Chapter 95 - Suspecting an old friend

Roar ..."

A roar that shook through the great thousands resounded in the void chaos sea.

Boom boom boom boom!!!

The terrifying creature that stretched for more than a hundred thousand light-years tore through the chaos, and its huge and matchless body directly collided with the raging chaos Qi, stirring up an endless radiant energy halo.

Tumbling, crashing.

Numerous dangerous extremities formed by chance in the sea of chaos were torn apart, or crashed apart and turned back into violent chaos.

This terrifying creature with a fully unfolded Destruction Final God Body constantly quenched the God Body with a vast and endless strand of Chaos Qi as heavy as a star.

A world of pure destructive power, mutated from one-fifth of the matter of the gold-level universe and transformed into a separate realm, even if it fits perfectly with Xiang Nanfei's Destruction God Body.

It was not something that he could fully absorb and refine during his time.

He was in the space-time non-existent black hole celestial body, spending more than three thousand years will only be barely into the God body, only now is in the endless chaos of the sea to help refine.

At this time, in Xiang Nanfei's internal view of the divine body, you can clearly see that each scale outside his divine body and a strand of chaos gas can collapse the stars after the collision, there will be a terrifying force into the body universe.

The fully stretched Xiang Nanfei has a total of more than 1.29 billion dragon scales all over his body, each of which is bigger than a star.

The huge body, representing the incomparably strong flesh, the unimaginably terrifying power was transmitted into the inner universe from the dragon scales that came into contact with the chaos qi outside the body.

Hammering stimulates the body throughout the inner universe of the extinction of the inflammation quenching the destruction of the heavenly body, melting it into the central location with various meridians like the star river link.

In this self-inflicted quenching, without divine power combined with divine body protection, without the power of the rules to add, even to Nanfei small success of the divine body of the divine creation of the divine was incomparably heavy, rampant chaos gas blasted bruises.

A dragon scale larger than a star shattered, fell off, and then assimilated by the endless Chaos Qi, then fell off where a stronger and more powerful dragon scale, in the creation of God power under the heavenly effect of instant regeneration.

In the sea of chaos, time and space do not exist, to the south fly in which tireless roar, tumbling.

Occasionally, there was a rare encounter with a being who had wandered into the chaos, but the other party found Nanfei from afar and, after sensing the terrifying destructive power he emitted, quickly ran away, with no intention of meeting him.

This made the slightly bored Xiang Nanfei very speechless, he was originally prepared to meet with that existence to see if he could reap any benefits ...

With the help of the Endless Void Chaos Sea, Xiang Nanfei's divine body finally began to slowly shrink after a certain amount of time.

170,000 light-years, 160,000 light-years, 130,000 light-years ...

I don't know how long it took, but when Xiang Nanfei's divine body approached 10,000 light-years, with about 11,000 light-years, he could finally breathe a sigh of relief.

As long as the destruction god body is suppressed to 10,000 light years, he can leave the chaos sea, and the rest can go back to slowly complete the transformation of the god body.

Boom!!! The chaotic Qi exploded.

Long before he knew he was there, Xiang Nanfei slapped out his claws very casually, ready to tear apart a huge swirling chaos Qi in front of him.



Xiang Nanfei's huge figure gave a beat, and his purple-gold vertical pupils, which were comparable to the size of a star, revealed a more interested look at the chaotic gas mass that shook his huge dragon claw apart in the distance.

The nine toes on the huge dragon claw rubbed like human fingers, and he found that the recoil was very much like the outer membrane of the universe.

"A hidden cosmic world! Which great power did this open up?"

While thinking, Xiang Nanfei's divine body began to slowly shrink.

Finally reverting to a fatter, somewhat muscular appearance than his previous humanoid state, he flashed to the rotating mass of air that appeared to be just an unusual chaotic mass.

With a deep meaningful smile to Nan Fei, he faintly said, "Let me see the world that was opened up by that power system great power."

Boom!!! Just like before tearing open the outer membrane of the universe, Xiang Nanfei, whose hands transformed into nine-toed dragon claws, hitched a tear on the tough chaotic air mass.


A pitch-black crack was violently torn open by Nanfei, and then the whole person rushed in without a care in the world, without any intention to let Tai Chu invade first to collect information like before.

In a situation like this, Xiang Nanfei, who was experienced in traveling across the Chaos Sea, knew at a glance that there must be something wrong with the universe or world opened up by this great power.

Either the world or universe failed in its advancement and suffered chaos backlash, or the great power was fatally wounded and hiding inside.

The universe or world in this case, in the eyes of Xiang Nanfei, who continues to build up strength, is a piece of fat.

Now just need to go in to confirm that this world or universe and the human race have no relationship, or have a relationship to see if they can start, and no relationship then ...

"Well, this breath is ...?"

Boundless darkness of the cosmic void, without a bit of light, deadly, like an old man stepping into his twilight years emitting a worn out aura.

Tearing a crack of tens of thousands of miles to break in to Nanfei raised an eyebrow, reaching out in the empty void, followed by the power of the divine soul carefully feel the wisp of strange breath that he caught in his hands.

And behind Xiang Nanfei, the tens of thousands of miles of cracks like a huge wound across the void, only under a close look can you notice it slowly repairing and healing.

"This aura is the power of nightmare? No, it seems more annoying than the nightmare master guy's power."

Casually grinding out the bizarre aura in his hand that wanted to invade the candle and burrow into his body, Nanfei's vast and huge divine soul power surged into the brow of the Taichou sub-body.

"Taichou, full detection."


Thirty-six purple lotus patterns in the brow center shone out a brilliant divine light, an above-all invisible greatness instantly swept across 10,000 light years, 100,000 light years ... billion light years at a leapfrog speed ...

"It seems, very much like an acquaintance ah!!!" Suddenly to the south fly a look up, reveal purple-gold dragon pupils towards a direction to look.

The look on his face is very strange, and seems to be a little uncertain.

"Go and see, in case it's her, maybe this time it's my turn to help her."

As the words fell, Xiang Nanfei directly tore open the space.

In the boundless ocean of darkness, a faintly glowing world sank above.

"It really is her, but she looks so weak at this time ..."

Suspended in the darkness outside the world, the darkness wearing a white background with gold trim, emitting an ancient aura emperor robe to Nanfei stood there quietly, purple-gold dragon pupils reveal the emotion of seeing the old man.

This is a just opened less than three billion square kilometers of the size of the heavenly world, and most of the territory inside are barren, only in the center of the world where there is a little breath of life.

And in the world's internal origin sea, is also a depleted look.