Rage Of Zeinzetzu

" So are you planning to use this to attack them ? "

Asked Tomo curiously.

" Not them , the whole city of thier. "

Replied Tomo.

" What are you exactly planning to do ? "

Asked Gyuki.

Inside those Forests. In that extreme silence. The only voice that can be heard was Thier's. Gyuki's and Tomo's.

" Tomorrow they both will go to college. I will attack them by sending some clones of mine. They will not survive that attack. I will capture them. Then I will extract that power of his. That Mark. "

Said Tomo with a scary face and with a happy mood.

" But , still I don't understand what you are planning to do with this dead guy and that moving sand. "

Asked Gyuki.

" Capturing them both with clones is actually my plan. And creating the demon is Plan B. Actually. "

Said Tomo.

The next Day , Sun Rose. Inside a cave located deep inside a forest. Inside that cave , it's the hideout of Them.



A secret evil organisation created by Tomo to capture something and then using them to create a great Powerful power.

Using that Magic , he can create a new reality. Within that reality , he can live a life that he never can.

Inside that cave , there is a round table. Around that table , it's some chairs.

Gyuki and Tomo were sitting on two chairs.

" So what are you gonna do now ? "

Asked Gyuki.

" I have a very good plan in my hands. [ Stand up ] , I'm gonna make some clones now. "

Replied Tomo.

Tomo then using his hands , wave some hand symbols.


From the surface of the ground , some dirt started to rose up. Those Darkish coloured dirt then slowly took shape of a human. Slowly , slowly , the process continues.

Finally , It took the shape of a human being. They look like Tomo. They are his dirt clones.

They look exactly like him. They had a sword on Thier hips.

He used here a Technique to make them.

The speciality of this clones are that they are very skillful in marital arts.

He created over 14 Clones.

" I need Akigu and Mandra alive. GO ! "

Commanded Tomo.

The clones dispersed. They Went to capture Them.

Akigu and Mandra.

" You must also go , Gyuki. You need to make thier headmaster as a hostage. So we can capture them with low difficulty. "

Said Tomo.

At The College.

Akigu and his friends were on their way to get to the classroom.

" Will you be there for the party tonight ? "

Asked One.

" Nah I won't be there. I have some other businesses to do you know. "

Replied Sakumo , sarcastically.

" Can't we after the class go to the theatre and saw one ? "


" Hey Akigu , what's you thought about it ? "

Asked Sakumo.

" You decide. I'm ready as always. "

Replied Akigu.

" Then after the class , fixed! "


They reached the classroom.

They all sat at their benches.

The teacher arrived.

" Good Morning Teacher. "

Everyone wished her.

" Thank you. Sit down. "

She replied in response.

As Usual , thier class started.

As Started the afternoon , their college ended.

It was at that moment , the dark fate started.

The teacher said :

" Look around the class. What is It ? It's full of waste papers around here and there. "

Said the Teacher.

" The lady who usually cleans that all are on a leave for one or two days. Wait , Today I will make 2 of you to clean this classroom. "

Said the Teacher.

" Ah yes. From boys side , Akigu can do it. Can you ? and From Girls side. Let me see [ She looks at everyone ] , Mandra can do that. Can you ? "

They both stayed silent.

" Ok You both do it. "

Said the Teacher and leave the classroom.

" Hey Did you need our help ? "

Asked Sakumo to Akigu.

" No need. We can do it. Wait for me at the Burgers. "

Said Akigu.

All the students left.

" So where do we start at ? "

Asked Akigu.

" As you like [ Chuckles}. "

Replied Mandra.

They both , started to clean all the corners of the classroom.

It took then almost 15 minutes to clean that big lengthy room.

" Man I worked a lot than usual. "

Said Akigu to himself.

" Can we go ? "

Asked Mandra.

" Yeah sure. Come on.."

Said Akigu in respond.

They both get out from the classroom, at that moment. When they was walking through the Varanda, The clones Tomo made surrounded them. It was a little wider two sided varada , they surrounded Them both from both sides.

Suddenly they both got scared.

