Chapter 94: The Terrible Eye

The largest class of objects in the material universe are the stars.

They generally range in diameter from 100,000 kilometers to 10 or 100 million kilometers. Emitting heat and light, illuminating the universe, they are the origin of most intelligent life.

But there is no sure word for the universe, so on the off-chance there will be a supergiant star thousands of times larger than normal, with a diameter of more than a billion kilometers.

And 70,000 light-years away from the star field of angelic civilization, there is a horrible supergiant star with a diameter close to one light-year.

It captures everything that appears within its gravitational range, swallows and absorbs it and then emits it in the form of hot matter energy, illuminating a small half of the river system.

And because of its sheer size, the terrifying gravity has formed a region of space-time distortion outside the star, arresting its own thermal energy before it can run out of the gravitational circle and back again.

The formation of a constantly engulfing, expanding horror mutant celestial body, much like the pre-black hole celestial form swallowed up by the southward flight.

For this terrifying celestial body, angelic civilization stationed a fleet outside the gravitational range all year round for monitoring its direction to avoid reacting in time once there is a change.

"What a poor fellow."

In the void, Xiang Nanfei somewhat gloated as he looked at the super giant star in the distance and sneered.

He was very curious about the reason for the successive appearance of such mutated celestial bodies in the Super God Universe that made even the Will of Heaven helpless and slowed down the advancement of the universe itself.

But without thinking, he knew that the other party would not tell him.

"Taichou, how is the preparation going."

Taichou: "Shielding the universe's will to sense the progress of the mission is eighty percent complete."

In Xiang Nanfei's eyes, a lavender illusory lotus had already enveloped the super giant star nearly one light-year in diameter in front of him, with only one corner left to be completed.

And once the will shield area was completed by Taichou, then Xiang Nanfei could finish opening a hyper-dimensional universe channel linking the inner part of the Destruction Blade before the Super God universe heavenly dao consciousness reacted.

Then one bite will swallow the super giant star that has condensed one percent of the matter of the Super God Universe in front of him, practice it into an eruption core, and by the way awaken a Demon God true spirit again.

One hundredth of a percent of the matter of a golden level universe transformed into a destructive power at least comparable to destroying three chaotic great worlds towards Nanfei.

This is what he intended to do when he descended.

But now well, all plans can not catch up with change.

"Don't bother with Taichou, directly notify the main body side to help me open the channel."

"Hum ... even if it was found by it so what, it does not have the spare capacity to stop me now."

Xiang Nanfei grunted and sneered.


In the void of the dead origin universe, the purple lotus platform center breath another point stronger around the flower bud endless origin energy stirring, petals swaying.

In the distance a hideous black crystal armor, the divine body soared to 15,000 feet or so of the Moza Ytilai sitting in the lotus formation.

With the help of the vastness and richness of the origin above to enhance the cultivation of the god body, in order to recover their strength as soon as possible.

"Moza Ytilai, wait for my notice and fully activate the Destruction Blade to cooperate with me."

"Yes, my Lord." The kneeling and closed-eyed Mosai Yitirai suddenly rose up and bowed with a frenzied gaze from behind her crystal eyes.

A radiant divine light rose up to the sky, and a peripheral petal covering more than 100,000 light-years on the edge of the lotus platform swayed down slightly, and a texture on it that fit the divine pattern of the Great Dao shone brightly one by one.

The vast creation divine power gathered on it and began to rotate and collapse along with the Great Dao divine pattern.


A fierce power that was accustomed to out of illusion and reality penetrated everything with the support of endless divine energy, linking with the coordinates in the distant universe.

"Coming to the beginning of time." Super God universe void to the South Fei jerked his head up and drank.

In the cosmic void, a lavender lotus flower 100,000 light-years in size with a corner missing slowly emerged, enveloping the super giant star close to one light-year in size before instantly disappearing into a dotted light.

In the center of the larger outer void universe, a vast and unsullied will is perched above a void nearly two million light-years in size, emitting supreme greatness to suppress the raging void below that runs through the void of illusion and matter.

Suddenly the will perched on top of the void gave a slight pause, revealing a trace of doubt, and then as if it did not find anything wrong. And then fully mobilize the power of the heavenly dao to suppress the void that will destroy the universe if not left alone below.

Alerts, alerts ...

The ear-piercing alarm sounded in the control center of the Heavenly Blade XIX voyage ship of the angelic civilization stationed outside the super giant star river.

"Report, a huge black dot has appeared around the Devourer without detecting the slightest energy fluctuation."

In the monitoring room, an intelligence analysis angel dropped the image detected by the Angel Eyes in his hand to the center of the conference table.

"What is this?"

"It's so big, at least 300 million kilometers in diameter according to the comparison with the size of the devourer ..."

"Look guys, it's still getting bigger, oh my ..."

"No spatial fluctuations? No energy fluctuations?"

The huge ring-shaped conference table, filled with more than a hundred senior angels, at this time, one by one, in disbelief, looking at the image captured by the central angelic eye.

A black spot like a black hole was forming around the super giant star they named Devourer, and it was expanding and getting bigger at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"No good, look guys, it's going to eat the devourer." An angel who was staring at the projection with dead eyes was startled and jerked up to point at a black spot that began to move slowly after swelling to twice the size of the super giant star.

"Fengqi, hurry up and report the situation here to the queen." A cold angel sitting at the top said in a deep voice toward the top.


"Wind Whisper, inform the whole ship to fly in the opposite direction of the devourer with all your might, I want to enter the sublight tunnel in thirty seconds."

"What's that?" a cry of alarm drew the eyes of all the angels, and then the angels followed the shrieking angel's pointing direction.

In the hundreds of angel eyes camera frame, a young man's face with his eyes tightly closed appeared on it.

Then the man's tightly closed eyes opened.

Boom!!! A thunderbolt exploded in the minds of all the angels, and instantly most of the angels in the room fell to the ground with their bodies going limp and blood flowing out of their seven orifices.

The few remaining angelic bodies that did not faint to death also shook their bodies and fell limp in their chairs in a daze.

The mind was all occupied by a pair of horrible dark eyes, chilled all over.


The hull of the Heavenly Blade XIX shook.


"Report Silver, the Angel Eyes were all destroyed by an unknown force." A very panicked voice rang out from the desk communicator.

"Don't worry about it, evacuate this place with all your might." The first angel pressed his hands on his head, which was in immense pain.

Slowly closed at this time open is the extinction of the eyes, to the south fly not to pay attention to the distant peep here angel ship voyage.

"My Lord, you do not return?" Through the two universes of the opposite side of the spatial channel, moza etiere's divine soul power difficult through the hyper-dimensional universe channel to pass over.

"No, I'll come back later, you cultivate well over there."

The closed-eyed Xiang Nanfei slowly shook his head.

"Yes, my Lord."

With a booming tearing sound, Xiang Nanfei turned his hands into claws and directly tore open a channel that was ten thousand miles long and led straight to the outer membrane of the universe.

Then in a divine body surge, he rushed out of the Super God universe, leaving behind him the roaring and enraged will of the Heavenly Dao.