
Tristan POV

I had such a hard time falling asleep that night as I lay in bed and think of the girl from the pizza shop. Her name was Nadine, that much I knew, but why did she look so familiar? I kept imagining her unique eyes and those luscious pink lips. She had a very defined face, high cheekbones, delicately angled jaw, clear complexion with only what I could describe as a different shade of tan. Her blonde hair cascaded down her back, almost to that nice plump ass of hers. This girl is like winning the fucking lottery, and I would make it my personal mission to win her.

Eventually sleep came to me as I was pulled under from all my thoughts.

I stood there staring at the ground. I had found a little storage cutout outside of the doors to the closets at the bottom of the steps. I was in my grade school, must have been about nine or ten years old. Third grade. I had to hide from prying eyes because my tears just wouldn't stop.

I had found out last night that my parents were getting divorced. I knew my parents fought a lot and it got heated at times, but I never wanted to be one of those kids with a broken home. The tears would not stop falling. I had no idea who I was going to end up living with or who I even wanted to live with. My mother cheated on my father, and my father had finally had enough. She was going to move in with her new boyfriend and I didn't like him. He was the reason my parents were splitting up after all. I continued to stand there, starting at the ground with tears falling from my eyes.

I felt a gentle touch on my shoulder and I whipped around and grabbed whoever it was that was stupid enough to touch me. Grabbing their arms I pinned them against the wall closest. I stared in utter shock as I had just pushed a little blonde girl up against the wall. Her eyes were wide, like a deer in headlights and she started stuttering. "I...I...I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to disturb you." she gently spoke.

I quickly let go of her as if her skin was burning my hands. "Why?" I asked. "Why did you come here?"  I took a step back from her as I tried to wipe my eyes.

She stepped towards me with a frown on her face. "Because I heard you, and I wanted to make sure you were alright." She whispered.

I looked into her eyes, noticing they looked like a light brownish green. My heart sped up a little bit. "I'm fine. You can go. You don't even know me." I said blandly. Of all the girls in the world, why did this one have to see me cry?

I heard her sigh and I felt her hand on my shoulder again. "I know you are not fine." She spoke softly. "I'm not here to embarrass you, I just wanted to let you know that you are not alone."

I turned to her in puzzlement. Who cares that much about a stranger? "Well I'm fine you can go." I said as I hardened my face towards her. The next thing I knew she had stepped towards me and engulfed me in a hug. I stood there with my hands limply at my sides not even knowing what to do.

"I don't want to go." She said hesitantly. "I want to make sure you are happy and I'm not leaving until you aren't crying anymore." She said matter-of-factly.

My heart swelled with her words. Who even was this girl? She must be an angel that god sent to me. I brought my arms around her and returned the hug. "Why would you do this for a stranger? You don't know me. I'm no good". I said defeatedly.

She pulled away just enough to look into my eyes again. "Everyone has good in them. Most of the time the ones who seem the worst have the most good on them, they just don't know it yet." She spoke so sure of what she was saying. I gave her a small smile and pulled her tighter to me.

"Thank you." I whispered to her. She gave me a tight squeeze and let go.

"Just remember, you are never alone and if you ever need anyone, just come find me." She stepped back and surprisingly gave me a quick peck on the cheek.

I stood there stunned. My jaw dropped in awe of this girl. Just then I heard someone start shouting "Dini where are you? We need to leave!" A man's voice resounded throughout the hallways. She jumped a little and whispered to me, "I have to go, that's my father." She gave me a wink and then she was off quickly with her long blonde hair swaying behind her.

"I'm here father!" She answered him. "I was just looking for a hiding spot." She laughed.

"Well did you find anything?" He asked as I heard their laughter fading.

The last words I heard her say before they faded out was, "Well not a very good one, but I met a friend."

I smiled at her words. I didn't even know her proper name and she never asked for my name but she had called me a friend. I'm going to marry that girl one day I thought to myself.

I jolted up in bed. I hadn't had a dream about that girl in years. I smiled at the memory before my heart started breaking a little more.

I never saw that girl again. Well I did once, in middle school. I had seen her the very day I got kicked out, my first and last day. I never got to talk to her and the chance was gone before it even came.

Thinking to myself, those eyes. I saw those eyes recently. Where? Hmm.. Dini...Dini... oh my god. Could Dini be short for Nadine?


Hello Loves! I hope you enjoyed the third chapter of this book. If you did...




