Akigu - A boy , whose father is dead before he was born. He don't have an initial. It's Unknown

Mandra - Her father also died before she was born. Her initial is as same as Akigu's , Is Unknown.

At a College.

Very big , wide. It have a basketball ground and football ground. Large windows made of glass. Have a big brownish entrance door. It's full of green outside , Grass , Trees etc.

Inside a classroom , The teacher had finished her class and exited. There sits Akigu.

He get out to the basketball ground.

There , near at the watching area , stands his friend Sakumo.

Akigu waves his hand for Sakumo to understand who it is. Sakumo in return waved his hands too.

Akigu walked towards him.

"Hey ! " Said Sakumo.

" Yeah ! ".

" Are you coming to get out with me , today ? "

Asked Sakumo.

" Nah! " [ Smirks ]

Replied Akigu.

" Man , this match is boring. "

Said Sakumo by looking at the basketball match going on there.

" I'm going to walk with Mandra to home. Bye , See you soon , Buddy. "

Said Akigu and leaved.

At the road , through the walking area , walks a girl. Pretty. Her name is Mandra. Closest girl Friend of Akigu.

Akigu saw her from a distance. He walk towards her pretty fastly. When he get closer to her , he called her ," Mandra ! ".

She turned back.

" Hey ? "

She said.

They both started walking together.

" I was wondering , are you coming to class tomorrow ? " [ With an doubtful face ]

Asked Akigu.

" Yes I will. Why did you asked me that ? "

Replied Mandra.

" Nothing Special , just asked you. That's it. "

Said Akigu.

" Anyway , I will walk with you to home today. "

Said Akigu.

They both are living near to near. They are neighbours. More than neighbors because , both Thier parents are working on a single company and are childhood friends.

His mother is the Founder and C.E.O of

" AK interprises ".

On the other hand , her mother is the Managing Director of AK interprises.

While , At a Laboratory. Little far away from Akigu's actual House.

In a room. Fully covered with glass. 2 Large sofas facing opposite. In the middle , it's a wooden table. There's a meeting going on. Between a scientist and a mysterious guy. 13 FI specialised trained bodyguards standing at all sides. Those are the bodyguards of the scientist.

The mysterious guy weared a black robe. having a green scarf hanged around his neck.

He is Tomo.

Near to him , stands his subordinate , Gyuki.

" Could you show us that Faster ? " Asked Gyuki.

The scientist clicks a bell , after that , another scientist came with a jar.

A Jar.

Inside it , it's a small amount of Sand. Normal looking Sand yet , it is not like any other usual sand.

The scientist explains :

" Sir ! , This is the thing. The sand I was talking about. This is not as like others , it's rare and different. This sand is constantly moving. It's in motion. That's why I'm here to do some business with you. "

He smirks.

" Continue ".

" Yeah ! , This is an absorbing sand. In our knowledge , I felt like this sand originated due to the high Thunder which strikes it. "

" From Where did you get this from ? "

Asked Gyuki.

" As I said , 2 months ago , A whole house was damaged due to a Thunder Strike. The police investigated it and Me , with a curiosity , took a small portion of sand from there and do research on it. Later that I observed that the sand is in motion. "

" Why ? " Asked Gyuki.

" Because , The molecular arrangement in this sand is way more than that in any other sands. Thus it's molecular motion increased due to the high Thunder Strike. I really don't think this is the reason. Don't know why but The reason I told seemed shitty I think. Don't know why. Really. "

" Tomo , looks like This guy is Robbing us. Cheating. " Said Gyuki.

" Oh no sir. Please. Believe me. If you don't believe what I said before , then how you gonna believe what I'm going to say. It's very Crazy. "

Said The Scientist.

" Anyway. Continue , Fast. "

Said Gyuki.

" Thanks. Sir , I'm saying that , This sand will absorb anything we feed it. If we feed it a key chain , it will absorb the key chain. Not only , absorbing but it will also take the shape of the key chain after it absorbed successfully. It will also acquire the mass ans weight of the substance it's been feed with and also will increase in size if we kept it in a dry cool place. "

" Look Tomo , looks like this is not worth for our cash. We can end this here now itself. "

Said Gyuki.

Tomo stands up , slowly.

He looked at Gyuki.

Both looking Face to face.

" Really ? This thing didn't worth our cash ?

Let me ask you something. Did our cash worth anything ? I mean , Didn't we spent our money to do things that are unworthy. "

Said Tomo.

Gyuki's head Went down.

