Chapter 86 - The Fully Expanded Destruction of the Final God Body

The radiant celestial body at the center of the black hole is seventeen trillion kilometers in diameter, with a visual gravitational range of one million nine hundred thousand light years in diameter, and a weak gravitational force covering the greater part of the void universe separated by the will of heaven.

This black hole that is so terrifying that it becomes a direct manifestation of the power of pure destruction and contains one-fifth of the matter of the Super God Universe is the center of the Void Civilization universe that Carlsbad has been trying to open.

The entire outer universe is enveloped by the gravitational pull of this terrifying celestial body, with stars and galaxies being swallowed and destroyed by it all the time.

And the so-called powerful void creature civilization, all living in an incomparably harsh environment, the lowest remote galaxy gravity is more than a hundred times the life of the Earth.

Whether they are developing technology, or evolving themselves, the innate foundation is stronger than the Super God Inner Universe, the so-called third generation of God-body void creatures abound.

There are also more than a thousand level six divine beings compared to the fourth generation divine body's, comparable to the peak of the fourth generation divine body, accomplishing at least nearly a hundred of the so-called supergod level beings.

Above there are even the true peak beings of the supernatural universe, the peak of the eighth-order upper gods, and the origin of the sea of fusion, in this universe known as the creation level existence that can open up worlds and create creatures.

So once Kalthas opened the two sides of the channel then, do not need to think about the Inner Transcendental God Universe simply have no power to fight back.

This information, in the beginning of the invasion of this universe time tributary, to the south of the fly already know.

He also played the attention of the center of this void universe celestial body at that time, but in the end because the internal matter of this celestial body and the periphery of dark matter and destruction phenom gravity has fused into one, evolved into a world of its own.

To forcefully enter, unless he is holding the blade of destruction, directly cut open its periphery.

But then the internal balance of this mutated celestial body would be broken, turning it into a mass of destructive divine power of little use to Nanfei, unable to serve as the core of his imagined divine body.

So retreating to the next level, he placed the target of this interest on the mutated supergiant with one percent of the matter mass of the super god universe, several million times the size of the sun.

But he didn't expect this cowardly and ignorant heavenly will to help him out and directly throw him into the gravitational visible circle of this black hole celestial body by virtue of the power of the heavenly dao.

Let him easily step on the black hole heaven and earth.

To say that this heavenly dao will is cowardly is because just after Xiang Nanfei separated from Liang Bing, the torn space was originally positioned on the Giant Gorge.

But it was changed by the power of the heavenly dao directly to the outer layer of the gravitational vision of this black hole celestial body, a place where Xiang Nanfei had to violently break through to get in.

The reason for this to Nanfei a little thought, it is known because he falsely told Rangbing some Rangbing thought it was a void civilization, but in fact it is the news outside the universe.

And to say that this heavenly will is ignorant is that it actually threw Xiang Nanfei, the ultimate demon god of destruction, which is itself the root cause of destruction, into the black hole celestial body that has become a pure manifestation of the power of destruction.

It is a vain attempt to annihilate or eternally imprison Xiang Nanfei with the existence of this mutated celestial body that it is helpless to do anything about.

It may be an omniscient and omniscient being in this universe, but out of this universe, closed and locked it knows nothing about the Sea of Void Chaos.

Not to mention understanding the terrifying existence that roams the chaos and destroys all realms like Nan Fei.

Just at this time, the supernatural universe heavenly dao will satisfied to return to the origin sea, leaving only a trace of induction in the knowledge of a little outside news of Liang Bing, and cultivated the outside gong method of Qilin body.

Outside the horrific black hole celestial body that it could not do anything about for millions of eons, a terrifying existence of 100,000 light years tall stood next to the black hole celestial body.

Endless destruction divine power gushed out from the body of that terrifying existence, fusing and refining with the dark matter and substantial gravity within the visual gravitational circle of the outside world filling v. one hundred and ninety thousand light years.

The body is 100,000 light-years long, long and strong dragon body materialized on the flame of destruction burning. A sharp sword piercing the sky from the back of the spine all the way to the tip of the triangle tail, which also burns all the extinction of the flames of the world.

The lower body of the four pairs of tan grip shrouding the stars and rivers of the sky dragon claws eight virtual grip, claws under a supreme suppression of great power will be the entire destruction of everything in the celestial body suppressed.

Thirty-six pairs of heaven-defying dragon wings on the back opened in anger, covering a million light-years in all directions, enveloping everything under it.

Nine sharp horns of varying lengths emerged from the dense mane behind the forehead, like a crown, emanating supreme majesty.

Under the forehead and the legendary dragon's head compared to the dragon's head, more wide and hideous dragon's head at this time a huge mouth of terror opened in anger, spitting out far stronger than the body burning extinction of the black and gold extinction of the inflammation spit, the black hole celestial body enveloped.

At this time, Xiang Nanfei has not only fully unfolded the destruction of the final divine body, but also relaxed the power of the Hongmeng Creation divine body on the suppression of the fused in the body universe, the divine body unfolded to a hundred thousand light years.

In order to take advantage of this heavenly opportunity, a breath will contain a fifth of the matter of the entire Super God universe of the terrifying black hole celestial body swallowed.

Refined into the divine body.

According to his expectation, after the divine body swallowed this has evolved into the scope of the destruction of the ten worlds, the strength of this doppelganger can step up to 40% of the body.

And can give birth to a body can directly devour the universe, transformed into the destruction of the pseudo-core of divine power, which is very advantageous for his future walking the heavens and the universe.

It can minimize the chance of the main body to strike at a later stage, so that his main body can lurk longer and accumulate more powerful power.

Because he is now walking this path, is more extreme than the future body walking, the enemy will also be more.

Time does not exist in the black hole of the appearance of destruction, space is not there, an instant is ten thousand years.

In this horrible black hole celestial body in which the concept of time does not even exist, ten thousand years, for the outside world rules sound universe, perhaps only two days have passed.


"What's going on, it's been six days, why hasn't Kieren come out yet?"

Early in the morning, on the deck of the Giant Gorge, anxiety faintly shone in Reina's eyes, her gaze occasionally swept over the top of the command deck, only to find that there stood only the Ancient Devil Titan who had maintained the same posture for several days.

A touch of disappointment was hard to conceal.

Just yesterday afternoon, in addition to Kierin persisted for the longest six days, advancing to the fourth generation of the divine body Ge Xiaolun came out in stride.

Now the trial space, only late they went in Kierin is still inside, but there are less than five hours to the seventh day of the boundary.

But even now Kierin has not come out, so Lena Du Rose and the girls are worried.

In addition to the sudden departure to Nanfei three days ago and never came back, so they want to find the person in question can not be found.

Therefore, the atmosphere on the deck of the giant gorge is very dull, even if the strength of each of the past few days, and there is a great harvest not digested can not make them happy up.

If Kieren had an accident and died inside, they will certainly feel guilty for life, after all, if not for them to improve strength, Kieren will not go to beg for help to Nanfei.

Especially Ge Xiaolun is more worried and anxious than Zhao Xin and the others, because he was the one who contacted Kierin at that time. After he told Kierin all about the strength of those future enemies and their hostility towards Earth.

Shy and shy, conservative Kierin that day will go out of his way to beg to fly south.

Time, slowly go by.

Under the sunlight, the shadow under their feet slowly become smaller.