
Nadine POV

I had a restless sleep last night and kept having the same dream I'd been having sporadically for the past decade of my life.

I groaned as I heard my alarm start blaring next to my head. I slammed the snooze button and pulled the covers over my head. Just as I was about to fall back to sleep I heard a knocking at my door.

I laid there not moving. I wonder if I just don't answer they will think I'm not home. Luck wasn't in the cards as I heard the knocking again followed by an unrelenting constant knocking on the door.

Throwing the covers off of me I begrudgingly got out of bed. I threw a tshirt on and pulled on a pair of shorts. Slowly I walked to the door and looked out the peephole.

I rolled my eyes seeing my best friend Andrew standing at the door constantly rapping is hand against the door. "C'mon Dini, I know you're in there! Let me in!" He whined.

I rolled my eyes at his whining. Unlatching the lock I roughly pulled the door open and didn't even acknowledge him as I started heading back to my room.

I jumped back in my bed and pulled the covers up over my head. "Rise and shine munchkin!" Andrew yelled as he jumped into my bed.

"Ughhhh Andrew I just want to sleep!" I groaned pulling the covers tighter around my head so he couldn't pull them off.

"No can do senorita!" He laughed as he started to play tug of war with me over the blankets. He jumped on top of me and started tickling me through the covers. I started flailing my arms and legs all over the place as I begged him to stop in between breaths.

"And-Drew! St-top it!" I was laughing hysterically. He stopped tickling me and rolled off of me, laying down next to me.

"Dini, why you still in bed? You were coming on a jog with me and then we were heading to the mall remember?" he questioned me as he stared up at the ceiling.

I sighed loudly. "Andrew, I'm tired. I think I'm gonna pass on jogging this morning." I said to him. I didn't want to tell him what happened last night, as I knew he would completely freak out and beat the shit out of Dave. I didn't need Andrew getting in trouble.

"I know something is wrong with you, so spit it out. You never pass up on our morning jog, and you are usually ready to go before I am." Andrew turned onto his side facing me awaiting an answer.

"Nope," I started shaking my head no. "There is nothing wrong with me. Am I not aloud to have an off day?" I rolled onto my back so that I didn't have to look at his face. I am a horrible liar which technically is a good thing because I hate liars, but it's not so good when you are trying to keep your best friend out of trouble.

I felt Andrews fingers on the side of my face as he gently pulled my face to look at him. "Dini, you know you can tell me anything. What's going on?" he looked so worried. But I couldn't tell him. I wouldn't tell him. I know he would not let what happened last night slide, and I needed no drama. What to tell him...ahhh bingo.

I looked back at him. "I saw Tim last night while I was working." I admitted to him. I mean it really wasn't a lie. I had seen my ex with his slut of a new girlfriend.

"And that is what has you so upset? C'mon Dini. You are better than him and that barbie bimbo basic slut. Why can't you just let it go and move on?" he asked.

"I am TRYING to move on Andrew!" I raised my voice in defense. "It's not so easy to move on when I know that the only reason he dumped me and started dating her is because I refused to have sex with him! I mean when will I actually find a decent man who doesn't think that sex is this end all be all? Every. Single. Boy. I date dumps me because they don't feel like waiting. And Yes, I said Boy because if they were men they would be able to take their head out of their asses and not just go chasing pussy around!"

Andrew sighed in defeat. He brought his hand up to my face and used his thumb to wipe the tears I didn't even realize had started falling from my face. "He's not worth your tears. No one is. You are the sweetest, most caring and compassionate, not to mention drop dead gorgeous woman out there, and all these stupid boys will regret dropping you one day. In the mean time love, you need to stay true to yourself. And if you aren't ready to give that piece of yourself to anyone, then don't do it."

I threw my arms around him and snuggled into his chest. "I just wish it didn't hurt so much." I whispered into his chest. I felt him kiss the top of my head. We laid there for awhile in silence, Andrew just rubbing my back, lulling me back to sleep. As I was being pulled under into the dream world again I heard him whisper, "You deserve the world, and I will make sure you get it one day."


Andrew POV


Dini had fallen back to sleep after her meltdown. I know she wasn't over that Tim guy, but damn. If I wouldn't risk going to jail I would beat that guy to a pulp. This girl was an angel. She never says anything bad about people and she always does whatever she can to put a smile on anyone and everyone's face.

I've never met anyone like her in my life. She doesn't trust easy, but that has never stopped her from always being the best person she can be.

It makes me so mad to sit back and watch all these losers break her heart. Everyone wants to have her. They always think they will be the one to get that v-card from her, but once they realize they aren't going to, they run away like scared little boys.

I hate to admit it, but every time a relationship fails for her, a sense of relief washes over me. I don't know if it's because I've been friends with her for so long that I don't want to lose my time with her and have to share her, or if because deep down I have fallen for her.

I've had feelings for her for a long while now, but I could never tell her. She needs a constant in her life, and I am that constant. Not to mention I am eight years older than her and until recently it would have looked horrible for a grown man to be dating her. But damn, I would make her mine in a heartbeat. This girl walks into a room and it immediately brightens.

I was brought out of my thoughts when I felt Dini move. I looked down at her to see her rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. "What time is it?" She asked me groggily.

I looked down at my watch, "it's just about 2 o'clock."

Her eyes went wide as saucers. "Shit shit shit! Why didn't you wake me up Drewww!" She groaned.

I shrugged my shoulders. "You looked peaceful sleeping and I didn't want to disturb you."

She let out a huge sigh and moved quickly to get out of bed. "I start work at 4 today. I have to get ready." She stated as she started moving about her room grabbing clothes and a towel.

I knew she was flustered so I got up from the bed. "I'll let myself out. Where's your spare key, I'll lock the door when I leave." I offered.

"It's in the butter container in the fridge." She replied. As if that wasn't weird or anything.

"You say that as if it's normal" I joked with her while chuckling under my breath.

She shrugged her shoulders. "I don't like cliche hiding spots, then people can always find what you are hiding."

"Spoken like a true criminal or a paranoid rich person" I laughed. She grabbed a pillow and chucked at me.

Dodging out of the way of the pillow I put my hands up in defense. "Alright Dini, I'm gonna get going. Love ya girl"

"Love you too!" She yelled as she was shutting the bathroom door.

I let myself out of the apartment after grabbing the key and using it to lock the door behind me.