realm of creation and connected his dao to the sea of chaos in the void before understanding.

After that, when conquering the destruction of the four universes, as long as there is a 'human' race universe or world, he will avoid.

Unless the human beings in that universe were exterminated by other civilization forces in this universe, or that universe lacked consciousness to adjust the direction of evolution to exterminate the human race.

Only then will he take action to destroy that universe, to enhance his own strong destruction Avenue at the same time, but also in turn for the same 'clan' revenge.

In the distant unknown era when the Void Chaos Sea had just evolved and opened up, a great power named 'human' inscribed his own dao in the origin of the Chaos Sea when he transcended the Void Chaos Sea.

While feeding back to perfect the Chaos Mother Sea, he also left behind a shelter and deterrent for his people.

These inscriptions in the dao can be invoked in the event of the existence of the concept of 'human race', and have the power of a single blow of that great power.

I don't know how many trillions of eras have passed, how many 'human' beings who have transcended the Void and Chaos Sea have left behind dao inscriptions that have the power of a single strike.

Also because there are too many imprints on the original dao of the Sea of Void and Chaos, the universe or world that was birthed out of chaos is naturally affected by the evolution of life in it towards human form.

Of course, the endless trillions of universes, there are also many terrifying and powerful forms of life communities, such as 'demons'.

Just like now in this Super God universe, 'human' is just one of the forces.

Now if Xiang Nanfei wants to completely destroy this world, he will also pay a little attention to the human race of this planet.

"But although I stepped in to give you a hope, but also will charge a reward." Looking at the Supernatural Universe Heavenly Dao Will wandering in front of him, Xiang Nanfei would not tell it what the reward it charged was.



"Master Shin, your light has more than speed."

On the deck Ge Xiaolun shouted towards Zhao Xin who landed in the sea after he slapped the supersonic Zhao Xin who swung his gun at him with a sword.

Bang! Jumping onto the deck.

Full of seawater Zhao Xin shook the body still, speechless: "I've been learning very hard little Lun, just you ya too perverted now."

After the day before yesterday Sun Wukong set off to Pluto to explore that insect bridge, Ge Xiaolun's strength is now the strongest of the male soldier company.

So Dukao asked him to Zhao Xin and their one-on-one strong pressure special training to help them improve themselves faster to meet the upcoming great war.

Then Lena and Du Qiangwei, who had bullied Ge Xiaolun, were miserable and were all beaten up by Ge Xiaolun, who was rich in both strength and combat experience.

And today it's Zhao Xin's turn to them, in front of Big D and Yi has been carried down to the language qin treatment.

Knowing the horror of the future enemy, Ge Xiaolun once into training will be iron-blooded and ruthless, very harsh, so Zhao Xin and they are miserable.

"It's useless to just work hard, be flexible and use your wits."


Dodging Zhao Xin's two gun like a phantom blitz, Ge Xiaolun fiercely turned around and kicked Zhao Xin, who showed a break in his side, again.

"The future enemy will not care if you try hard or not, we do not have a chance to start over know."

Ge Xiaolun shouted angrily, crouched, got up and swung his sword, slapped Zhao Xin out again like hitting a ball.

This time, Ge Xiaolun exerted a little more force, and sent Zhao Xin flying for more than a mile, unable to climb back for half a day.

Red eyes, Ge Xiaolun suppressed his heart's agitated violent emotions, in the fight just now, he suddenly remembered in the sizzling heart was confined in space, Zhao Xin decided to die together with him to say goodbye to his eyes.


Ruthlessly thrust the sword into the plywood, Ge Xiaolun looked around blankly, he knew that he was too anxious.

But everything in that dream was so real, those cruel experiences he did not want to see again, and would not let history repeat itself along that direction.

And that one also said at the end that it was the one future with the best possible odds.

And it is because he experienced once, how strong those forces are he knows best, he does not think that at this time the strength of only the peak of the third generation of divine body he can completely turn the battle.

"No, I won't let everything repeat itself again, we have a chance." The steely gaze flashed from Ge Xiaolun's eyes, reaching out to pluck up the giant sword stuck on the deck, behind him sprang out the black angel wings a shock and flew towards the giant gorge in the distance.

"Hey! Xiao Lun you have to be gentle, I also know you ..."

Just afraid to come up from the edge of the ship, Zhao Xin muttered dissatisfied, then looked up and saw Ge Xiaolun who flew away.

"Hey, not practicing? Xiaolun?"