Chapter 85 What is destruction

On the fourth day, an armor broken in many places, the awe-inspiring sword aura surrounded by Yi silently walked out from the portal.

After that, in the afternoon of the fourth day, Zhao Xin leaned on his gun and moved out step by step, the sharp gun intent outside his body rose to the sky, the whole person

The demeanor is much more calm and rigid than before.

Shortly after that was Du Qiangwei, indifferent face overflowing with murderous energy, even after coming out with slow footsteps and throbbing fingers.


A black shadow crossed hundreds of meters from the far command platform and jumped in front of Du Qiangwei: "Qiangwei, Qiangwei how are you."

"Hoo! It's Moe, I'm fine." After seeing who the visitor was, Du Qiangwei squared off the half-raised hand and shook her head to clear her mind.

"Relax relax, your current situation and I came out yesterday is similar, should also be into the killing trial."

Rui Meng Meng while holding Du Qiangwei, while patting her back to help Du Qiangwei ease her spirit to.

"Killing trial!" Hearing that Du Qiangwei feet a beat, then slowly nod.

"Yes, always kill, always kill, those monsters overwhelmingly come, kill half a year to the end, full of mind is to kill everything in front of you."

"Half a year! I obviously only spent three months in there, ah?" Rui Mengmeng said in surprise.

"Three months?" At that Du Qiangwei was dumbfounded.

"Well, let's not talk about it, Mengmeng you first help Qiangwei to the medical room to check her body."

"As for the time you spend in there should be different for each of you." At this time Dukao also rushed over and told the two to stop talking for now.

And when he said how long they had stayed, Dukao had a face of admiration.

After asking the Rui Mengmeng, Beaver, Zhao Xin, and Yi who had already come out of the experience, whether it was Renna Jiese, or Dukao Renfeng, they were shocked.

Because in that trial space created by the hand of Nanfei, they not only each person went to a different environment, the content of the trials they faced was also different.

Although those trials were full of danger, many times they nearly died and lived, but the harvest was also very huge.

After each layer, there will be a huge flow of power and information into their bodies and minds, instantly raising their Super Gene Awakening level and skyrocketing their strength by one step.

And what's even more shocking is that that trial space involves the rules of time.

In the outside world at this time only four days had passed, the longest Zhao Xin had fought for a year and a half, and the shortest Beaver had stayed close to three months.


"Come on, you think you break master I am afraid of you!" In the middle of the night after the fourth day, Big D, who was emitting a huge black fury, slammed down on the deck with a boom.

Looking around blankly, he waved the double-edged battle axe in his hand and bellowed.

Subsequently in a happy face rushed over to the Rui Meng Meng a few people to calm down slowly.

When the time came to the fifth day, the early morning sunrise stained half of the ocean slowly rise, after a night of restoration Zhao Xin they slowly appeared on the deck.

When everyone looked around at the familiar and unfamiliar deck, and comrades, they all had a feeling of being in a different world.

In that shadowy world, although the trials for each of them differed greatly, the core killing was unchanging.

Whether it was Beaver, who was nervous when he first joined, or Big D Zhao Xin, who had at least personally killed over 10,000 of those black monsters in there during this time.

More like Zhao Xin, Big D and Du Qiangwei, they do not remember how many they actually killed.

Every day after stepping out of the safe area, black monsters with similar abilities to theirs would pop up in the sky, underground, and sometimes in a rock around them.

These monsters include the ancient general's armor that Zhao Xin met, holding a long spear, fast as a phantom, amazing gun skill humanoid.

There is also Big D met with a giant axe, five meters tall, two heads and four arms of infinite strength, four axes in the hands of the swinging sand and rocks, the last is a mountain cracking.

There is also the kind of Beaver met like a faint black fog, no specific image, but can change into anyone.

Has the ability to confuse, laying down illusions. Many times let the beaver into the illusion, and then slowly close nearly killed.

But fortunately, there is a safe zone made to the south fly, as long as they run to the safe zone once they find out that they are not defeated those monsters will not chase after them.

And in the safe zone they can quickly repair their injuries and recover their strength. The heavy injuries as long as in the safe zone after lying for a night, the next day can be alive and well again to fight.

And there is no need to eat, drink, and shit inside, it seems that there is a mysterious energy in there to maintain their increasingly terrifying body function consumption.

This point, so Rei Feng and language qin interest, ready to wait for has disappeared for two days to the south fly back, find a way to pester him to ask what is the principle of that.


"Heh ... you actually still not dead, dare to provoke me."

Unknown location deep in the starry sky, shrouded tens of thousands of light-years of darkness center, a seventeen trillion kilometers in diameter terrifying celestial body on the surface of everything does not exist, the raging space-time storm sweeping everything.

The terrifying gravity that destroys the heavens and the earth appears like a substance, forming a terrifying appearance that destroys everything.

In this star appears instantly, it will be because of the horror to the gravity of time does not exist into a thumb-sized crystal place. Showed a lofty thousand kilometers of destruction of God's body to the south, in the glittering radiance of the flat ground does not stand out.

This shrouded in endless dark matter, swallowing everything, horror to the power of the rules do not exist, so that the will of heaven can only split the universe in two, dividing the majority of the starry sky isolated black hole.

Is the supernatural universe heavenly consciousness calculated to Nanfei, prepared for him not to kill him, but also will be imprisoned forever his grave.

But at this time to Nanfei is like a fish in water as a casual survey of this, in the general silver level universe will appear in the entire universe will quickly swallow the horror of the celestial body.

"Tsk,, originally I was just going to collect that super giant star as interest for your destruction of my distraction, but I didn't expect you to be so generous as to give me this black hole celestial body."

"Hahahahaha ... since you are so generous, then I will laugh at it."

In the sound of laughter toward the south fly's Destruction God Body expanded at an indescribable speed, soaring ten thousand times in a breath.

At the same time the vast and endless black destruction of the divine force from the divine body swarmed out, and the black hole outside the body of the sky dense as if liquid dark matter fusion, devouring refining.

What is destruction, as small as the stars on the life of each other attack on them can be said to be destruction, and then a little larger life forms on the natural environment of over-exploitation, can also be said to be destroyed creatures or matter can be said to be destruction.

Then on another level, it is the self extinction of celestial bodies, or captured and swallowed by larger star bodies, which can also be called destruction for the swallowed star.

And in the endless material starry sky, the black hole is the ultimate manifestation of the power of destruction.