[ Meaning : "Gyuki's Head Went Down"

= More like Gyuki bowed his head due to his mistake. ]

" I can prove it to you. " Said the Scientist.

Tomo looks at the scientist.

" Yeah , I can. Wait a minute. " Said the Scientist and took a silver coin from his pocket.

" Look carefully. "

The scientist opened the jar and put the coin in it.

Closed it.

" Wait for Sometime. "

Said the Scientist.

After Half an Hour , The sand fully absorbed the silver coin. Tomo and Gyuki was amazed of witnessing it with Thier own eyes.

" Sorry , It took more than half an hour , isn't it ? "

Apologized the Scientist.

" Umm. Thank you for wasting my precious time but I think , it's worth "

Said Tomo.

" Oh. The Time it takes by the sand to fully absorb the substance depends on the mass of that substance. To successfully absorb a sliver coin it takes half an hour then it will take at least 8 months to absorb an Elephant. "

The scientist Chuckles

" Oh ? [ Stand up. ] How much ? "

Asked Tomo.

" 80 Million US Dollars. Deal ? "

The scientist fixed an amount.

After hearing that huge amount , Gyuki said to the ears of Tomo :

" The amount is very huge. We only have 65 million as our allotted budget. "

" [ Clears his throat ]_ The amount is little much huge. We will give you , About 60 Million US Dollars. Deal ? "

" What !? I have many other huge industries to buy the product , but I was willing to give it to you because I thought you will give me a good amount. But , My thoughts was just a lie. "

Said the Scientist. Sadly.

" If you are unwilling to give me 80 , then I have no other options. "

Said the Scientist and gave a thumbs up signal to his bodyguards.

Just after the guards saw that signal , they ran towards Gyuki and Tomo to attack them.

" Here we go again. Shit ! "

Said Gyuki.

One of the guard tried to punch Tomo , while Tomo using his left hand blocked that attack. Then using his right hand , gave a powerful punch of his belly. Due to that punch , the guard lowers down. Then using His elbow , Tomo gave a punch at the guards back. That guard fell down.

" One down. "

Said Tomo.

While Gyuki , opened his suitcase and took a gun from it.

" Wait , he have a gun inside his suitcase ! "

Said the Scientist.

The bodyguards usually never checks the suitcase which contains money inside it. Using that as a chance , Gyuki carried a gun inside it.

A six bullet containing Pistol.

Gyuki Shoots all six bullets. Out of those six bullets , four of them was on target and four guards died.

Then a guard came to slash Gyuki using a knife.

Gyuki using his right hand blocked the attack.

While the guard tried to kick him using his right leg. Gyuki fell down after he got the kick.

Tomo took a knife from a dead guard's pocket and thrown it at the guard. The knife get stabbed through guard's neck and that guard died a painful death.

Tomo punched at a Guard's face and thrown that guard at another Guard's direction. Both of the guards also fell down.

Gyuki took a knife from another dead guard's pocket and thrown it towards Tomo.

Tomo caught it ane stabbed one guard at his belly. Blood flooded from his belly.

now only a single Guard remaining.

Only one.

At that moment , Infront of the Scientist , Tomo uses a spell.

Tomo points his pointing finger towards the remaining guard. Suddenly , a violet coloured spherical shaped magic spell appeared at his finger point. That spell was made of Electricity.

A spherical electrical ball which is constantly in motion. Tomo striked that guard with that spell. That spell hitted that target at very great unimaginable speed.

Tomo Breathes heavily.

" It's been a while since I get into a fight. Don't ever forget , When I get into a Fight , I'll never finish it without winning it. [ Breathes Heavily ] That's my one and only policy. "

Said Tomo.

" I don't need any money [ Frightened ] , You take the sand for free. Please spare me. PLEASE ! "

Said The Scientist by fear.

Gyuki gave Tomo the suitcase.

" You take the 60 Million. I don't take anything for free. "

Said Tomo by giving the scientist the money.

At a Forest ,

After the Laboratory incident , Tomo and Gyuki goes inside a forest.

While they were walking ,

" What are you exactly planning to do with that sand ? And also with this dead body of that guard ? "

Asked Gyuki.

" You still don't know me well , Don't you ? [ Clears his Throat ] , You heard to what the Scientist said ?

The sand will absorb anything. I will make that sand to absorb this dead body. It will at least take one month but , no worries , then I will control this body's mind will Strike attack on that city. "

" whose City ? Actually , What city ? "

Asked Gyuki with doubt.

" You forgot about whom our real Targets are ? Our Real Targets are....

Akigu and Mandra. "

Said Tomo.