You kept playing with a pee soaked sock?

Johnny POV

Sometimes the ocean seems to calm down, you lay on your board and just feel the small waves forming and then you hear them breaking, like a kid that just expent all his energy running and now has rest a little. 

Memories go through my head, sometimes life seems to make you a fool, other times it makes you a hero, i was really young when dad died so i don't miss him as much as Charlie and Alan did.

It did affect me in the end, cause mom felt like she already had screwed up with Alan and Charlie so she tried to be better to me, well, she tried, so i guess i ended up a little better them Charlie and Alan but i don't think im that much less mentally hurt than them, being spoiled can be as bad to someone personality development as being ignored or controlled tightly like she did to them.

A lot of crazy shit happened to me, some were good and other not so much, i've met so many people, lot's of woman, made a lot of friends around the world, the sad thing is that when i came back home to live close to my family i didn't really had any friends in here so i felt kinda lonely, but it didn't last long as i started to meet a lot of people.

Anyway, a really good friend of mine called asking for help with something, so im gonna be catching a flight to the big apple in order to meet with him.

I went back to the beach so i can go to charlie's take a shower and them go back to my house and prepare my thing so i can catch my flight, as i approach the house i see someone under the sundeck enjoying a book on a chair.

"Hey Rose" I say as i get closer.

"Hello johnny" she answers.

"Still stalking Charlie?" I ask.

"Yeah, i'm probably going to be around for sometime so if you need something just ask me" She said.

"Sure, have a good day" I said and started going up the stairs to the sundeck

"You too" I hear Rose say.

As i walk into the house i see Charlie and Jake playing sock golf, i dont wanna brag but i've been the champion since i started in junior school.

"The 18th hole, all square. The defending champion looks to have an easy tap-in for a birdie as the gallery waits breathlessly for the rookie to respond" Charlie said. 

"I don't remember you being the champion in what? 20 years? what lies are you telling our nephew charlie?" I said and they look at me surprised as they were to focused to notice me getting in the house.

"Can you two please stop talking? I'm trying to focus" Jake said and went back into position ready to make his shot.

Jake then proceeded to make one of the best shots i've seem, an eagle on the 18th hole is one of those things that stick in your memory.

"Yeah!!" Jake screamed.

"It's unbelievable. An eagle on the 18th. This has never happened before in the history of sock golf!" Charlie says in the wood spoon as if it was an microphone and i join the commemoration as Alan walks in through the front door with groceries.

"A little help here?" He says.

"Fans are coming out of the gallery with sacks of groceries and surf boards for the young phenom" Charlie keeps narrating and takes a bottle from the sacks of groceries.

"What's going on?" Alan asks.

"I won. I beat Uncle Charlie" jake says.

"Excuse me, didn't I ask you to fold the laundry?" Alan asked.

"Laundry? Are you barking mad?" Charlie said.

"The child just won the coveted Palmolive Cup" he continued and proceeded to give the bottle to Jake.

"I won. You lose" jake said and ran to his room.

"When I ask Jake to do something, I need you to help me make sure he does it. I'm trying to teach him responsibility" Alan said and picked a sock from the floor.

"This sock is soaking wet" Alan said.

"Yeah, I chipped into the water hazard on the ninth and the lid was open" Charlie said.

"So, this is toilet water?" Alan asks.

"At least" Charlie answered and alan proceeded to drop the sock.

"You kept playing with a pee soaked sock?" I asked.

"Anything is valid for socks golf, besides if i had take other sock i would get a penalty stroke" Charlie answered.

"True, anyway i wanted to let you guys know that i'm going to new york to visit a friend so i'll be back in two days" I said.

"Really, dang it, i was going to ask you to help me write a song for a commercial" Charlie said.

"You will probably just copy beethoven Charlie, i know you, anyway, i'm just going to shower and go back to my place" I said and started walking to the shower.

"It's public domain Johnny" Charlie says.

"Whatever you say big brother"