" How about you don't make a scene and surrender to us ? "

Asked one of the Clone.

" Wait - Who are you guys ? You look like , You have a sword , brother. What's All this ? Who are you ? "

Asked Akigu.

Gyuki cleared all the students outside the college campus and tied the headmaster.

" If you don't surrender , I will make you to ! "

By saying that , a Clone punched Mandra at her face.

Akigu saw that and tried to save her. While a clone punched at his belly which made him fall down. Akigu fell down.

The clone then punches on fallen Mandra's face.

Akigu was almost going unconscious.


Seeing Mandra get hurt by some peoples , Whom he consider as a close friend , made an emotional Impact on him.

There was a Pentagon shaped black coloured tattoo on side of his neck. It was not really a tatoo. It was a curse. A curse which contains with darkness. Darkness only.

Suddenly , that curse mark started to shine. Glowing black.

Then a purple coloured darked aura started to be appearing around him. The purple aura was revolving around him for a while , then it stopped revolving. His eyes turned purple. His black hair get too brownish.

He now became more like a cursed being.

" Hey what's happening here ? "

Said one of the clone.

Akigu by that time almost lost hundred percent of his consciousness.

Akigu then get up and gave a punch to the belly of a clone. His hand pierced through the clone's belly. Dirt started flowing from the pierced part.

Then he gave a kick to the chest part of that clone , the clone went flying.

two Clones came running from his back side , by waving thier swords.

Akigu with rage , started running towards those clones. Akigu gave a kick to one of a clone , the other clone tried to slice Akigu , while Akigu blocked that attack. Then using the same swords , he slice that clone Into two halves.

Then he threw that sword to a clone. The sword sliced through the clone's head.

" Hey , Anyone stop him ! "

Said one of a clone.

Now four clones had been destroyed by Akigu.

Akigu then created sword like weapon on his right hand using the dark purple aura. That sword was little wider than usual sword. Fully black in colour. It is Attached to his hand thus he can wield it more easier. That sword is _ - " Knnul's Dark. "

Akigu using that weapon , sliced and stabbed many clones. He murdered them all in a terrifying way. He is now fully like a Monster.

Now only two clones left.

Only Two....

He disabled the Knnul's Dark.

Akigu lower down. He took a sword from a destroyed dirt clone.

He walked towards them slowly. With Making a creepy sound. Mandra was witnessing all these things from laying on the ground. Her heart beat was hearable. She was scared.

He then stopped walking when he reached infront of those clones. He then using the sword sliced away the heads of those two remaining clones.

Mandra was astonished of seeing that.

Then he slightly turned his head back.

He saw Mandra lying on the ground.

He is fully out of control , thus a mentality to kill her came into his mind.

He suddenly enabled the Weapon - Knnul's Dark.

" Aaaah- ! Someone help ! "

Mandra cried loudly. But sad , no one was there to here that except one.

Suddenly , A man wearing blue coloured lengthy top and wearing a black normal pant Came by breaking the widow of the college. He have a sword In his hand.

He landed in middle of Laying Mandra and Rage Akigu. He had an earpiece.

" On location. 'A' and 'M' on control. "

Said that guy to the earpiece.

" No need of other Back-up. Can Handle Alone. Over - 0078 "

Said the Guy.

Suddenly Akigu attacked that guy using his Knnul's Dark. He tried to slice that guy using that.

By his good , he dodges that attack.

" 'A' Out of Control. Alert. "

Said the guy.

Akigu tried to punch that guy but that guy blocked that punch. Akigu the gave a powerful kick to the guy's belly. He went flying. He lost his earpiece due that.

That guy stood up even after that great kick.

A kick which is very powerful.

Akigu then due to some reasons , fell down unconscious.

Mandra ran near to him.

" No. Don't ! "

Said that Guy.

" It's not good to go near him. I will inform an ambulance. Don't be Afraid of me. Trust me. I'm not someone dangerous. I'm Good. I will explain about all this to you. And you must re explain those things to this Boy when he is awake. "

Said the Guy.

Akigu laying down unconscious.

[ Chapter - 2 Ends ]