Most chicks won't eat veal

Judith POV.

After coming back from Las Vegas I met Alan for dinner, I know I'm gonna regret it but i cant just ignore him, he is the father of my son after all.

"So, Vegas was good?" Alan said to me.

"It was fine" i replied.

"Alan, I really want to apologize for putting you through this. I was wrong to blame you for my unhappiness" i said as I'm trying to keep things civil between us.

"No, no need to apologize. What's important is that we're here and we're working on our marriage. You look great, by the way. Must be all the extra oxygen they pump into the casinos" Alan kept talking and i tried to interrupt him, god i knew i would regret this, I'm already getting stressed.

" Alan…" I tried to say but he kept talking.

" And you were right. I see now that the time apart did us both a lot of good. I know I've grown. I'm not that suffocating guy you threw out of the house four and a half days ago, let me tell you that. Jake's doing fine. You were concerned about him being around my brother, but Charlie's great with kids, it's Johnny I'm worried about" Alan said and without giving me time to speak he continued.

"And I think we're gonna look back on this as a new beginning for our marriage. A rebirth. A renaissance, if you will" Alan said and i can't take it anymore.

"Alan, I think I'm gay" I said to him.

"Dammit Johnny" Alan said and my heart skipped a beat.

"W-Wait, what did Johnny tell you?!!" I said.

"Oh nothing important, anyway, we'll make a list. On one side, we'll put gay stuff…"

/A Few hours later\

Johnny POV.

I was lying on the sundeck when Alan and Charlie came outside and Alan started screaming at Charlie.

"What is wrong with you? Are you insane? Do you have any sense

of right and wrong?"

"Probably not. How was dinner?" Charlie said.

"How could you put Jake in a poker game with grown men?" Alan ignored him and kept screaming.

"I obviously can't be trusted. So, how was dinner?" Charlie kept asking.

"I leave you alone with him for a couple of hours…" Alan continued his grunt and i said.

"It doesn't look like it went very well Charlie" I said

"No shit, but I'm just gonna keep asking" Charlie said and Alan finally answered.

"Dinner was swell. We both had the veal piccata and she's gay!" Alan said.

"Wow. Most chicks won't eat veal" Charlie joked but Alan got pissed.

"Why do I even try talking to you?" He said.

"Come on, I'm just trying to get you to lighten up a little. this is not bad just for you, it sucks for me too" Charlie said.

"Oh yeah? tell me Charlie, how is it bad for you huh?" Alan said angrily. 

Charlie walks to me and hands me a 100 dollar bill that I take and put in my pocket while still lying on the chair.

"I bet a hundred bucks she was cheating and johnny bet that she was a lesbian so… everyone loses in this situation" Charlie said.

"I don't and just to make it clear, I don't think she's a lesbian, I just thought that's the excuse she was going to use to try and escape from you" I said and took a sip of my margarita.

"you're not helping, now common Alan it could be worse, try to lighten up a little, I'll make us some more margaritas and we can all enjoy them" Charlie said.

"I don't need to lighten up. The world I live in is dark. Dark and rainy. And you're useless in it!" Alan said and started walking away.

"Really? I wasn't useless when you needed a place to stay" Charlie said

"Obviously that was a mistake" Alan replied. 

"Are you sure? Maybe we should make a list" Charlie screamed but Alan was already gone.

"Don't be so harsh on him, it's really hard to find out your wife of 12 years actually likes the same sex as you, it's like going on a date and she orders the same as you, and instead of giving you what she couldn't eat, she finishes first and asks for a piece of yours, it is my worst nightmare" I said.

"that's oddly specific little brother, but somehow i can't find a way to disagree" Charlie said.

"that's the beauty of life big brother, anyway, you want one" i said and offered him a margarita.

"i can't say no to that" he answered and laid down on the other chair.